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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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7 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

Your girl is a hero, Michael, and sometimes heroes get wounded. Everyone here—everyone she knows—is pulling for her.


Thanks Edo.  She is more brave than I am, that’s for sure.  I talked to her a bit ago and she is improving daily! The hospital called my mobile yesterday, thinking it was her number....she had listed my mobile as an emergency contact.  I was glad to see that they were checking on her and getting an accident report put together so she will get all the care and medical coverage she needs.  I wanted to go by and see her but had to go to North Carolina for a quick “hit and run” shoot.

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Covid 19 is on the upswing in the US again. In my county and town, too. Masks are mandatory where I live. But I’ve been using them from the beginning even when they weren’t.

Odd that months ago, it was being discussed by Fauci and others that we could see an autumn surge much like seasonal flu. Who knew at that time that it would keep surging through the summer.

I have a relative that is in Mexico with his wife and two small daughters doing missionary work. They were within a day of leaving for a visit with relatives in the states about a month ago when they learned they’d be allowed to leave Mexico, but not allowed back in. Visit aborted.

On a good note, it appears that some of the testing on prevention is showing promising results.

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On 18/07/2020 at 15:18, Mr Standfast said:

Bryan posted a picture of a very dodgy potato the other day, I wanted to say put a rosette on it and see who votes for it!!  Sorry but thats the worst I've got!


Here's another one, hopefully it won't give Edo nightmares. 




Variety Red Rooster from Albert Bartlett. Cracking due to uneven soil moisture conditions. Only one tuber affected so far, but many more to lift. I can live with this but I don't want to be posting a photo of a tuber with blight !

Edited by Bryan
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13 minutes ago, Bryan said:


Here's another one, hopefully it won't give Edo nightmares. 



Variety Red Rooster from Albert Barlett. Cracking due to uneven soil moisture conditions. Only one tuber affected so far, but many more to lift. I can live with this but I don't want to be posting a photo of a tuber with blight !


Not a good year for potatoes. Early Maris Piper were okay but Belle de Fontenay and Ratte not good at all. Digging Lady Cristl at the moment, okay but not many of them. Sarpo still slowly growing.....

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26 minutes ago, Sally R said:

Had a really down, demoralising day 😢 Too much to explain. Drank cider. Feel slightly better 😐 Will go out and do some photography tomorrow. That always helps 🙂


Chin up Sally. Tomorrow is a brand new day. Stick to what makes you happy. 

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1 hour ago, Sally R said:

Had a really down, demoralising day 😢 Too much to explain. Drank cider. Feel slightly better 😐 Will go out and do some photography tomorrow. That always helps 🙂


These are such strange times. I get mood swings, for no very obvious reasons, and motivation comes and goes. But I've enjoyed my picture-taking these past few weeks... and the fact that, despite everything, Alamy sales are holding up. Cider, you say? Cheers! 🥂

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Realising it is back to work tomorrow after taking the afternoon off today. (See my last post in 'Post a good thing that happened in your life today).




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13 hours ago, Sally R said:

Had a really down, demoralising day 😢 Too much to explain. Drank cider. Feel slightly better 😐 Will go out and do some photography tomorrow. That always helps 🙂

Strange thing. I thought I’d coped with the Covid thing pretty well. I’ve kept myself busy. Doing my Alamy work, painting watercolor, lots of reading, tending my tomatoes.

Last week was my oldest daughter’s birthday and I asked her to come up for the day to celebrate. I made her an apple pie at her request rather than cake.  She lives about 2 1/2 hours away. My other daughter came over, too.

We picked up take away salads for lunch, had pie, laughed and visited. The two ended up cutting some watercolor board to painting sizes for me. More laughing at their mistakes!

I was so very happy, almost euphoric. When they both left about 5 o’clock, I told them it felt like it was my birthday, and I was almost in tears of happiness. (Okay, I was)

That made me realize I’ve been lonelier for family than I realized.
Sally, I have Pina Coladas (don’t know how to put that squiggle in) in the freezer, leftover from when my son was here a month ago.  Come over and we’ll drown our sorrows.

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35 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:


Sally, I have Pina Coladas (don’t know how to put that squiggle in) in the freezer, leftover from when my son was here a month ago.  Come over and we’ll drown our sorrows.

