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How was your January 2020?

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31 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:

Guess I'll get the the 2020 ball rolling...


The year started off well for me with 17 sales for $863 gross. Three $$$ (barely) sales to report.


How was your January?




nice numbers.  something to look up to for many of us

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Hoping this is an indication that i am getting my footing around this endeavour...



13 licences, slightly helped by a set of 5 downloads from CultureTrip.....  Obviously that affects my average, bringing it below $20 per image, for a total of $236


my CTR hanging around 1.0 again, though that was pushed at end of month... 

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Really weird month. I had everything from $1.05 to $$$. 

Until two big sales only dropped in last week, I feared it would be the worst month for a long time.

However, now it's above average, but still too many below $10 sales which, incidentially, made up more than 60% of my sales for January.


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5 sale for $40.64 gross . 3 of that were usage in Dec 2019, no idea about the other two as they are RF. All for the sale looks to be the same customer (UK newspaper). CTR 0.21


A plus side from this customer is they always buy one for $12 for print version and then another $5 for digital version.


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Views 5673.  Zooms 16.  CTR 0.28.

15 sales for a total of $249.00.

Highest $62.99.  Lowest $2.14.  Average $16.60, this is my lowest monthly average in the 14 years I've been with Alamy.

What I really find depressing is when comparing average prices, I find that my overall average (over 14 years) has slipped from $50.99 in January 2019 to $45.97 in January 2020.

I can only feel that this trend will continue.
















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Below average for number of sales - 19 - but above average for returns - $637 gross.  One good $$$ sale and a couple of higher $$ sales helped push the average gross to $33.54.  Zooms holding up well so lots of promise for the future.  A good start to 2020.

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Reached my monthly average over the last 12 months at 10 sales, 4 distributor, including 1 to a French newspaper that was $$$(highest for the month), compared to a frame from the same shoot taken seconds apart which went direct to a UK newspaper for the usual $😣, not Live News.

Above average prices😁 Gross $491.


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A poor month for me, with 10 sales for $305 ($111 net).  My other experiment with the same number of images did better ($142 net).  Even number two experiment which ironically requires sRGB images, where I have only 1/3 of the images, beat Alamy this month ($119 net).  Micro is beating macro - go figure.

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A strange month with a strong surge of $4 to $5 sales, making it maybe my highest number of sales ever over a  single month, but with mostly small values, the gross total may be above average, but nothing to write home about.


Total sales: 39!


Gross revenue: $739


Also had a refund for an $80 sale (not counted in totals above).


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