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Night and dusk images - what's your best on Alamy?

Jools Elliott

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Morning all


Continuing on from the Alamy blog thread and Mr Mitchell's suggestion of starting a night thread, what have you got on Alamy that you like?


Here's mine that I can dig up. Mostly Paris but hey, it's sort of my local!











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This next one will be up on Alamy in my next batch. It also illustrates the principle of not ignoring pictures on your own doorstep - this is almost literally on my own doorstep!
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I always try to  shoot night shots at dusk to get some detail in the sky and fill in the shadows. This was shot on film.


I had my running shoes on for this one, as well as my trusty copy of Photoshop. Truck squashed my assistant like a bug.



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Someone actually leased this one, perhaps because it's a bit spooky.





I quite like this back alley shot, but no one else seems to.





I was hoping some skinny-dippers would show up to complete the scene.





Alleyway lit by electric stars




Belated New Year's Resolution: will try more night photography.

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I love night time shooting, cities are interesting at night and going on a night shoot slows you down and makes you pay attention to detail. 


the-cathedral-and-cathedral-square-in-li       the-brandenburg-gate-in-berlin-at-night-


Lincoln Cathedral and Berlin's Brandenburg gate





Plaza de Armas in Cuzco





La Paz football ground, Bolivia. A tragic story is associated with being there. We booked our coach tickets to leave La Paz and our hotel in Sucre, just to find out that the day we were due to leave Bolivia were playing Brazil. Tickets were (for us tourists) not expensive and we missed the chance of seeing Bolivia knock the stuffing out of Brazil - that's the trouble with living at sea level and going to play your opponents who live at 3800m. The home advantage extends to being able to breathe.



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I'm gonna give it some time to let a few others guess, Michael. Not the Adriatic --  ;)


And not DC -- it's NYC on my street . . . that's the Empire State Building, baby! Oh, maybe you didn't name the first one, and  you meant Seattle, Washington? Sorry.  :rolleyes:

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