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Greetings everyone


We have just finished a great subject and, as ever with these challenges, we had a great set of images to choose from.


And now for the next challenge. The last weekend we were all mountain biking over at Mont Ste Anne near Quebec and I was marvelling at my son on his bike. He's 7 and he rides at 100% capacity all the time. Its so good to watch him learning his balance and position, just revelling in being in motion. Not just my boy either, all the kids love being outside and in action and its lovely to watch. Uninhibited joy in playing (and also not having cranky knees). So, this month's challenge is CHILDREN IN ACTION. Kids playing, having fun. It could be riding, swimming, running, with or without an adult.


As usual, images must come from Alamy and entries close at midnight here on 31st July.


Here are a few to get going




My boy lining up for the next jump






The kids having a blast on the sledges







La Cocotte ripping along on her balance bike.

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9 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:

Great images and great subject for the contest. Pity I do not take images of kids.




Same here. As a single male, being seen with a camera anywhere near kids in this neighbourhood would not have a good outcome.

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I do take photos of children, but don’t have much in the way of action. Here are my three:


The Joy of Jumping with a new dynamic carbon fibre turbo brace



More jumping at a Medieval Day



Don’t try this at home





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The Merry Go Round at Butchart Gardens Near Victoria British Columbia CanadaThe Merry Go Round at Butchart Gardens Near Victoria British Columbia Canada Stock Photo

Young girl fully equipped for swimming

A fully equipped young girl safely swims alone in a pool Stock Photo




Young girl delivering the mail at Grandma's house

Young blond girl on a lawn tractor delivering the mail Stock Photo


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19 hours ago, DJ Myford said:

Same here. As a single [when out photographing] male, being seen with a camera anywhere near kids in this neighbourhood would not have a good outcome.

Same here, and likewise with near-naked female weather shots, but hopefully these are close enough to the brief:








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My three images:


Three children in Jinotega, Nicaragua, goof for the camera. Stock Photo


Three boys in Jinotega who were playing on the street.




Two young girls playing with a statue of a Conservation Corp worker in the Shenandoah National Park Stock Photo


Two adolescent girls, one poking a finger up a statue's nose, Shenandoah National Park, Skyline Drive visitors center.
Rosa looking at Lola, the cocker spaniel puppy. Stock Photo
Rosie, a Nicaraguan neighbor, and Lola, a cocker spaniel with ten percent something else, get to know each other.
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I also have young children and they are one of my favourite subjects to photograph so this challenge was difficult for me from the perspective of choosing only 3 images.


Running to meet up with friends on the beach:



Riding bike in the park




Running from waves on the beach



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Some low speed action from me


Children carrying a religious float, Andalucia, Spain



Boys making shadows, Dumfries, Scotland



Children stroking dog in vintage motorcycle sidecar








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