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Apologies if someone's already started a thread but I couldn't find it.


Turned out to be a reasonable month for me.

7 sales, unfortunately one was Presentation use - immediately refunded :(

Gross $162, Net $81 helped by a decent US Educational Book usage


Just reached 4,000 images, so sales will surely start flooding in now ;)




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5 sales, which all dropped in today, for $125 gross.  Very disappointed with the value, or lack thereof, but I guess 5 sales a month with my small port isn't too bad.  Onwards and upwards!

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2 minutes ago, Sally said:

My best month so far. Helped by a lovely book sale and some $$$ news images.

16 sales for just over $900 gross. 

Well done!! this is encouraging for those of us a year behind you.

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21 sales for over $900 but the amount will change as four 'fake news' PUs are currently being redirected to the correct license...


I like the variety of buyers' country this month: Australia, UK, China, Japan, Brazil, Turkey, France. Well worth being in the distribution scheme from my point of view.



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10 for 173. Again my averages compare poorly with others due partly to newspaper prices which make up the bulk of my sales. Just can't pick up larger fees. :( Happy with number of sales though.

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7 minutes ago, Michael Ventura said:

July started off super slow for the first two weeks and then made up for it in the second two weeks.  A tad above average for me.  17 sales for a gross of $1,278 (five of those were $100+).  So all is well that ends well!

was going to say, it certainly looked like a good one from the waiting room :)

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18 sales, best $105. Above average for gross income and no. sales for year to date, about par for last year.


Revealed why there are lots of Alamy pics in the Times recently, a worrying price  trend.

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11 minutes ago, Bryan said:

18 sales, best $105. Above average for gross income and no. sales for year to date, about par for last year.


Revealed why there are lots of Alamy pics in the Times recently, a worrying price  trend.


My couple of Times pics prices were scandalous...

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