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Images Sold in May 2022

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1 hour ago, John Mitchell said:


Thank heavens for those TV uses. I also tend not to post images that can be easily duplicated, especially if they are repeat-sellers. Selfish of me perhaps, but it has become a jungle out there... 😱

Thank you, John, Avpics, meanderingemu for validating my perspective. The few times I’ve posted without the image, someone posts a laughing emoji. Tough t****y, as my mother used to say. If you don’t understand, think of a body part. 😁

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3 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:


I've done an air boat tour of part of that swamp too.  Such a unique and beautiful area of the U.S.   Nice photo Betty!  

Thanks, Michael. I have one of a boat with fishermen in it that has sold (or maybe just zoomed a lot..dang my memory) from that same area. The swamp is mystical. But I wouldn’t care to be in it at midnight. Snakes and alligators, uh uh. Nope. And owls. I love owls.
My nephew has had a nesting pair in a tree in his front yard of his farm for the last 4 or 5 years. They hoot at him when he comes home, like a greeting. He hoots back. Yet one day he was walking toward his barn and the male silently swooshed down and slashed at his head. He had a hat on, so only had a little damage from the claws, but it scared the bejeebers out of him. This year, there are two babies that are so cute. He posts pictures of them.

Edited by Betty LaRue
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16 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Thank you, John, Avpics, meanderingemu for validating my perspective. The few times I’ve posted without the image, someone posts a laughing emoji. Tough t****y, as my mother used to say. If you don’t understand, think of a body part. 😁


i do wonder if people have different cultural views of each emoji.  For one i never know the difference 💙 vs ⬆️ vs 🏆 and use them pretty much in random fashion. 

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1 hour ago, meanderingemu said:


i do wonder if people have different cultural views of each emoji.  For one i never know the difference 💙 vs ⬆️ vs 🏆 and use them pretty much in random fashion. 

I warned the forum back in March '20 that I was going to start using :D more liberally, as we all needed a larf back then, and not to be offended. Laughing with, not at, usually.

I'm still doing it. Because hey, things have changed.

There's no ♥️ on the "like" bar but I use the cup when someone's answered a question or said something useful for be specifically and it doesn't warrant a :D. Not that all posts aren't useful in some way. Arrows, hardly at all now.

Edited by spacecadet
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22 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Thank you, John, Avpics, meanderingemu for validating my perspective. The few times I’ve posted without the image, someone posts a laughing emoji. Tough t****y, as my mother used to say. If you don’t understand, think of a body part. 😁


My mother was a polite British lady, but she might have expressed the same sentiment using a slightly different turn of phrase. 👵

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5 hours ago, spacecadet said:

I warned the forum back in March '20 that I was going to start using :D more liberally, as we all needed a larf back then, and not to be offended. Laughing with, not at, usually.

I'm still doing it. Because hey, things have changed.

There's no ♥️ on the "like" bar but I use the cup when someone's answered a question or said something useful for be specifically and it doesn't warrant a :D. Not that all posts aren't useful in some way. Arrows, hardly at all now.


Alamy always considered the 😆 as positive, even making it increase someone's reputation when received (of course now Alamy thinks reputation is a bad thing and should be hidden).  This was a surprise when it was posted by someone they felt it was negative when the received it. 


i often use the 💙 mainly because that's the one as default when i go to the bar. 

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3 hours ago, meanderingemu said:


Alamy always considered the 😆 as positive, even making it increase someone's reputation when received (of course now Alamy thinks reputation is a bad thing and should be hidden).  This was a surprise when it was posted by someone they felt it was negative when the received it. 


i often use the 💙 mainly because that's the one as default when i go to the bar. 

When someone, not only me, makes a post that is not funny, no humor in it, and gets a laughing emoji, I feel it is making fun of that person’s post because they don’t like that person. But I always just feel sorry for the person who makes it, because with everything else bad going on in the world, a few persons or one has to involve themselves in pettiness. So in certain cases, the emoji you mention can be a negative one, at least in my view. But I have never reported about it. Ever. See “there are enough bad things going on in this world”. That’s just a cockroach I flick off my shoulder.

I sometimes do make posts that has something funny, or at least meant to be funny, and I greatly enjoy the laughing emoji response because that means the reader got my joke. To me, the world needs more humor. Laughter, or even a smile, is good for the soul, so it’s said.

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4 hours ago, John Mitchell said:


My mother was a polite British lady, but she might have expressed the same sentiment using a slightly different turn of phrase. 👵

That is funny. I have a whole stable of motherisms. (Did I just invent a new word?) And most of them are amusing. I find I’m turning into my mother when one of them slips out of my mouth…then one slips out of my daughter’s mouth.
As Hank William’s Jr. sang, It’s a Family Tradition.


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Mid $$ Magazines and books ROW




Mid $$ Magazines and books ROW




And another best seller which sold this time for $3.64!

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Well, I just earned a staggering 0.99c for a Rights Managed image! I dont understand how this figure is calculated as even if one buys a pack of 25 images, it is roughly GBP 8.67 per image and I thought I earned 40%. 


Could someone please tell me where this is calculated from?

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Greater Manchester Police have deployed the usual reinforced protection around the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, UK.  Police group  outside the convention centre. The Conservative Party Conference is taking place 3rd October to 6th October, 2021, at the Manchester Central Convention Complex in city centre Manchester. Country: Worldwide Usage: Editorial newspaper any editorial digital use, one time use only. Just into $$.



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Two greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) feeding in salt marsh with a variety of wading birds (Himantopus himantopus, Plegadis falcinellus) in the background (Ses Salines Natural Park, Formentera, Balearic Islands, Spain)


Country: Germany

Usage: Editorial

Media: Newspaper - national

Print run: up to 25,000

Placement: Inside

Image Size: 1 page

Start: 01 April 2022

End: 02 April 2022

Germany,Newspaper - national

Just high $.



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Slow May so far, but nice to remember one of our US road trips :) Hopefully over again this summer.....

Mid $$



Country: Worldwide
Usage: Presentation or newsletters, Use in a presentation/talk (eg,Powerpoint and Keynote) or in a newsletter.
Start: 02 May 2022
Duration: In perpetuity

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3 hours ago, Gnans said:

Similar for this 🙂




I've had eleven sales of images of packs of medication over the years and of those eleven, seven have been refunded but four have been actual sales. So there's always hope.

I do wonder as to what use an image of a pack of medication can be used for.

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12 hours ago, Stan Pritchard said:


I've had eleven sales of images of packs of medication over the years and of those eleven, seven have been refunded but four have been actual sales. So there's always hope.

I do wonder as to what use an image of a pack of medication can be used for.


I have always avoided photographing any medication, especially the more common ones. Sometime later this year I will be able to photograph an extremely expensive medication that has life changing benefits, proscribed by an NHS hospital rather than GP. I understand it is easier to obtain within the EU than in the UK. I would only consider photographing this or something similar. Uploading anything else is more likely to have limited media interest and have any licence sales refunded so not worth being involved with.

Edited by sb photos
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