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How was your February 2015?

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OK, I'll start this month: 0.


EDIT: to add to the dismal outlook I had the lowest zooms and views in a year.  'Hot month for zooms'?  Not round these parts.  Hope to hear better news from others.

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Somehow Alamy managed to realize 7 sales for me out of my undersized collection.   :)  I take it as a one-off, not a sign of things to come. 


I'm glad to see Michael being rewarded for his hard work and good shooting; straight ahead classic stock can still pay off. Good on you, Michael.

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Probably wishful thinking on my behalf, but I'm not sure that all of Feb's results will be known until the Monday update.


Good to see a healthy return for Michael and Eddo, mine was about average with 7 for 316 (no dollar sign on this Android tablet), zooms canny.


John, with 55 million images now in the collection I expect to see larger swings in the fortunes of our relatively small contributions, sadly probably a sign of the times.

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3 for $54. My lowest monthly sales for over 12 months.Considering the increased zoom activity of the last 3 months I expected a better result. 2 of this months sales

never showed up as zooms!. Roll on March.





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Zilch sales for me. I've been building up a Stockimo collection since Christmas (no sales there either but something different to do) and think I need to re-start my trickle of Alamy uploads. A forthcoming trip to Marrakech should hopefully provide lots of ammo.   

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Feb. was not what I expected to see - zero, clear zero of sales :(


Good to see many others had good month though! Congrats. Btw, when you expose your number$ do you mean gross or net? It makes a bit different I think ;)

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Third worst month in last 12 for numbers (26) but at $1417 only 3 months have been better for gross $$$ so prices a bit above my recent average.  Still very disappointing numbers compared with 2012 and 2013.



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Happy with this. 

Coming back into the business so happy with the start of 2015. I need some more motivating large sales. 

1 sale- Gross $239 - advertising package


Iv piled in 500 images in february, views and zooms up already....just need some more sales!!

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