Betty, to get the ‘squiggle” when using your iPad, just hold down the letter and choices should pop up. When selecting the “n” you’d get ñ or ń. Just select the proper choice by sliding your finger up and you get Piña. 

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2 hours ago, Cecile Marion said:

Betty, to get the ‘squiggle” when using your iPad, just hold down the letter and choices should pop up. When selecting the “n” you’d get ñ or ń. Just select the proper choice by sliding your finger up and you get Piña. 

Piña.  Wow, got it! Old dogs, new tricks. Thanks Cecile!

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On 30/07/2020 at 12:00, Sally R said:

Had a really down, demoralising day 😢 Too much to explain. Drank cider. Feel slightly better 😐 Will go out and do some photography tomorrow. That always helps 🙂


Sally, dear: It's not strange or odd for any of us to feel bad during these scary, bad days. Feel better! That's an order! Well, more a suggestion and a hope.  🙂



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On 29/07/2020 at 16:17, Betty LaRue said:

Covid 19 is on the upswing in the US again. In my county and town, too. Masks are mandatory where I live. But I’ve been using them from the beginning even when they weren’t.

Odd that months ago, it was being discussed by Fauci and others that we could see an autumn surge much like seasonal flu. Who knew at that time that it would keep surging through the summer.


Is it actually on the upswing or are numbers appearing higher because more people are being tested? 1 in 1000 is 0.1% and so is 1000 in 1,000,000, but the latter sounds better if you state it out of context without the percentage. Which is exactly what is happening here - I wonder why?


We are having to deal with the same hysteria now in England, Greater Manchester now on "lockdown" again with people being banned from seeing people from other households. It's utterly ridiculous and becoming like something out of a dystopian novel. I wouldn't be so wound up about it if it were actually something to be deeply afraid of but it isn't - the virus has a 0.2% mortality rate *of people that get it* and here at the moment you have a 1 in 4000 chance of even catching it in the first place. 


The average death rate here for the last few months has been no higher than it was last year. Yet the utter buffoons that run this country still insist on wrecking it over this overblown threat. What is the end plan I wonder? Just keep "locking down" until every case vanishes? Because this will probably come back around every year like the cold and flu does, and if they think we are "locking down" every time it does they have another thing coming. The fact that the majority of supermarkets and police have outright said they won't/can't police the wearing of masks is a de facto vote of no confidence in our government. Not to mention the utterly devastating long term effect this will have on the development of young children who have now had to live a sizeable proportion of their lives isolated from others, the hit on mental health and the effects falling GDP will have on crime etc.


They can stick their lockdown up their ar*e.


EDIT: I misspoke above about the 1/4000 chance of catching it. This 1/4000, I am told, is the chance of simply /finding/ someone with the virus. You then have to catch it from them, which is a less than 100% chance. Far less.


From very easily google-able statistics, using the world population number and those who have died from covid worldwide, the mortality percentage works out as 0.008641%. Why are we scared of this again?

Edited by Cal
numbers and words and stuff
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1 hour ago, Cal said:


Is it actually on the upswing or are numbers appearing higher because more people are being tested? 1 in 1000 is 0.1% and so is 1000 in 1,000,000, but the latter sounds better if you state it out of context without the percentage. Which is exactly what is happening here - I wonder why?


We are having to deal with the same hysteria now in England, Greater Manchester now on "lockdown" again with people being banned from seeing people from other households. It's utterly ridiculous and becoming like something out of a dystopian novel. I wouldn't be so wound up about it if it were actually something to be deeply afraid of but it isn't - the virus has a 0.2% mortality rate *of people that get it* and here at the moment you have a 1 in 4000 chance of even catching it in the first place. 


The average death rate here for the last few months has been no higher than it was last year. Yet the utter buffoons that run this country still insist on wrecking it over this overblown threat. What is the end plan I wonder? Just keep "locking down" until every case vanishes? Because this will probably come back around every year like the cold and flu does, and if they think we are "locking down" every time it does they have another thing coming. The fact that the majority of supermarkets and police have outright said they won't/can't police the wearing of masks is a de facto vote of no confidence in our government. Not to mention the utterly devastating long term effect this will have on the development of young children who have now had to live a sizeable proportion of their lives isolated from others, the hit on mental health and the effects falling GDP will have on crime etc.


They can stick their lockdown up their ar*e.


