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You know you are a Stock photgrapher when...

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Ok how  about a lighter thread? Some whimsy to entertain after a difficult 2 minutes key wording or maybe to set the expectations of someone just dipping their toes into the balmy waters of the Lilly pools surronding Alamy Towers. Just complete the sentence, "You know you are a Stock photgrapher when..."


Here's two to set it off.


You know you are a Stock photgrapher when...you are in the hardware shop and you see a mousetrap, put some cheese on it and you've got a pest control picture, put a monopoly house on it and you've got a financial concept, it could go either way...


You know you are a Stock photgrapher when...your're looking at a travel brochure and all the pictures are as good as the National Geographic but you see the mini-bar picture and think, I could have done that!

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... your big-ass DSLR now has to accompany you on even the shortest walk because you fear your old compact that used to serve the purpose may not be up to Alamy snuff  ... and choosing which lens to attach (but what if I need that macro!) becomes like Sophie's Choice



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When you only plan to shop for food or clothes, and end up taking that little RX100 from your handbag and surreptitiously shooting off a few pictures.

When you cook a nice dinner...but WAIT! Let it grow cold while you get your camera and choose the perfect lens to shoot the dinner.


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.............when you are halfway to an appointment and turn around to go back for your camera.





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57 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

One of the first things you do to go with your morning coffee is to go to your dashboard to see if you’ve sold anything.

Second thing is to check into the forum.


Ha ha love it and some of the others, with the exception of choosing the urinal with the best view, I am probably guilty of 1 or 2 of these 😁



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Your hiking club moans when you show up for a group hike, because they know you always stop to take photos along the way which slows down the people who just want to march. 


You used to drink Dom Perignon but now can only afford Tesco Prosecco with a convenient twist off top. 

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You know  you’re a photographer’s wife when you can’t go for lunch  yet because ‘the light still isn’t quite right’ to shoot that building!

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2 hours ago, spacecadet said:

.....your OH has to wait before she can take a drink of her beer from a branded glass.

......you stop her walking in front of you into a scene.

You tell your OH to carry on walking so you can have a model on the path.

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3 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

When you only plan to shop for food or clothes, and end up taking that little RX100 from your handbag and surreptitiously shooting off a few pictures.

When you cook a nice dinner...but WAIT! Let it grow cold while you get your camera and choose the perfect lens to shoot the dinner.


I went grocery shopping this morning and made sure I had my new RX100M6 with me... the more I use this camera, the more I love it.  Everywhere I look, I now see a stock opportunity. Aarrghh!.. I`m hooked! :)

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54 minutes ago, Sally said:

You tell your OH to carry on walking so you can have a model on the path.


Oh yes, I am in a few of these. Easy to get a model release too!

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3 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

When you only plan to shop for food or clothes, and end up taking that little RX100 from your handbag and surreptitiously shooting off a few pictures.

When you cook a nice dinner...but WAIT! Let it grow cold while you get your camera and choose the perfect lens to shoot the dinner.



This is me!  I see myself in both of your posts Betty.     What  a fun thread, thanks Mr Standfast!

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