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How was your December 2021

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15 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

A bit above average number of sales with 29 sales (7 of those were .15 Cents today) for a gross of $752.  I too am below the $30 average, especially with those tiny Chinese sales.


Yes, without those Chinese sales, my month's gross average would have been $34/sale


Had three +$$$

Edited by Michael Ventura
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2 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

I think we should not count the Chinese images. If not, I licensed 11 for basically the same net. Up to you. All the China sales do is falsely inflate our numbers but trash our average profit.

I only had 1 of those, so it didn’t change my numbers greatly. But it did change a lot of yours. Just mention whether you leave them out.

After all, what does it mean to count 6-15 images in your sales total other than ego stroking for numbers, yet less than $1 amount?

That whole “giving away our images” thing makes me angry. Not so much because of my one image, but for you.


While i understand where you are coming from, I will have to respectfully disagree with excluding them for the sole reason that Alamy used Average Licences as a justification that their recent prices have been reasonable, so removing the lowest one just plays into their game.  Might as well remove amounts over $200 as well under the premise they rarely happen and they skew the results.  


Alamy has decided to go down the path they need to own the impact. 

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2 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:


Yes, without those Chinese sales, my month's gross average would have been $34/sale


Had three +$$$


so if we exclude the low licences Alamy maintained their target average of $30ish per licence.   


2 hours ago, Reimar said:

I had 103 sales in December for $532/190.  83 of those netted me 4 cents.  Lets hope we've seen the last of those prices.


So Alamy how is that $30 per licence statement?


Edited by meanderingemu
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29 for 506


No 15cts to China for me, but 2 for 17cts to the UK. Do we count those? And the one 21cts to the EU?

It's the Rocky doctrine: It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.



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Off to a poor start on the 2nd when I had a sale of $1.67 gross.   The lowest value licence I have ever had, followed by two more at the same price!  Total for the month was 7 sales for $60 gross.


Looking on the bright side my total number of sales 139, best year ever,   In 2020 I had 127 sales.    Total gross revenue this was 34% higher than for 2020.


Reckon I will keep on doing this. . . .



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50 minutes ago, Peter Jordan said:

Off to a poor start on the 2nd when I had a sale of $1.67 gross.   The lowest value licence I have ever had, followed by two more at the same price!  Total for the month was 7 sales for $60 gross.


Looking on the bright side my total number of sales 139, best year ever,   In 2020 I had 127 sales.    Total gross revenue this was 34% higher than for 2020.


Reckon I will keep on doing this. . . .



So how much of 2020’s gross will land in your pocket (net) compared to 2020?  That’s what counts, more than gross.

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The beauty of using Alamy Lightroom Bridge is that you can spend endless time working out what sells from your portfolio. I’ve found that one particular annual event is my most profitable, with one photo within that clocking up 153 sales and over $1300, but even without it it is still the best thing for me to go to as much as I can. And one of the farms in East Lothian that I frequent is also a good earner. Edinburgh festivals get a lot of sales, but generally for pretty low amounts and a lot of time attending photocalls etc. Helps to know what to focus on.

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Very disappointing month. My worst since July 2020. It started well with two licences by the 5th of the month and then dried up with very little activity following. The two sales realised just $49 gross and views, zooms, and CTR all down. Guess we'll have to see what happens in 2022!!


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15 sales for $297 gross $99 net. Slightly above average monthly sales and gross for me, but net is down due to distributor sales and commission cut.

Luckily only one sale was a $0.15 gross, $0.04 net.





Edited by M.Chapman
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14 sales, averageish! 

2 x $$$ which were distributor so I only get 24%, not good 😬

1 x $$$ direct

6 x mixture of direct and distributor low ball $$

5 x low $ and distributor, 24% of too low fees 😬

And to cap it off 8 x "Other Fees", affiliate commission which I reckon Alamy should be responsible for or give us the option to opt out of it.



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64 sales for $1197 gross, or $19/image sold gross - poor. 


Only 2 in the $$$ category, best $108, TV usage.


Zooms and views poor at 111 and 22,400 respectively so a CTR of 0.53, but Alamy said that zooms/views would be low until January


None of these very low China fees partly because I have very few RF images, and partly because I opted out of all distribution areas apart from Japan and the USA during the summer when the new contract came in.



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I had 19 sales, 16 of which were to China for $0.15.  But one of the others was my best sale ever - another distributor sale, this time to Germany for over $300.  So even at 25% of the fee it was a good amount to me and one I wouldn’t have liked to have missed. I will opt out of distributor sales to some countries when I can. It’s hard to know which though. 

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On 01/01/2022 at 15:05, Reimar said:

I had 103 sales in December for $532/190.  83 of those netted me 4 cents.  Lets hope we've seen the last of those prices.


Shocking, seriously Alamy/PA, get a grip.

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6 for $150, ranging from 15 cents to $80. Average gross $25.

The 15 cent one was an RF to China as was a full page print RM editorial for a Chinese magazine for $8.82 (under 10K print run - tiny for China). I get a whopping 4 cents/$2.11 for those. I've seen lots of <$1 sales via G to China, so not surprising. 


I agree that if you count the pretty rare $$$ licenses you need to count the piddly <$ licenses into your average too. Otherwise it really is skewed. If 83 out of 150 sales for some people are 0.15 then they are more the rule than the exception. 


Still, happy to see an upward trend in 2021 and an OK December given my smallish portfolio .Glass half full; can't start a new year half empty. 





Edited by Marianne
edited for clarification
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