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So how is your 2018 going, eh?

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The year is now half-gone (hard to believe), so here it is: the official and inevitable "How is your 2018 going?" thread.


In 2017, I had 136 sales total, and 69 sales during the first six months of 2018. My current gross income is about 43% of my 2017 total.


So the pattern is looking remarkably similar...

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Volume and revenue up 64% Jan-June,  53% of last year's revenue as a whole, average down 1/3 on last year as a whole but the same as Jan-June last. Encouraging, I thought my averages were suffering but apparently not on careful analysis.

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Total sales in 2017 were 191, currently have 105. 

Total revenues in 2017 were $6060 gross and currently at $3152 gross for the first 6 months of 2018. 


So a little ahead of 2017 but with a great deal more images. 4% increase in revenues from maybe a 30% increase in images? 


Zooms are also way down from their peak of 95 in November 2017 for the rolling month, compared to a current total of 60. 

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4.5 years in and my sales and revenue are still on an upward trajectory.  79% of last years sales numbers already banked (139 in 2018 vs 175 sales in 2017). 70% of last years revenue already accrued.  Looking forward to the second half of the year.

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Jan to end of June 2017: 77 sales

Jan to end of June 2018: 113 sales


Revenue up by 62%.


July is statistically a slow month for me so I don't expect anything spectacular, but overall I'm very happy! Thank you Alamy.



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At the half way point of 2018 I'm at 2/3rds of the number of sales from 2017 and slightly more in terms of revenue and that is despite June being a washout.  So all in all upwards and onwards.   

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Considering we are half way through 2018, a lot worse then 2017. Which was a lot worse than 2016. Which was a damn site better than 2015. Which was the same as 2017.


Which only goes to show that Alamy mucking about with the search engine in 2017 has affected my sales.





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Compared with end of June 2017,


Image numbers increased by 11.5%


Views up 7%

Zooms up 8%

Sale numbers up 10%

Gross value up 19%


2017 was the first year where sales/income were not higher than the previous year (ie. 2016 is presently my best year)



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2018 not quite as encouraging for Alamy sales growth mid point as previous years. My gross sales revenue stats:


1 Jan -30 June 2018 13% up on 2017

1 Jan -30 June 2017 49% up on 2016

1 Jan -30 June 2016 44% up on 2015


Definite slowdown for me in the pace of sales revenue growth, in spite of adding around 1000 shots monthly for the past year. At least the trend is currently still upwards.

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Things were going swimmingly for me following a tweak to the Alamy search engine in late 2017, which up until then had been very poor compared to previous years. Zooms and sales then returned to reasonable levels. Then, as Allan notes,  Alamy made another change to the search engine in May 2018 which returned it largely to the state it was in 2017. As a result my views, zooms and sales have again been decimated. 

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