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What formats do you shoot in Raw Or JPEG

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Raw + large jpeg, but I only ever process from the Raw file. The jpeg is for redundancy in case a Raw image files is ever corrupted. (happened about 5 times in 14 years, but never recently) Recording both doesn't slow my camera in any way that would affect my shooting. I have a camera with a fast processor, use fast Lexar SD XC cards, and never spray and pray when shooting, so I never have a problem with buffer speed.

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RAW unless I'm using a "scene" or other special camera mode that only works in JPEG, which isn't very often.


In the past, I've experimented with shooting JPEG only. No problems passing QC but I got frustrated by the lack of control.

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RAW - I used to do both, but found it too cumbersome to have to delete two pictures while reviewing the rolls on the PC.

I don't know why, but I often managed to confuse myself in this process and sometimes even deleted to wrong files.  


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Only RAW. With JPEGs, I would feel the need for auto bracketing exposures but with RAW I just have to be sure that I'm not blowing out highlights. Shadow detail can be brought up in post. Rather than Fuji's JPEG film tastes, such as Velvia, I often follow Lightroom with Silkypix to achieve the desired colors.

P.S., I don't know about other brands, but Fuji X offers the ability to process RAW files in the camera after the fact, including basic image modifications such as push-pull, film simulation, white balance and noise reduction. The output is JPEG.

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On 3/22/2018 at 23:47, hdh said:

RAW - I used to do both, but found it too cumbersome to have to delete two pictures while reviewing the rolls on the PC.

I don't know why, but I often managed to confuse myself in this process and sometimes even deleted to wrong files.  


RAW for me, also. When I tried RAW + jpeg, like you, it quickly got old and time-consuming to delete two during review. And it was hilarious how studiously I avoided even looking at the jpegs! 😳 I think I did it for two shoots.


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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

RAW for me, also. When I tried RAW + jpeg, like you, it quickly got old and time-consuming to delete two during review. And it was hilarious how studiously I avoided even looking at the jpegs! 😳 I think I did it for two shoots.


I have probably looked at slightly more. 

When I switched from using the in camera jpg's to raw, I compared my result to the in-camera jpg.

There is still an advantage of the in-camera jpg's as to being usable right away, much like polaroids. 

But after a year of raw processing I have enough presets that development to a (standard) jpg comes in a jiffy.   


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/23/2018 at 04:47, hdh said:

RAW - I used to do both, but found it too cumbersome to have to delete two pictures while reviewing the rolls on the PC.

I don't know why, but I often managed to confuse myself in this process and sometimes even deleted to wrong files.  



a little tip, in windows you can search for file type, i shoot jpg and raw, so to delete the jpgs. i search for "*.jpg" and it will only show those files with .jpg extension. leaving only RAW behind. i also just today used *.mp4 search to delete some movie files from a mixed SD that had some short clips on.

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