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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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19 hours ago, Martin L said:

Learning today that since 1970 we have lost over two/thirds of wildlife


The even sadder thing is that it is only going to get worse.

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18 hours ago, Marianne said:

LOL yes @Betty LaRue I have oil heat so was thinking of a boiler which heats up the steam in our old fashioned radiators (our house is 93 years old).  Glad it happened now so you don't have to worry about frozen pipes! Hope it turns out not to be too expensive. 

Ok, understood. I haven’t seen a working radiator in these parts since I was in grade school. They are nice to warm hands we went through a transition when some homes had floor grates. We rented a house that had them. They were notorious for heating up the large metal grate to a point that if a toddler fell on one, they had serious burns.

Those didn’t last too long. My kiddos were 2 and 4 when we had them, and I watched them like a hawk. My third wasn’t born, yet.

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1 hour ago, Bionic said:

Bad thing today... my daughter’s just had her first full week back at school since lockdown began and now today we’ve been notified that there’s a case of Covid in her “bubble”. Back to lockdown it is then 😔


How shockingly unexpected. The logic (or lack thereof) behind sending kids back to school and somehow expecting that there won't be renewed transmission is completely flawed and entirely ridiculous. Schools are safe spaces - oh yeah. And it will all be over by Christmas. 

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14 hours ago, MDM said:


How shockingly unexpected. The logic (or lack thereof) behind sending kids back to school and somehow expecting that there won't be renewed transmission is completely flawed and entirely ridiculous. Schools are safe spaces - oh yeah. And it will all be over by Christmas. 


I hate it when I hear people on TV saying that things are getting back to normal and others who take that on board and have parties and raves etc.


Regardless of what others say or might say this will not be over until there is an effective vaccine and it has been given to EVERYONE.




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My furnace went out which I discovered when a cold snap hit. So the repairman was here for 2 hours, found a part that didn’t work and had to order it. Bill so far, $243. He’ll be back tomorrow to install the part, with an estimate of the cost another $240 plus.

So in the vicinity of a $500 Repair Bill.
I put fescue grass seed down in the places where it had died on my lawn and need to water lightly multiple times a day until it sprouts. Turned my system on, and the sprinklers did not come on. I’ve been scrambling...do I call a sprinkler business or a well service? Well service is coming tomorrow unless I cancel. Sprinkler service is coming soon, 15-30 minutes from now, in case it’s not a pump gone out. I may end up paying two services if the sprinkler service can’t fix it and it does turn out to be the pump, which they don’t work on.

I’m seeing 💰💸 flying out the door. Because even if they can’t fix something, the service calls are costly by themselves. If it’s the pump, it will be serious 💰.

A family members mother died after a long bout with lung cancer. My daughter and I tried to order chrysanthemums for the service, so they could be planted in the garden later. The florist took the money online yesterday, then notified today they don’t have the plants. The service was this morning.

I went to my cardiologist Monday, and because of some problems, am now wearing a holster monitor for a week to record what’s going on. And I’m scheduled for a stress test in November. I hate stress tests, I’m not sure if I can physically do the treadmill this time. I might have to have the chemical one. The first time I wore a holster monitor, it was humongous. I carried it cross strapped on my body with electrodes strapped on my chest. The second one was the size of a deck of cards, and I ended up with a cardiac ablation from that one. This one is tinier yet. About the size of a golf ball around but flatter.
I'm so bummed. Not about my heart, but what all of the repairs will do to my heart when I get the bills! :D

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Good grief, Betty!


It seems we are all strangers in a strange world now. Nothing is simple and nothing works.


I bought an DAB/FM radio at John Lewis a couple of months ago. The other day, it stopped working, produced nothing but static. Don't know where the receipt went, but the name John Lewis is printed on the thing. I took it back to them today, not for a refund but to see if they could tell what's wrong. They couldn't get it to work, but they exchanged it for a different model. They are a good store.


