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How was your December?

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23 minutes ago, andremichel said:

Best month of the year if I ignore a very late refund for a $$$ sale I made in July! 


33 sales for $893 gross. 


Ouch!! Was it ever paid? I had a refund for an August sale which was cleared and paid to me in October and refunded in November. So Alamy is clawing back the money on current licenses.

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Pants! December was dead. Overall I exceeded last year's volume by about 30%, but not value which was about 10% lower.


Only bright spot for the month was my account balance which was stuck on $49 was finally tipped over $50 by a late cleared sale. So I'll get a January payout.

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14 sales, which was the second highest of the year, for $157, which was the second lowest of the year.


Views way down and zooms low too. CTR is 0.83.


Payment on the last day doubled the amount I will get this month.


Onwards and upwards for 2021!!



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December not great, only one sale on the 30th which once cleared will buy me a coffee and a biscuit. Averaging 2 sales per month at this point so a bit of a letdown but was nice to see something roll in at the end.


I forgot to add to this I am waiting for at least one news sale which I stumbled across to even be reported yet so technically 2 in Dec too.

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