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How was your August 2020?

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Best month this year for sales with 12, and best month for revenue since July 2019!


Sales 12, revenue $378, lowest $4.91, highest £137.36.


Rolling figures for August:

3rd. August 8 sales 5972 views 53 zooms ctr 0.89

31st. August 9 sales 6773 views 34 zooms ctr 0.50



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57 sales for a gross of $1642 - including 4 in the low $$$ range, best were two both at $150. 


Lowest number of views of the year so far, at 20,100 but zooms not bad at 152 so CTR 0.76


Interestingly, a rather better month than August 2019 for sales and income


Overall, figures generally only around 75% of "normal"



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continuing the slow months.   3 sales, $92 gross.   Only positive is a pick up in zoom and CTR in second half to over 1, so hopefully a bit more activity. 



at least a small sale from June cleared at last minute to put me in payout level.  

Edited by meanderingemu
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