I got the new radio home and unbox it. Screwing around with the 12 page instruction book for an hour now, I can't get any stations I want. THIS IS A DAMN RADIO!!! 12 PAGES OF INSTRUCTIONS!!! I WANT TO TURN THE THING ON, LISTEN TO THE NEWS AND MAYBE PLAY A LITTLE MUSIC!!! 

Edited by Ed Rooney
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Lol, Ed. I greatly sympathize. These times are not the times when we need our virus-contained lives to go wrong. We have little patience for those troubles.

Believe it or not, I now have good news. My neighbor did some dirt work on the drainage channel between our houses. He asked permission from me to dig up a drainage pipe from my house and put in another gutter coming down from my eve. So he did the work, and it was after that my in-ground sprinkler didn’t work.  He came over this morning to check out my system before any of the repairmen came. He had a feeling maybe it was something he caused.

Well, it was. When he dug up my drainage pipe, he cut the buried electrical line to the pump of my system.  He’s in the process of fixing that now. I canceled the service calls from both companies. I get to hold onto that 💰. My heart is happy.
Be sure to check out both bands on that radio.

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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:

Screwing around with the 12 page instruction book for an hour now, I can't get any stations I want.

I'm tempted to post a link to the 234 page datasheet for the PIC16F87xA microcontroller chip, but that would be evil. 😈


Betty: I hope he used a suitable connector or splice, otherwise you could be in for more problems when the ground becomes wet. If you get a breaker tripping when it rains, you will know where the problem is.

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29 minutes ago, DJ Myford said:

Betty: I hope he used a suitable connector or splice, otherwise you could be in for more problems when the ground becomes wet. If you get a breaker tripping when it rains, you will know where the problem is.


This should be in the ‘good thing’ thread...someone in London giving someone in Kansas advice on their electrics. How many forums are as diverse and inclusive as Alamy!! 

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48 minutes ago, Thyrsis said:


This should be in the ‘good thing’ thread...someone in London giving someone in Kansas advice on their electrics. How many forums are as diverse and inclusive as Alamy!! 

I agree! 😊  Funny, that comment.  It’s like me. I worked for an ophthalmologist for a number of years. When I hear somebody mention trouble with their eyes, my ears perk up and sometimes find myself giving advice.

“You’re seeing jagged flashing lights? That's a symptom of retinal detachment, or as simple as thinning of the vitreous humor, which comes with aging. That thinning can tug on the retina causing flashing lights/floaters.“ Whatever, it needs checking by an eye doctor, never ignored.”
Thanks, DJ.

And yes, he is a retired electrician and said that the wires should not have been run underground the length of the front of my house, turn the corner and go to my back yard. He said they should have gone through my attic space and to the ground from there. 
That's why he accidentally cut them, he never dreamed whoever put the system in before my time would do it that way.
He’ll fix it right. He still has his electrician’s tool belt. He’s only been retired (Early) a couple of years. Maybe 60 yrs old. So he’s still up on everything.

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“You’re seeing jagged flashing lights? That's a symptom of retinal detachment, or as simple as thinning of the vitreous humor, which comes with aging. That thinning can tug on the retina causing flashing lights/floaters.“ Whatever, it needs checking by an eye doctor, never ignored.”

Might these things also suggest a mini-stroke? 

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38 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:

“You’re seeing jagged flashing lights? That's a symptom of retinal detachment, or as simple as thinning of the vitreous humor, which comes with aging. That thinning can tug on the retina causing flashing lights/floaters.“ Whatever, it needs checking by an eye doctor, never ignored.”

Might these things also suggest a mini-stroke? 


Sometimes jagged flashing lights go with a migraine and it is possible to have a migraine without the headache. It happens with me at times. Rest in chair with eyes closed for 30 minutes and it disappears but there is a sort of mussy feeling for about another hour.




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Allan, I used to be a migraine sufferer, but common migraine. What you are describing is classic migraine.  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/migraine-with-aura/symptoms-causes/syc-20352072


On the week of my 50th birthday, while living in Woodstock, I had 3 terrible migraines. And I've not had one since. Not one in over 30 years. 

