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How was your September 2015?


Mine was pretty good sales wise with 11 - second best month this year, with 6 sales in the last 3 days!


Income wasn't quite as good - $287 gross.



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Rotten for me, and just as I was about to put the deposit down on the new Aston Martin. A flurry of activity in the last two days meant that I rocketed up to half of my usual monthly average. Some really low prices. August was the same too, here's hoping that its not the shape of things to come. 


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Being a devote paranoiac, I don't like to write down numbers. September was 2X better than expectations, and the prices paid for the month's sales and the entire year have been good. My AlamyRank seems strong on test searches, so I'm happy with Alamy's performance.   :)

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