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June's Challenge - Remembrance, Honouring, Celebrating


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One of my specialist subjects is aviation in many aspects, which sometimes will include remembrance flypasts. Emotional times for many and sometimes difficult to photograph, both physically and emotionally. So anything that could be termed as remembering or honouring those that have gone, or something from the past being remembered or celebrated. Please submit up to three and they must be yours and on Alamy!   Submissions will close June 30th at midnight GMT.













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Congrats on your win. A timely topic choice for June. Here are three from me.


World War I soldiers' helmets and cenotaph in Victory Square during Remembrance Day ceremonies in Vancouver, Canada





Remembrance Day ceremonies in Vancouver





Names of those who died or disappeared during the Salvadorean Civil War (1980-92),  San Salvador, El Salvador






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Great topic AVPics!  


My three:


1) Two WWII Veterans at the WWII War Memorial in Washington DC




2) An emotional woman touching the name of a fallen U.S. soldier at the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC




3) Night has fallen on a war memorial in Charleston, West Virginia, USA



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Great challenge!



RC4R4N  - Berlin Breitscheidplatz memorial at Christmas Market, Berlin City, for the12 victims of 2016 Weihnachtsmarkt terror attack.



AM5KNA  - Vietnam Veterans War Memorial in Washington DC. Silhouettes of visitors reflecting and merging with the names of the fallen. Bringing the past and present together.



DX12J6  - Arlington Marine Corps War Memorial aka as the Iwo Jima Statue.



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Very tough to get it down to three.

Commando Memorial by Scott Sutherland, 1952, Spean Bridge, Highland, Scotland



Statues by Emil Krieger, German war cemetery, Langemark-Poelkapelle, Belgium



A toy koala, Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, Picardie, France

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The London Troops war Memorial at Royal Exchange, London




Gravestones to remember loved ones... but many years have gone by and grass and ivy knows no difference.




Flowers left on a bench in Old Windsor, UK to remember a loved one.




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Remembrance day at Milton cenotaph





WWII American cemetery Madingley Cambridgeshire





Battle of Britain Squadron flypast 








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New memorial to the Unsung Heroes of 9/11, workers whose deaths came long after their work cleaning the destroyed World Trade Center, New York.






Memorial Children's Garden, remembering the lives of now deceased young children, Flagstaff.






Flag Lowering Ceremony, Normandy American Cemetery, Colleville-sur-Mer.



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Three from me




Unknown soldier's grave near Ypres. 




Sunrise over the Commando Memorial at Spean Bridge near Fort William in Scotland





Enduring sadness - the final price of war.


A timely topic now that the war drums are beating around the world again.




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An interesting challenge.  My three:


Scottish government building lit up red for Poppy Scotland



Memorial to the Cove fishing disaster in 1881 in which 189 fishermen lost their lives



Remembrance Day crocheted poppies



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 young girl reads the list of names on the Royal Navy war memorial in Southsea, Portsmouth, England



Open Active service testament 1914 with an old photograph of members of the Manchester regiment and a handwritten note



The drum used by a Royal Marine to signal the sighting the enemy at the battle of Trafalgar, hung on-board HMS Victory , Portsmouth, England


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Interesting and highly topical choice, well done!

Three from me...


Remembrance parade here in Sidmouth.

Sidmouth, Devon, UK. 13th November, 2016. Remembrance Sunday, Sidmouth, Devon, 13th Nov 16 South West Photos / Alamy Stock Photo





Devon police car

Sidmouth, Devon, UK. 9th November . Sidmouth, 9th Nov 18 Devon and Cornwall police have decorated two squad cars with vibrant poppies in honour of the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice in 1918. One car is in operation in Devon, with the other in Cornwall. Photo Central/Alamy Live News Stock Photo






Cleaning the Remembrance Hall, Birmingham.

Worker tends to the roof of Remembrance Hall, Birmingham, with the Wheel of Birmingham behind, Nov 2003 Stock Photo

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My three:


The Great Air Race Memorial in Fannie Bay, marks the point where the first aerial flight from London England to Darwin Australia landed in 1919.



11th Nov, 2018. Commemoration for Remembrance Day for the centenary of the Armistice, at the Darwin Cenotaph on Bicentennial Park in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia




Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. 25th April 2018. Australian military at the parade for Anzac Day 2018 in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia 


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The Medal of Honor Memorial at Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside California

The Medal of Honor Memorial at the Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside California Stock Photo





The site in Santa Clarita California where movie star Paul Walker was killed in an accident on Saturday November 30 2013

The site in Santa Clarita California where movie star Paul Walker was killed in an accident on Saturday November Stock Photo





Memorial Day 2012 at the Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside California for Military Veterans and their spouses

Memorial Day 2012 at the Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside California for Military Veterans and their spouses Stock Photo

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Congratulations on your win, AVPICS, and good topic! Here are my three:




Panoramic view of the poppies at the Tower of London, UK


2. a-single-red-carnation-in-tribute-to-one-of-the-victims-of-the-11-september-2001-attack-the-911-memorial-pools-downtown-new-york-new-york-city-usa-MN3R34.jpg


Single flower in memoriam; the 9/11 Memorial, New York City, USA



3. cambodia-killing-fields-colourful-memorial-ribbons-tied-around-the-M791FE.jpg


Colourful memorial ribbons tied around the mass graves; The Killing Fields, Phnom Penh, Cambodia




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