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September Challenge BROKEN

Colin Woods

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Last month my wife of 20 years, for whom I left the UK to live in Quebec, for whom I quit my career, everything in fact announced that she was fed up with me and was leaving. To say I was disappointed is to miss my turbulent reaction by a light year. Several topics came to mind  - WTF? and In the Sh*t were a couple that sprang to mind. I settled on BROKEN in the end - a bit melodramatic but what the heck, I'm allowed to be a bit dramatic. You can interpret Broken as you wish, it can be physically broken, emotionally or spritually. Over to you and as usual your three entires must come from your Alamy selection and I will pick the eight finalists at the end of the month.

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I hope everything works out for the best, Colin.


I'll kick things off with my three "broken" offerings.


1. Broken economy -- store closed due to COVID-19





2.Broken technology -- abandoned payphone





3. Broken life -- homeless woman with her possessions



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My three:



One of the cats broke a vase.




Broken door hinge being repaired.




Breaking the road to build barricades in a time of civil unrest in Nicaragua.

Edited by MizBrown
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Colin, so sorry to hear this news.  I have been there.  Was able to stay in the "rodeo" for 16yrs, fortunately it was probably the best for both of us and we remain on very good terms.  A fitting subject for the challenge...2020 has be been broken is so many ways.


My three.


1) An old and broken statue of "Our Lady of Sorrows" in New Mexico, USA




2) A depressed teenager in her bedroom




3) A broken down toy car on a road map



Edited by Michael Ventura
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I’m very sorry, Colin. I wish you all the best. Life can be especially cruel at times. 

My three...


Broken Chair, symbolizing opposition to land mines and cluster bombs.




Granddaughter with broken leg, after progressing from hard cast to walking boot.




Police directing traffic around broken trees and power lines, the result of a small tornado.




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Hi Colin. That is so so sad, moreover when there are children involved. It’s very tough but you will come through it. You come across as a really nice genuine guy on the forum and a really talented photographer. Best wishes. Michael

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Colin, I am so sorry. I wish I had something to say I thought would be remotely helpful. I wish you better things on the other side of this journey.


My photos:

A broken piece of ice



A walnut broken open on a cracked wooden stump



My daughter holding up a broken shell


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so sorry Colin, such a hard thing to go through.  not sure what to say... do make sure to accept any support that is offered....  be safe


here are my 3, including first one for you


mending a broken heart







Pushing a broken down vintage car





Broken word leaving Nothing






Edited by meanderingemu
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So sorry to hear your sad news. It feels a little awkward to enter this challenge on such a sad note. There will be happiness again, I promise, time is a big healer.


Broken Rock



Broken Ice



Broken phones


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5 hours ago, Colin Woods said:

Thanks for all your generous words. It is an unhappy time indeed, but that's the way it goes sometimes. No use crying, just keep going. Time is indeed the great healer, as is looking at these great photos. Keep 'em coming.


Sorry to hear your news Colin, but a great positive response, stay strong.


Interesting challenge I'll see what is in the bag.

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Dear Colin,


When we're broken and feel like we're drowning...


(Cerclo Humano sculpture at the Museo Atlantico underwater museum


... empty inside and suffocating...


(The "gas masks room" inside the abandoned elementary school number 3 in Pripyat, Chernobyl exclusion zone


... it helps to remember that even the biggest f**kups can and will be fixed, somehow.


(New Safe Confinement of Chernobyl reactor no. 4

Edited by Sybille Reuter
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Colin - really sorry to hear this news. Hope things turn out OK - they often have a habit of doing so.


Here's my three;


1. Broken down safari vehicle with a pride of lions not far off!





2. Broken Sainsbury's supermarket (sign)





3. Old broken rusting cars in the rainforest, Guatemala





Best wishes



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Very sorry to hear about your tragic news. My wife passed away in 2000 which was bad enough but I think your wife leaving you must be an even worse feeling.

Vandalised public phone box (Broken)


The end of the Vinyl record (Broken)
Discarded eggshell (Broken)
Edited by Allan Bell
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Oh Colin,


What has happened to you is with no doubt the worst that can happen to an expat.

I wish you to find happiness again soon.




This broken electric guitar was my first sale on Alamy, a long time ago:



An electric pole that broke down after a small cyclone:




And a Mac Donald's sign broken by the same cyclone:



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Colin, so sorry to hear you have split up with your wife. I've been there and done that (twice!!) but things do get better.


Anyway, here is an entry to the competition.


Broken rejected pottery at Burleigh Middleport pottery factory Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire England UK





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Colin, so sorry to read your awful news.  I had a break up last November and, although it really hurts, you will come through the other side.  Thinking of you...


My three:

Broken white goods





Broken roof during a storm


Broken car


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Deleted entries. I realized my garage sale would be going on about the time of judging and passing the baton. On the million to one chance of being selected, (none of my images have ever been sniffed 😁)  I wouldn’t have time to deal with it.

Good luck, everyone!



Edited by Betty LaRue
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