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How was your September 2019?

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2 for 22 @ 40%

One presentation and one for web, print, Uncle Tom Cobley & all, which licensed for less than the presentation!


Sales seem to be mimicking last year - started well, then declined rapidly. Zooms at an all-time low. Outlook poor!

Started uploading again, which may or may not help.

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Worst month for well over a year. Just 4 sales for $20 gross - all UK newspaper online uses. Stock is certainly a rollercoaster, as I had 22 sales in August. I've had a $35 sale drop in today though, so that's cheered me up a bit.

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Just 1 sale, my first distributor sale, for $8.51, netting me $2.56. Views were really low as well after a couple of good months and only 1 zoom. So pretty quiet.

Here's hoping next month's better.

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So I guess its not cool to only show up and post when one's had a great month, I'll just give a short summary on how the previous months have been since I last posted.  Number of sales were in the mid to upper 20s there was a month were I had fewer than 20.  $-wise, were just under 1K and even lower for at least two months.  This month 29, for $1,108 and I am happy with that and suddenly quite motivated as well.  Need to work on growing the port and uploading every month, have started to already.


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73 for $2240 gross - an improvement on July and August,  4 in the $$$, maximum $176; one refund from the previous month. Zooms and CTR not as good as a few months ago. 



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