EDIT: I misspoke above about the 1/4000 chance of catching it. This 1/4000, I am told, is the chance of simply /finding/ someone with the virus. You then have to catch it from them, which is a less than 100% chance. Far less.


From very easily google-able statistics, using the world population number and those who have died from covid worldwide, the mortality percentage works out as 0.008641%. Why are we scared of this again?


Because we don't wish to die?




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Went into Lincoln today to get some necessary bits and pieces. Out of 4 items I managed to get not one single item. Waste of time. Luckily I had free rides on the bus.




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1 hour ago, Cal said:


Is it actually on the upswing or are numbers appearing higher because more people are being tested? 1 in 1000 is 0.1% and so is 1000 in 1,000,000, but the latter sounds better if you state it out of context without the percentage. Which is exactly what is happening here - I wonder why?


We are having to deal with the same hysteria now in England, Greater Manchester now on "lockdown" again with people being banned from seeing people from other households. It's utterly ridiculous and becoming like something out of a dystopian novel. I wouldn't be so wound up about it if it were actually something to be deeply afraid of but it isn't - the virus has a 0.2% mortality rate *of people that get it* and here at the moment you have a 1 in 4000 chance of even catching it in the first place. 


The average death rate here for the last few months has been no higher than it was last year. Yet the utter buffoons that run this country still insist on wrecking it over this overblown threat. What is the end plan I wonder? Just keep "locking down" until every case vanishes? Because this will probably come back around every year like the cold and flu does, and if they think we are "locking down" every time it does they have another thing coming. The fact that the majority of supermarkets and police have outright said they won't/can't police the wearing of masks is a de facto vote of no confidence in our government. Not to mention the utterly devastating long term effect this will have on the development of young children who have now had to live a sizeable proportion of their lives isolated from others, the hit on mental health and the effects falling GDP will have on crime etc.


They can stick their lockdown up their ar*e.


EDIT: I misspoke above about the 1/4000 chance of catching it. This 1/4000, I am told, is the chance of simply /finding/ someone with the virus. You then have to catch it from them, which is a less than 100% chance. Far less.


From very easily google-able statistics, using the world population number and those who have died from covid worldwide, the mortality percentage works out as 0.008641%. Why are we scared of this again?


If the risk is so low and acceptable why don't you hold a COVID party to see what happens?

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40 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:


Because we don't wish to die?





Quite. I don't think anyone in a sound state of mind does. But I can tell you now that if we keep this nonsense up, the GDP tanking due to loss of productivity will cause deaths by poverty, suicide and crime to rise and outdo those caused by covid by quite some margin. And for some bizarre reason when discussing this subject with people who seem determined to carry on being scared out of their wits by what the BBC tells them, deaths from covid are bad while deaths from the world going to pot around us somehow aren't? 


What do you think pays for the NHS? Peace symbols and hope? No, the economy does. An economy that is fast going down the Thomas Crapper. Think the stock market is only for posh people in London? Nope, it's for everyone. It's your and my pension for a start. And it's going to hell as well. NO-ONE wins out of the developing situation in this country and in many others. Absolutely no-one.


17 minutes ago, sb photos said:


If the risk is so low and acceptable why don't you hold a COVID party to see what happens?


I'm sorry, this adds what to the argument exactly?


Managing the risk, as I have been doing for almost 5 months now, doesn't quite work with your hypothetical situation and I fail to see the point you're making. 

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2 hours ago, Cal said:




 This 1/4000, I am told, is the chance of simply /finding/ someone with the virus. You then have to catch it from them, which is a less than 100% chance. Far less.




Cal, with respect, the 1/4000 chance doesn't work as simply as that.  Out of the 4000 people there is nothing to say that the spreader will be the first or the last  person.


Stay safe!

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7 minutes ago, Mr Standfast said:


Cal, with respect, the 1/4000 chance doesn't work as simply as that.  Out of the 4000 people there is nothing to say that the spreader will be the first or the last  person.


Stay safe!


Thanks. Yes, it probably is a bit nebulous, as are most things surrounding this. I just think we need to be really careful we don't knacker the economy because we will pay for that for generations. By all means shield those at risk, I have only seen my nan once in 5 months and even then it was not as it normally is.


I'll bow out of this one as it isn't the time or the place, I've said my bit and quoted my quotes, whether or not people agree is up to them.

