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How Was Your March?

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Not as in 'long walk' 😉

I had 4 for 70 gross, the highest value of which was from a customer who I chased to ensure correct recompense for an image previously licensed for PU. :( 🤨 :(

Zooms, as per last month, so surprisingly good.


I was ready for a lower month than February, owing to the usual swings and roundabouts, but everything ground to a halt for me on the 17th.  I have a few in the pipeline, advised to and /or queried with CR, so may have a couple of web uses and a newspaper use coming in April, but given the current situation, I'm not expecting any great results.


While we're on the subject of newspapers (and do forgive me for hijacking my own thread! 😂), but do any Aussie contributors here have access to the pay-walled Gold Coast Bulletin (part of News Corp Australia)?  Trying to hunt down a picture that I know is behind that wall! TIA


Looking forward to some good results in the thread this month, as I seem to have seen quite a few $$$ sales from some of you. :)

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Not a bad month in terms of numbers, poor in terms of $$. I had 17 sales for $373.


Sorry Losdemas, can't help with the Gold Coast Bulletin, it's pay-walled indeed.

Edited by gvallee
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8 minutes ago, gvallee said:

Not a bad month in terms of numbers, poor in terms of $$. I had 17 sales for $373.


Sorry Losdemas, can't help with the Gold Coast Bulletin, it's pay-walled indeed.


No probs, gvallee. Thanks anyway.

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March was a big (and pleasant) surprise with 23 sales for $1324 gross. Four solid $$$ sales to report. Zooms and CTR dropped but not as much as expected.


Difficult weeks ahead, though, so who knows what will happen...

Edited by John Mitchell
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A little below average for me with 15 sales for a gross of $916.  2 at $100+  

I have a nice payout coming tomorrow, which is super welcome since my freelance income has come to a screeching halt.


April will be interesting for sure.  

Edited by Michael Ventura
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Grim, 11 for $191 gross including a couple of distributor sales. Gloom slightly lightened by 3 sales in the Times, not yet invoiced.


Zooms down but not catastrophically so.

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I’ve now been actively contributing for a year and I’ve just had my 2nd and 3rd ever sales drop in this month for $202.43 gross, both direct exclusive. My CTR has also recovered to a healthy level after dropping off the last couple of months so I’m very happy with things. Given the current general situation it’s nice to be able to find something to be positive about :)

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14 sales for $804, 2 sales of the same image accounting for $620.

It's my best month ever for gross and a joint second for number of sales.

As said before, April will be interesting...


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19 for $337 gross, happy with amount of sales but revenue is poor.  Some good $$ sales but lots of $ tiddlers.  
On a negative note, no payout for me this time - first time this has happened since early last year.  April had better improve! 

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7 sales for £302.


A strange month because sales were the worst for 15 months, but revenue the best for the last 5 months, and only $2 off being the best for 8 months.


1 sale for $$$, the highest amount since March 2018.


Rolling views topped 5 figures (10062) on the 12th., the highest since December 2017, but zooms dropped off towards the end of the month - a trend which will continue probably.



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I was surprised. Thought that is would have been very quiet given all the layoffs and shutdowns!

20 for $830 gross. 3 x $$$ which was nice and zooms >1000. CTR a bit low at 0.51. 

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5711 views.  36 zooms.  Average CTR 0.63.

12 of the 36 zooms appear to have resulted in sales.

29 sales for a total of $412.  Lowest $3.13.  Highest $40.74.  Average $14.20.

This is the lowest monthly average price ever for me. 

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