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How Was Your Dec 2023?

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I'll get it started, doubt anything other sales will drop in tonight.  Mine was below average sales and worst month of the year for revenue.  16 sales for a gross of $417.  I was buoyed by two infringements payouts for $290 total and was cleared right away.  Happy New Year to all and we can always hope for a better year ahead!

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2nd worse month of the year for revenue. 21 for $140 gross.


But onwards and upwards! Happy new year everyone.

Edited by Steve F
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Best month of the year, 22 sales for $911 gross, including two $200+ licenses.

2023 hit the record in number of sales, short in $. Both are up about 15% compare to 2022.

Edited by Gabbro
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9 sales, $123/$45.

However one of these was a $20 gross PU sale of a photo of a medicine box, which I'd forgotten to opt out of PU when I uploaded it, so that will surely be refunded.


2023 is my second top selling year (2022 was higher).

Net income second lowest (2022 was lower) because in previous years when the gross was lower, our percentage was higher.

So ... better than last year. Oh well.

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5 sales for $181


2023 was best year yet for revenue and units - sales up 62% revenue up 69% - Average was $28 per image


The caveat is my sales volume isn't high, but I attribute the increases to having many more images uploaded in the last year, getting better at keywording, reviewing old keywording gradually, and trying to be a bit more selective. I've noticed when I started out I would keyword everything in the picture (!) and also "summer" and "blue sky" appear far too much. Always learning!


HNY everyone. Here's to more $$$ for all of us!




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Best month for a long while, 24 sales for $694 gross, plus a $53 infringement payment.  No $$$, best $68.


Average gross licence $29, average net $11.4

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Decent end to the year with 8 for $644 which included 2 x $$$ and 2 x very low $.


Overall 2023 was 33% down on sale numbers but up 25% on revenue.


Here's to 2024 and good fortune to us all.

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December was quite good for my port.


4 licences for $96.93 with one high $$


Licence volume highest ever.


Revenue second highest. 2016 was the highest.




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A poor month to end a fairly good year.

2716 views.   25 zooms.   0.92 Average CTR.

8 sales for a gross total of $326.58.   Highest $214.46.   Lowest $3.90 (x3).   Average $40.82. 

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

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Worst month of the year for sales and sales revenue.  Not disastrous at 15 sales for $278 but well below the yearly average.  Salvaged by two infringements for $139 net so the actual income for the month is quite reasonable.  CTR of 1.02 with 36 zooms.

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