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I have concluded that my Sony E fit Sigma 19mm f2.8 lens is damaged, it is producing images that are soft down the right side. I don't look after my photo gear all that well, it comes with me on bike rides etc, so I guess I can't complain too bitterly.


However I'm in two minds as to whether or not to replace it. With the declining returns from stock, can I justify spending £100+ on a new lens? A few years ago I made a $$$$ sale and immediately invested in a new 12 mm wide angle. That investment paid off, I made a high $$$ sale using it not long after I bought it, but times they are a changin...


Edit, research shows that Sigma no longer manufactures this lens. 😟

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5 hours ago, Cal said:


Is it actually on the upswing or are numbers appearing higher because more people are being tested? 1 in 1000 is 0.1% and so is 1000 in 1,000,000, but the latter sounds better if you state it out of context without the percentage. Which is exactly what is happening here - I wonder why?


We are having to deal with the same hysteria now in England, Greater Manchester now on "lockdown" again with people being banned from seeing people from other households. It's utterly ridiculous and becoming like something out of a dystopian novel. I wouldn't be so wound up about it if it were actually something to be deeply afraid of but it isn't - the virus has a 0.2% mortality rate *of people that get it* and here at the moment you have a 1 in 4000 chance of even catching it in the first place. 


The average death rate here for the last few months has been no higher than it was last year. Yet the utter buffoons that run this country still insist on wrecking it over this overblown threat. What is the end plan I wonder? Just keep "locking down" until every case vanishes? Because this will probably come back around every year like the cold and flu does, and if they think we are "locking down" every time it does they have another thing coming. The fact that the majority of supermarkets and police have outright said they won't/can't police the wearing of masks is a de facto vote of no confidence in our government. Not to mention the utterly devastating long term effect this will have on the development of young children who have now had to live a sizeable proportion of their lives isolated from others, the hit on mental health and the effects falling GDP will have on crime etc.


They can stick their lockdown up their ar*e.


EDIT: I misspoke above about the 1/4000 chance of catching it. This 1/4000, I am told, is the chance of simply /finding/ someone with the virus. You then have to catch it from them, which is a less than 100% chance. Far less.


From very easily google-able statistics, using the world population number and those who have died from covid worldwide, the mortality percentage works out as 0.008641%. Why are we scared of this again?

It is this sort of moronic, ignorant, idiotic attitude that has seen Covid-19 go out of control in the USA and Brazil as well as the UK in the early stages of the pandemic. It is not just about death of the very vulnerable, it is also about the fact that Covid-19 is not a simple binary disease: severe you end up in hospital with a high probability of death or mild -  it’s a bit like flu and you get better after a week or two and off you go. There is a whole spectrum of seriousness associated with the disease both in terms of the initial viral stage and also the longer term effects. The latter can be very severe and are becoming more widely recognised as time goes by. And importantly one does not have to have serious underlying conditions to be affected by long term fatigue, lung damage and other symptoms. In fact many of those who experience prolonged effects were young and healthy before developing Covid-19. 

The longer term effects may be far more serious than is currently known. This is not a simple respiratory disease. It can affect many other bodily organs and currently nobody actually knows the extent or timescales involved. There is also the question of immunity and how long that might last. 

This is a brand new illness and caution is the only sensible approach. Be afraid- this virus has the potential to wreck your life. And yes I speak from from direct experience. 


Edited by MDM
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5 hours ago, Cal said:


Is it actually on the upswing or are numbers appearing higher because more people are being tested? 1 in 1000 is 0.1% and so is 1000 in 1,000,000, but the latter sounds better if you state it out of context without the percentage. Which is exactly what is happening here - I wonder why?


We are having to deal with the same hysteria now in England, Greater Manchester now on "lockdown" again with people being banned from seeing people from other households. It's utterly ridiculous and becoming like something out of a dystopian novel. I wouldn't be so wound up about it if it were actually something to be deeply afraid of but it isn't - the virus has a 0.2% mortality rate *of people that get it* and here at the moment you have a 1 in 4000 chance of even catching it in the first place. 


