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How was your January 2020?

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9 for $172.


I had 76 zooms, 10 of which were the only zooms, so there's hope.

Sadly, many zooms this month were for towns which have burnt down in the recent bushfires. Many of my images are now redundant.

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6 minutes ago, gvallee said:

Sadly, many zooms this month were for towns which have burnt down in the recent bushfires. Many of my images are now redundant.

Or valuable records of how they once were, and maybe could return to being.

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late to the party....


A great January, Alamy did well for me....

Summary for 01 January 2020 to 31 January 2020 ( 7 item(s) totalling $1156.54 )


All Exclusive, so 50% to me.

Don't do NU, PU, and since the 1st Jan no longer in UK newspaper scheme.


 A happy bunny.



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12 hours ago, gvallee said:

9 for $172.


I had 76 zooms, 10 of which were the only zooms, so there's hope.

Sadly, many zooms this month were for towns which have burnt down in the recent bushfires. Many of my images are now redundant.


to update your tags to reflect that these are now historical documents. It's very sad for those affected by the fires, but perversely it enhances the value of your images.

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12 hours ago, gvallee said:

. Many of my images are now redundant.

Not at all. They're archive now.

Incidentally, you're probably getting round to these but 2AT222B is a Gloster Meteor, 2AT21Y2  is a Sea Slug, 2AT21XN  is Black Arrow. The rest I don't know by sight.

Edited by spacecadet
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6 hours ago, chris_rabe said:

Nothing, nada, zip - for third month in a row. 


I need to stop doing wildlife 

Chris, when I started out, birds were my thing. Secondary, butterflies. I threw in other things when they presented themselves. I was competing with top wildlife shooters with the most expensive equipment, which mine wasn’t. Actually my first sale was of a hummingbird, and I had a few more of birds early on that licensed. Then that has pretty much dried up.

I can’t remember the last time I sold a bird image. Or a butterfly!
A bit over a year ago, I had the opportunity to photograph an owl pair with a fledgling. I got a few good ones. Not even one zoom, let alone a sale.  
I know these types of images sell, but I think the market is flooded, the competition too stiff. I’ll not turn down a shot when presented, but I’m no longer pursuing wildlife shoots, making them my purpose. That said, if somebody should tell me where a bald eagle is accessible, I will be off like a rocket. Because that’s what makes my heart pound and my hands tremble.

It takes awhile to figure out what’s wanted. And often those subjects aren’t  what excites you to shoot. That’s when you decide how you think about what direction to go, and whether you want to think of photography as a job, shooting dull things that stand a better chance of selling, or only scratching the itch of what you love.

I am shooting the dull things now, but when the opportunity to shoot what I love presents itself, I do that, or I’d just have to slit my throat.

The hardest thing to fight is when shooting the dull things is to try to get an inspired shot of it. Because it doesn’t excite you, that’s hard to do.


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11 hours ago, Russell said:


to update your tags to reflect that these are now historical documents. It's very sad for those affected by the fires, but perversely it enhances the value of your images.


Thank you Russell for the suggestion. Although buyers can filter by 'date taken', I think it's a good idea and I will endeavour to do so as soon as time allows.

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23 hours ago, Avpics said:

Or valuable records of how they once were, and maybe could return to being.


I wish. This is how it was. Here.

Do you think it would have the same charm if recreated? It's heart breaking.


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12 hours ago, chris_rabe said:

Nothing, nada, zip - for third month in a row. 


I need to stop doing wildlife 



i understand that wildlife is ultra competitive, but i think this is even more a reason to make sure your KWing gets you in front of buyers.  


One example 2AMT8M5



no mention that there is 3 animals,

their angle to the camera "side view"

you don't have "deers" plural, though rarely used has still figured in a dozen searches

Though using UK and england, no clear information about specifics,  searches for "Dorset", "new forest", "richmond park" "english" etc.

You have stag, but no "male"

clearly "winter"


these appear "young" (not sure)


these are all thing i quickly saw in AoA 





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11 hours ago, spacecadet said:

Not at all. They're archive now.

Incidentally, you're probably getting round to these but 2AT222B is a Gloster Meteor, 2AT21Y2  is a Sea Slug, 2AT21XN  is Black Arrow. The rest I don't know by sight.


Thanks for that Mark. I photographed all the names near the exhibits but there wasn't always one. Great knowledge! Names added. (Sea Slug is rather unfortunate for false hits...).


Edited by gvallee
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 Well 2 sales for total $25.95.....less 50% for me.


1 for Presentation / Newsletter Licence $9.73 the other for Editorial $ 16.22.


PS..The image   BA1BT3 was a powerful image of bushfire devastation from my series on the aftermath of the Black Saturday Bushfires 2009 in Kinglake, Australia.This was the Presentation / Newsletter licence for $9.73😳.....Ahh well a sale is a sale...I have been increasing portfolio numbers and subject variety so  hopefully i will get better sales  down the line 👍  

Edited by William Caram
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1 hour ago, gvallee said:


I wish. This is how it was. Here.

Do you think it would have the same charm if recreated? It's heart breaking.



Just terrible Genevieve....such a pretty town gone, like many others...so sad but a fact of life these days in Australia...and it's getting worse.

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13 hours ago, meanderingemu said:



if i got that kind of average, i'd also believe in god 🙂



well done. nice portfolio 

Thank you! I'd just looked at my stats since I joined Alamy in 2003 and I still got an average sale price of just over $73 gross. Pretty happy with that. I don't do PU, most distributors or other low-paying stuff.

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59 sales for $1520 gross; only one in the end for $$$ - $125 to be precise. I did have a sale for a slightly higher amount which was refunded and then sold for $45 🤨


Compares with 59 sales for $2079 in Jan 2019, and 68 for $2319 in 2018 so not especially encouraging


Decent number of zooms at 270 (259 and 230 for the previous 2 years), so hopefully good numbers of sales in the next couple of months





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16 hours ago, meanderingemu said:



i understand that wildlife is ultra competitive, but i think this is even more a reason to make sure your KWing gets you in front of buyers.  


One example 2AMT8M5



no mention that there is 3 animals,

their angle to the camera "side view"

you don't have "deers" plural, though rarely used has still figured in a dozen searches

Though using UK and england, no clear information about specifics,  searches for "Dorset", "new forest", "richmond park" "english" etc.

You have stag, but no "male"

clearly "winter"


these appear "young" (not sure)


these are all thing i quickly saw in AoA 






yeah, I very rarely include for wildlife:

Counts, unless seems relevant to me, like a pair mating.

Precise location - this was richmond park, but I leave royal parks out of my wildlife photos, because some places won't even accept them if those are included. Same for some other places I shoot.


I never considered things like "side view", etc. I can't see the relevance for a pic like this. Or most pics. I couldn't say for certain they are "young" either. 


As for "stag",  yeah, a lot of my images went through bulk/hasty processing, and I do have a few mistakes from that such as this.


definitely "winter" is omission  - possibly "landscape". 


And I do normally include plurals - I didn't realise "deers" was actually one :D


I know my keywording isn't perfect, and the more recent my photo was taken or processed, the better it will tend to be, as I am doing them more and more on a photo by photo basis now. Appearing in searches isn't my problem though - getting sales when I do is :)




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