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How Was Your March?

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Almost the same as March last year! 3 sales for $152 gross with views and zooms consistent with this years monthly figures but down on last year as I believe many contributors have noticed. Just one outstanding licence from The Guardian to be invoiced.

Jim ;)

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24 sales for $492 gross / $236 nett.  About average for me.  72 zooms with CTR of 0.98, first time it's dipped below 1 for a fair few months.


Like many others I worry what the next months will bring as the pandemic depresses economic activity and sales.  I might not depend on my Alamy sales - but they are a very useful addition to my pension income.

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44 sales which is 4th highest in rolling year but 2nd highest for gross income thanks to 2 $$$ sales.  Not looking forward to next few months as searches seem to be down along with zooms although a small sale dropped in this morning.



Edited by Pearl
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66 for $1687 gross; 3 in the $$$ range, best $199


Views 30,559 for the month with a marked drop-off in the last 10 days unsurprisingly; 236 zooms.


March last year 39,197 views, 294 zooms, 71 sales for $1986 gross


As others said, avoiding the virus, keeping well and consider myself fortunate to have a supply of income which is only partially affected so far by this pandemic


Keep well all;



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blah month,


4 licence, $50 gross, with sadly most on an Affiliate.


CTR at average but boosted by a few 3 zooms in a single search, but at least in subjects i cared about.


i don't expect much from April, beyond the few sales I am already expecting.

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15 hours ago, losdemas said:

While we're on the subject of newspapers (and do forgive me for hijacking my own thread! 😂), but do any Aussie contributors here have access to the pay-walled Gold Coast Bulletin (part of News Corp Australia)?  Trying to hunt down a picture that I know is behind that wall! TIA


I'm not in Australia, but I'm not seeing a paywall yet. The search function seems to work. Do you have a specific date or article you're looking for or just the image?



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Good to see some of you are still raking it in.  Me, I've had a poor month with 15 sales for $247 gross ($96 net). 

My other experiments went well this month ($156 and $64 net).

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Pretty poor, 2 for $30 gross.

3 record months of zooms have so far not translated into sales.

Nett at the other place was nearly 3x more than here with less than half the images.


End of my year stats:

Images Up 12%

Sales Down 8%

Gross Down 28%

Nett Down 30%


You can see the way things are headed.

Edited by BobD
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