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How was your November 2019?

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My turn to start the monthly sale figures topic.




32 sales,


I think that's my best ever, mainly due to a bunch of calendar licences. 


Revenue above average.



Edited by Tony
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12 sales, $120 net, so a better month (than the last few) on here for me.


My 'other place' earned me 9.5x more than here in October, and I have c10% more files here, all files unique to each. they don't report until about the 20th of the month, so I have some time to wait before I know how Nov did there.


I'm now on my  'highest licences sold' year here on Alamy (in ten years), but it's my 4th lowest year for earnings. Still, three years are  c$220 gross over this year so far, so it could be better by the end of the year.

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2 hours ago, Cryptoprocta said:

My 'other place' earned me 9.5x more than here in October, and I have c10% more files here, all files unique to each. they don't report until about the 20th of the month, so I have some time to wait before I know how Nov did there.

Wow.  Why not spread those i-images around to the other sites?

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42 for 1603

Which now is a very good month: best of the year. But it used to be just a good month.


Monthly average $$ so far over 2019 vs 2018:  -18.7%

Monthly average amount of images sold (licensed): -4.6%



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Bit below average with 9 sales for $226 gross.


80% of 2018 sales and 71% revenue.


Missed out on a payout by $2. Only 2nd time i've missed out in 3 years, worryingly the last time in August.



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