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30,000 images for sale and $300,000 gross income reached

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What an amazing achievement Kumar! Congratulations. A well deserved reward of your dedication. Keep on travelling and uploading! 

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Great achievement, Doc. I started submitting about 4 years after you and just caught the tail end of those lucrative early fees. I'm still going but at a reduced rate and it's my love of photography that keeps me involved.


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2 hours ago, Doc said:

Two targets reached this month. With a total of 8,285 sales in 18 years.

I was among the fortunate who joined Alamy relatively early and learned/benefited from the knowledge of others on the forum at that time, and the substantially higher prices of stock in the noughties. The heady days of grossing nearly $30,000 annually with a portfolio of 17,000 images have sadly gone with no prospect of return, and I wonder what the future will bring when I see, particularly this year, views and zooms falling substantially even compared with a year or two ago.

However, I remain extremely grateful to Alamy who have enabled me to turn a hobby into a means to early retirement and given me an incentive to get out and about, travel and incorporate photography into all aspects of life. (And provide an excuse for buying lenses/cameras which my wife partially accepts!)

I enjoy the Alamy model and workflow, and thank Alan (going), both James (one gone, one hopefully staying) and all other Alamy staff for providing what I believe is still the best (and in my case) only place to sell images.

At one stage we set up the Cambridge Alamy group who met monthly, but unfortunate COVID put an end to that, but I remain hugely grateful to my fellow photographers, especially those who contribute to the forum and the images found thread for their support without which this would be a more boring environment.

Given that I enjoy this work, I will continue to contribute to Alamy. Thank you to Alamy and to you all for the company!




Well said Doc,


I agree 100%.  As someone who has only been a photographer all my life, started working for a small daily newspaper when I was 15 years old, I've seen a large number of agencies and libraries come and go.  Alamy has been the best to work with during my 50 years in the business.  Wish I had more images in the collection.



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Well done. It was also a lot of hard graft.  I enjoyed our meetings, it was great fun setting them up.


I nearly had  heart attack when I saw the title of your thread. Thought for a moment you were giving up and trying to sell your images.


All the best for another 30,000 images.




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