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Cecile Marion

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    Paris & N. Florida


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  • Joined Alamy
    14 Jan 2017

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Community Answers

  1. HT84XP Young women posing with Fearless Girl statue, NYC 2G06NTK Science will win slogan, NYC PTAA35 Autumnal decorations, NYC 2H3BWA1 Cuban sandwich shop, Treasure Island, Florida JJ9ED7 Jars of homemade pickled vegetables, Flagstaff, Arizona 2H8P2J5 Old house, rural southern Georgia road
  2. JYKBEK How many workers does it take? NYC TATHYC Sullivan County, Pennsylvania farm K2HXK1 Coney Island HMNWBH Union Square Farmer’s Market, NYC
  3. 2T4JF7M Three servicemen, Vietnam War Memorial, Washington, DC 2E56HR3 Disc golf sign, Cedar Key, Florida PTJNT2N Corn on the cob booth, New York City JJGF56 Ponderosa Pines, Northern Arizona TRAKC7 New York Stock Exchange TATHW5 Old train depot, Dushore, Pennsylvania K9N026 Coney Island New York 2T7FY8F Saying on church marque, Washington, DC
  4. I’ll give it a go… KWRYRN Manatees, Crystal River, Florida 2M3YEM4 Arizona Centennial near Flagstaff 2TANTBN Alexandria, Virginia National Cemetery TRF9RP Handbag Heaven, New York City T0KCFN Sedona, Arizona TRHMG4 Stonewall Memorial Park, New York City KHM9CD Paynes Prairie Preserve, Florida 2T3PBX2 US Capitol, Washington, DC 2E98R24 Cedar Key, Florida R91B8T Fishermen, Florida Keys
  5. Please vote for one. Voting will end at midnight UK time on November 7.
  6. Yellow freight train, StokeCreative Men on sugar harvest train, Wiskerke Kitchen car Thailand, ReeRay Boy on tracks, Betty LaRue Busselton Jetty train, Sally Robertson Smoke break, TeeCee Train along the Thames, Avpics Train engineer, Steve F
  7. The October competition has now concluded. Thank you very much to all who participated. Narrowing the selection down to eight will not be an easy task, but I will do my best to upload a poll sometime Friday. Cecile
  8. There are a little over 27 hours left in the October competition. This thread will close at midnight UK time (8 PM US Eastern). Many wonderful photos have been posted! I will have some difficult decisions to make!
  9. Wonderful photos, Gervais, but it seems you’ve posted more than the limit. Would you please narrow your submissions down to three. Many thanks! Cecile
  10. Less than a week to go on this month’s friendly competition.
  11. I made a few attempts to get a ticket to the Last Supper, with no luck. I found Milano to be interesting. There was a lot going on when I was there a few years ago, but I found it to be an expensive city. On my next trip I’ll only be passing through and changing trains while headed to Torino. I’ve enjoyed seeing photos of your trip, Michael. Hoping for more. Edo, I wish I spoke more than 20 words of Italian. It’s a bit of an embarrassment to me that I don’t.
  12. Keep them coming, folks! I can already see that settling on eight entries is going to be a difficult job!
  13. Here’s an updated topics list (with thanks to Wim and TeeCee!): 2024 October: Trains September: Glass August: playing July: Wet June: our feathered friends May: New Life April: Sun and Shade March: Ships and Boats February: Old person doing something (no portraits) January: Family 2023 December: Young November: Water October – On Your Bike September – Human/Animal Interaction August – Charity July – Balls in Action June – Bridges May – Forward, Ahead April – Upward March – Downward February – Gold January – UNESCO World Heritage Sites 2022 December – Performances November – Getting Warm October – Olden Days September – Fear and Danger August – Hands at Work July- Alfresco June – Transport May – Song Titles April - Cats and Dogs March - Landmarks February - Chiaroscuro January - On a Walk 2021 December - Smile! November - Weather! October - World Markets September - Agriculture! August - Seaside July - Small town life June - Family May - in Between the Lines April - Buskers March - People February - Doors and Windows January - Pandemic 2020 December - Repetition November - Photographers October - Orange September - Broken August - Homegrown or Home brewed July - Fire, Water, Earth and Air June - Green May - Signs April - Social Gathering March - Fog and Mist February - Sustainability January - Irony 2019 December - Holiday Spirit November - Empty October - Attention to the Reflection (Urban) September - Faces August - Climate July - Children in Action June - Remembrance, Honouring, Celebrating May - The Thrill and Joy of Sport April - Women's Role in Todays Society March - Eating February - What is Love? January - Happy New! 2018 December - Converging Lines November - The City October - You Wear It Well September - Think Local August - NEWS July - FUN June - National parks scenery (pure nature) May - Twilight April - In or On the Water March - Without leaving the house (or garden) February - Winter Activities January - Music 2017 December - Taste November - Iconic October - Failure September - Critters August - On The Beach July - Street Art June - Festivals May - Transport April - Proverbs and sayings March - Urban Wildlife February - Urban Landscape January - Friendship and Friends 2016 December - Behind November - Trees October - River September - Our Native Land August - Digital Manipulation July - Pedal Power June - Help May - Worm's eye view April - City March - Joy of Travel February - The Blue Hour January - Silhouettes and Shadows 2015 December - Motion November - Solitary October - The Decisive Moment September - Concept August - Travel Magazine cover July - Skyline June - Environmentally Friendly May - Communication April - Little March - The Good Life February - I don't know why I like it.. January - Informal Portrait of a Stranger 2014 December - Festivities November - Autumn Colour (Color) October - Shoot Local September - Music August - Bridges July - My Favourite Place June - Perspective May - Rules April - Abstract/Minimalism March - Health February - The Unusual / The Weird / The Lucky Shot January - Sunset 2013 December - Peace November - Cold October - Harmony September - Triumphant August - Taking it easy July - Heat June - Night May - Excess April - In the Air Old forum: March - Minimalism February - Forgotten January - Alone 2012 December - Togetherness November - A Magical Moment October - Autumn - was probably the first
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