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52 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:


Sometimes jagged flashing lights go with a migraine and it is possible to have a migraine without the headache. It happens with me at times. Rest in chair with eyes closed for 30 minutes and it disappears but there is a sort of mussy feeling for about another hour.




Unfortunately severe headaches are now officially a COVID symptom.

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2 hours ago, Allan Bell said:


Sometimes jagged flashing lights go with a migraine and it is possible to have a migraine without the headache. It happens with me at times. Rest in chair with eyes closed for 30 minutes and it disappears but there is a sort of mussy feeling for about another hour.





Yes, I get those aura migraines occasionally. Just the jaggedy flashing but no headache. 2 ibuprofen and drinking  lots of water works for me.


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24 minutes ago, Thyrsis said:


Yes, I get those aura migraines occasionally. Just the jaggedy flashing but no headache. 2 ibuprofen and drinking  lots of water works for me.



Apparently it only happens to the brainy people.😉




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While traveling, I had flashing lights in my right eye, along with blob-like “floater” shapes blocking my vision. I made fast tracks to the opthamology clinic, thinking my retina was detaching. Fortunately, it was the vitreous. The next summer the other eye had the same issue, almost to the day, while in the same city. At least the second time it didn’t frighten me half to death thinking I was either losing my eyesight or heading into surgery. 

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2 hours ago, Cecile Marion said:

While traveling, I had flashing lights in my right eye, along with blob-like “floater” shapes blocking my vision. I made fast tracks to the opthamology clinic, thinking my retina was detaching. Fortunately, it was the vitreous. The next summer the other eye had the same issue, almost to the day, while in the same city. At least the second time it didn’t frighten me half to death thinking I was either losing my eyesight or heading into surgery. 


Suggest you might be best off by not visiting that city again JIC.😇




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I had a different eye problem late last year, seeing flashes of white light in the corner of one eye. Thorough check up at an optician showed nothing abnormal and it stopped happening soon after. Cost to me...as a UK pensioner.... zero! 

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11 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

“You’re seeing jagged flashing lights? That's a symptom of retinal detachment, or as simple as thinning of the vitreous humor, which comes with aging. That thinning can tug on the retina causing flashing lights/floaters.“ Whatever, it needs checking by an eye doctor, never ignored.”

Might these things also suggest a mini-stroke? 

Never heard of mini strokes causing that. But I’m definitely not a doctor, so I won’t say it couldn’t be a symptom. I was simply in the room listening to the doctor tell what those symptoms indicated to the patients, plus the information I learned from my two Ophthalmic courses.

My husband suffered mini-strokes for years, never had that symptom. But not all people have the same symptoms. Covid 19 has proven that.

It's amazing how much medical information one can pick up at the elbow of a doctor. Just enough to be dangerous. 😊
I used to have migraines, usually with a severe headache. One day while at work, I had jagged flashing lights at the edge of my vision. The doctor dilated my eyes, checked everything, no retinal problems. I was having an optical migraine without the headache.  I ended up having several more as time went on. Sometimes what I saw was like looking through a window that water was coursing down. Everything I saw was wavy.

I enjoy being different. NOT!

Edited by Betty LaRue
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8 hours ago, Cecile Marion said:

While traveling, I had flashing lights in my right eye, along with blob-like “floater” shapes blocking my vision. I made fast tracks to the opthamology clinic, thinking my retina was detaching. Fortunately, it was the vitreous. The next summer the other eye had the same issue, almost to the day, while in the same city. At least the second time it didn’t frighten me half to death thinking I was either losing my eyesight or heading into surgery. 


I had a similar problem about 20 years ago -- a reoccurring psychedelic light show in one of my eyes. Turned out it was due to "floaters" tugging on the retina (as Edo suggested). It was a bit freaky, but the condition eventually disappeared on its own and has never returned (touch wood). Now I've moved on to cataracts...🤓

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