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How was your February 2016?

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How was your February 2016?


Mine was average with 8 sales for $353.


Lowest $5.59 (x2), highest $180.


Had one refund, sold originally for $45, refunded then sold for the same licence for $43.34 - a saving of $1.66!


Incidentally, rolling views for the month highest for 6 months, and rolling zooms highest ever!!



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Sales volume: 82 

Revenue: average


Highest: $ 240

Most sales in the $ 15-60 range. The $150+ sales are becoming very rare :(  





Trying to be positive but it is rather discouraging.


Volume wise above average (12), but average Net/Gross is halved compared to the last year. (not in the Newspaper scheme).


If this continues, I have to sell twice as many as last year (which was my best year so far) to maintain the same revenue.  :(

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4 sales for a total of $126 gross, $63 net


Lots of zooms in Feb though, so I'm quite hopeful for next few months ahead.


Good to see the number of infringement payments reported by other contributors appear to be rising.

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BME in my nearly 11 years with Alamy! Even taking away the one large sale, early this month, it still would have been an above average month. Only wish this were more routine.

21 sales for $3,433 gross. High $2097 and low, $6.99 (dropped in last night, a U.K. newspaper online use). A surge in zooms in January may have played a role in February being a good month for me!


Minus the large sale, the average sale price for the other 20 was $67.

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BME in my nearly 11 years with Alamy! Even taking away the one large sale, early this month, it still would have been an above average month.  Only wish this were more routine.

21 sales for $3,433 gross.  High $2097 and low, $6.99 (dropped in last night).  A surge in zooms in January may have played a role in February being a good month for me!


Congratulations again!



34 for 1297 which is slightly above average, but five months have been better for the rolling year.

BME for amount of sales: 34 (1 more than last month)


Average: 38 - the last day brought the average down considerably.

Highest: 159

Lowest: 5.59 - probably one of those suffering UK newspapers owned by this starving billionaire.



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