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How was your June 2021 ?

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Had another "Other Fees" deduction today but at least only .63 Cents.  June looks like will end on a fairly good note.  19 sales for $997 with 2 above $100.  On a sad note, I will have the lowest payout since just about the beginning of my joining in 2005...just above the threshold. 


(update) I guess I should have waited for the fat lady to sing.  One more sale dropped in late today to make it 20 sales for a gross of $1,072

Edited by Michael Ventura
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The stout lady is still humming here, but it looks like lucky 13 sales for 492 gross*, which is about average. Strange month with a flurry of tiddlers followed by some decent sales, including a solid $$$ license and two high $$ ones. Two presentation sales but no PU in the mix.


*UPDATE: A last-minute PU license (full price) slipped under the door, so I guess that will make it 14 for 512 gross.



Edited by John Mitchell
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6 minutes ago, Michael Ventura said:

Had another "Other Fees" deduction today but at least only .63 Cents.  June looks like will end on a fairly good note.  19 sales for $997 with above $100.  On a sad note, I will have the lowest payout since just about the beginning of my joining in 2005...just above the threshold. 


I too had another "other fees" deduction show up today ($1.84).


Lower than usual payout for me as well, but not dreadful. Not looking forward to the commission change now looming on the horizon... 😬

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3 hours ago, MizBrown said:

I don't think many of us left.  So far, Alamy has removed my photos but not, apparently, my access to this.  Dashboard doesn't recognize me, now.  If I'd had more $$ licenses instead of three $ licenses and one $$, June would have been a great month. 


Que le vaya bien.

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Brutal - worst month since Oct 2020 (and it was bad)  in terms of revenue


June was dyer (sic) - the first refund (s) in my thirteen years on Alamy. Two presentation licences, both of Danny Dyer at a celebrity football match - purchased 11 June, refunded 24 June.


I explained how this happens to my wife who said it sounded like someone taking a dress home, then wearing it at an event before taking it back to the shop again and getting a refund.


Not quite the "rag trade" but getting worse.





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10 licences for $161.32 gross, $81.18 net.

Side note: wonder how much Alamy makes each month simply by rounding odd numbers on individual sales in their favour? Mony a mickle maks a muckle.

Edited by Cryptoprocta
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8 for $732, the last one brought my avg down from ~$100/image. No matter, a very good month for me.  3/8 were $$$ which is around the ratio I've been getting for $$$ sales out of total sales this year. Pity that soon the commission will get slashed, will be hard to get excited even with decent sales.  

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A strange month. Sales were 19, (the best since November 2018) but revenue only $352.


No $$$ sales, highest $57.29. Mostly $ sales, although they all count.


Only 2 sales up to the 21st, then 17 sales in 8 days including 8 on one day, which is the joint most sales I've made on a single day.


Onwards and downwards.



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