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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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I'm typing this with one hand. I had a fall today. Tripped stepping over a low fence. I'm in pain and my left arm is useless. This will be an immediate inconvenience or worse. Normally I would pop down to my local NHS clinic. Not possible with the pandemic. 


This is the result of ageing. I just can't do all this routine things I used to do. 



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Ohhh nooo. The dreaded fall. If I trip at all I start going v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. You must be able to go to a doctor. I can't believe they would really prevent that. It's important, Edo. If, heaven forbid, you broke something it should be set properly as soon as possible. You don't want to be stuck with a permanent problem.



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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:

I'm typing this with one hand. I had a fall today. Tripped stepping over a low fence. I'm in pain and my left arm is useless. This will be an immediate inconvenience or worse. Normally I would pop down to my local NHS clinic. Not possible with the pandemic. 


This is the result of ageing. I just can't do all this routine things I used to do. 



You do need to go get it checked out.  If broken, it needs to be dealt with!  Hopefully just a sprain.

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Edo, the NHS is still there for this sort of stuff. 


A call to 111 puts you through to a nurse who will assess the issue. They'll find the local service best for you.

(And it's free!)


I appreciate you don't like advice, forgive me for being annoying. 😉

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thank u all for your concern.


I am dealing with this as best I can. I won't be debating your suggestions. every tiny routine thing I do must be worked out. a sucking chest wound would get me to the ER. sometime living alone really sucks. 

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59 minutes ago, AlbertSnapper said:

Shopping, tieing shoe laces etc., these things not easy when one arm is out of action.



I'll second that. I once found myself in plaster from hip to neck for 6 weeks with a 2 year old at home. 

Somehow he managed to fall backwards with the kitchen table on top of him. I couldn't get him out.

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12 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

thank u all for your concern.


I am dealing with this as best I can. I won't be debating your suggestions. every tiny routine thing I do must be worked out. a sucking chest wound would get me to the ER. sometime living alone really sucks. 

Yes it does. My two sisters and I each live alone. One fell on ice a few years ago and had a subdural hematoma. Very serious. The other one slipped on wet leaves a year ago. Subdural hematoma also, not as serious as the other sis’s.
When it’s icy, and I go out to get my newspaper and mail, I take my phone with me. I walk most of the way on grass with nicely treaded footwear instead of walking on the concrete driveway until I have to.  Of course, if I should slip and I’m knocked out the phone won’t help! :D
Get better, Edo. How your arm feels tomorrow will guide your actions. You’ve seemed to take care of yourself well before. This virus stinks and I understand your reluctance.

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"I'm typing this with one hand. I had a fall today. Tripped stepping over a low fence. I'm in pain and my left arm is useless. This will be an immediate inconvenience or worse. Normally I would pop down to my local NHS clinic. Not possible with the pandemic."


I'm not feeling lucky right now, but I have to feel somewhat lucky to not have landed on my head. 


very little sleep last night. I sat up. I will see what I can do about my situation today. rain adds another negative. I don't know anyone in Liverpool now. the one young couple, friends of a friend, are in the usa at the moment. not that they would be here to tie my shoes. there are so many negative details going on I will just leave things for now. 


thank u all 4 your concern.



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2 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

"I'm typing this with one hand. I had a fall today. Tripped stepping over a low fence. I'm in pain and my left arm is useless. This will be an immediate inconvenience or worse. Normally I would pop down to my local NHS clinic. Not possible with the pandemic."


I'm not feeling lucky right now, but I have to feel somewhat lucky to not have landed on my head. 


very little sleep last night. I sat up. I will see what I can do about my situation today. rain adds another negative. I don't know anyone in Liverpool now. the one young couple, friends of a friend, are in the usa at the moment. not that they would be here to tie my shoes. there are so many negative details going on I will just leave things for now. 


thank u all 4 your concern.




Edo I sympathise with you and understand your comments above. I live alone too and it is always at the back of my mind what would happen and how I would cope if I had an accident which stopped me from doing things for myself. However I would get to the nearest NHS A&E department as soon as possible after the accident to get the injury checked out and fixed if necessary even if I had to call a taxi to take me. That way it would hopefully get better sooner rather than later.

You can even get some home help to see you through the worst.


On behalf of everyone on the forums PLEASE PLEASE get it seen to. Yes the A&E departments are still open for instances like this.




Edited by Allan Bell
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1 minute ago, Ed Rooney said:

i've spoken with a NHS doc on the phone and I will be going to the a&e today or early tomorrow. 


Thank you Edo. That makes me feel a lot better and I am sure you will get the excellent attention you need.




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i hope you are right-handed. When I fall I seem to always hit my head. I've had a couple of black eyes. And then since I am aged and take a low-dose aspirin they are afraid of bleeding on the brain and I need a brain scan. A brain scan sounds like you could learn a lot about yourself but no dice.



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On 13/11/2020 at 13:54, Ed Rooney said:

Normally I would pop down to my local NHS clinic. Not possible with the pandemic. 



Did you mean because of risk to yourself from the virus or because the clinic is closed?

Edited by Cal
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