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Well, it's October in lots of places now, so here's what I got in September:

13 sales for $362/141.  Those months with $1000 gross seem gone for me now. 

SS did better ($183) and AS did worse ($115).

How about you?

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An average number of sales, 17, but prices were lower in September....$677 gross.  An odd thing happened this month, I had four sets of twin sales!  This means that 4 buyers each licensed two photos of mine from the same subject or shoot.  That helped my month for sure!

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The month started well with a flurry of sales including a $101 lease, but that fizzled out until a small group of Newspaper leases arrived at the death. 19 for $460 gross. 


Overall, and rather surprisingly, the quantity of sales is holding up reasonably well, but my income is down appreciably this year. Hopefully Mr Dacs will provide a boost later this month.

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Decent month for me as well with 15 sales (average) for $706 gross. Also, the DACS fairy arrived early (today), so I'm a grateful camper overall.


Tough to believe that we're heading into the last quarter of this very strange year... 😷

Edited by John Mitchell
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28 sales for $544 gross.  Happy with the number of sales but the prices are rubbish - I only managed two $$$ and a hanful of low $$.  The rest were those really irritating $, with some being a quarter page print yokes.  Apparently size doesn't matter, according to Alamy.  Onwards!

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Best month for sales since July last year with 16, but prices were bad, so only $297 gross. Highest $82.62, lowest $3.18.


My cleared balance was only $30 yesterday but has gone up to $114 today - so I will get a payout afterall!


Views, zooms and CTR up so looking forward to the flurry of sales this month!



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5 sales ( four RM and one RF) for $115 gross. Happy with the sales volume as this is the second top in the three years I have been contributing.


CTR 3 times more than my average. Fingers crossed for these to be sales soon 🙂

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3 for $65 gross. Gross. 


Crunched some numbers - Sept 2019 vs Sept 2020:


Rise in images (from 11,195 to 12,094) = +7%
Drop in sales (from 7 to 3)
Drop in views (from 6,642 to 4,634) = (30%)
Drop in zooms (from 29 to 10) = (66%)
Drop in CTR (from 0.39 to 0.18) = (54%)


Detailed report on all my September earnings from all stock agencies.


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