The average death rate here for the last few months has been no higher than it was last year. Yet the utter buffoons that run this country still insist on wrecking it over this overblown threat. What is the end plan I wonder? Just keep "locking down" until every case vanishes? Because this will probably come back around every year like the cold and flu does, and if they think we are "locking down" every time it does they have another thing coming. The fact that the majority of supermarkets and police have outright said they won't/can't police the wearing of masks is a de facto vote of no confidence in our government. Not to mention the utterly devastating long term effect this will have on the development of young children who have now had to live a sizeable proportion of their lives isolated from others, the hit on mental health and the effects falling GDP will have on crime etc.


They can stick their lockdown up their ar*e.


EDIT: I misspoke above about the 1/4000 chance of catching it. This 1/4000, I am told, is the chance of simply /finding/ someone with the virus. You then have to catch it from them, which is a less than 100% chance. Far less.


From very easily google-able statistics, using the world population number and those who have died from covid worldwide, the mortality percentage works out as 0.008641%. Why are we scared of this again?


Friend of mine here is a British trained nurse (retired).  She's had someone die next door and his surviving housemates, all government workers, are now wearing masks.  A friend of hers has lost a mother and a brother, and has a brother at home being treated for Covid 19.  Another family on the British woman's block lost a niece.   My friend wears masks when she's out.   I'm wearing a mask to go across the street to a convenience store, much less any place further.   Another expat who lives near Leon has lost a brother-in-law and an uncle. 


When a town had more cases here in Nicaragua, more people wear masks, and stores do enforce masking and take temperatures.  Fewer cases, more people don't wear masks.


Thing is the virus isn't distributed equally every where and some cultures immediate put on masks but otherwise go about their business.  


Chances of catching it if someone in your household has it is 40%.


We don't know what the total death rate is because a number of people are not going to the hospital for treatment.   And  not all countries have contact tracers.   Every case here was from Nicaraguans who'd been away and came back, not from tourists, but other countries in Central American did get cases from tourists.


We haven't had this virus world wide for a year yet.  



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31 minutes ago, MDM said:

It is this sort of moronic, ignorant, idiotic attitude that has seen Covid-19 go out of control in the USA and Brazil as well as the UK in the early stages of the pandemic. It is not just about death of the very vulnerable, it is also about the fact that Covid-19 is not a simple binary disease: severe you end up in hospital or mild it’s a bit like flu and you get better and off you go. There is a whole spectrum of seriousness associated with the disease both in terms of the initial viral stage and also the longer term effects. The latter can be very severe and are becoming more widely recognised as time goes by. And importantly one does not have to have serious underlying conditions to be affected by long term fatigue, lung damage and other symptoms. In fact many of those who experience prolonged effects were young and healthy before developing Covid-19. 

The longer term effects may be far more serious than is currently known. This is not a simple respiratory disease. It can affect many other bodily organs and currently nobody actually knows the extent or timescales involved. There is also the question of immunity and how long that might last. 

This is a brand new illness and caution is the only sensible approach. Be afraid- this virus has the potential to wreck your life. And yes I speak from from direct experience. 



Yes, and many viruses can come back later in life with other ailments, such as chickenpox can produce shingles.  Herpes stays with you for life and so on.  So we just don’t know the future of this novel virus.

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In my opinion, the only sensible approach is to try to contain and minimise spread of the virus until effective vaccines become available. I almost certainly got Covid-19 from my wife who is a teacher and she got in early March when the UK government’s approach was to let it go. When I got through the viral stage I was thinking great, I’m through and I don’t have to worry about it now. How wrong I was. The after effects have been much worse that the viral stage in fact with exhaustion and ongoing chest pain as if my lungs have been scorched and scraped by something hot and very sharp. Getting to 5 months on I am hoping I am starting to get better but I can still crash badly for several days. The other thing of course now is that the length of immunity is unknown. And it has messed up my life as things stand right now. 

The reason I am posting this is not to look for sympathy but to try to dispel this nonsense that Covid-19 is only another cold or flu. It is absolutely not. It is a cursed illness of which little is still known. The sooner an effective vaccine is developed the better. 

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Here in BC, only about 0.5% of the population has been infected, so I find myself wondering if the authorities didn't go too far with restrictions given the heavy economic and psychological impacts they have had. However, the fact is that low infection rates in Canada mean that the population is highly vulnerable. It wouldn't take much -- like the US/Canada border reopening to non-essential travel -- to set things off here. Once this virus takes hold in an area, it can spread like wildfire. My guess is that we're going to have to live with rolling shutdowns, etc. for quite some time as the virus continues to play hopscotch.



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