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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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28 minutes ago, NYCat said:

I do love British humor (humour). I'm sure several dozen long belly laughs have been good for my health. Thank you.


That made me laugh too (but, hell, I've had a glass or two of wine, and I'll laugh at anything).

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7 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:


Yes it is good to see that and it is becoming increasingly recognised. Official recognition has certainly been hampered by the fact that it might be a rather inconvenient truth for some as it will lead to unknown numbers of people being off work on sick pay for the medium or long term. 

I would love to know when the service Matt Hancock is talking about will be rolled out nationally. I spoke to my GP last week and the criterion for having any investigation on the effects of the lungs were extreme breathlessness, inability to form complete sentences plus possible hallucinations. I have none of those but I definitely have lung damage judging by my breathing and it is quite worrying having no understanding of what has happened in my lungs at all. However,  there are vast numbers of people with cancer who have been denied treatment and are waiting for scans so people like me are low priority. Andrew Gwynn describes it very well in terms of the unpredictability of the fatigue on a daily basis. 

My message to anyone regardless of age is really take care to avoid this illness if at all possible. The virus is not weakening but it can cause terrible physical weakness as an after effect. 

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Sorry to hear about your recent misadventures, Edo. It looks as if you're well equipped for your pandemic outings. I wish people here were as conscientious. Yesterday I decided to visit a favourite coffee shop and was dismayed to find that virtually no one was wearing a mask or properly physical-distancing. While I was waiting in line for my coffee, a middle-aged guy who should have known better sneezed without covering his mouth. A young boy did the same, and his grandmother said "Bless you!" rather than telling him to smarten up. BC has managed to keep COVID infection rates very low, so it's sad to see people becoming so cavalier. Things could change for the worse very quickly, especially now that people are out and about and travelling more.


P.S. It's still morning here, so nothing bad has happened yet today. I did just check my zooms, though, and the last week doesn't look pretty. 😟

Edited by John Mitchell
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1 hour ago, MDM said:

Were you not insured.? 


We have insurance, but we were initially thinking it would be cheaper to just fix it out of pocket. Now that I've heard $3K in repairs, I'm not so sure. I may have changed my mind. ;)

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31 minutes ago, Lori Rider said:


We have insurance, but we were initially thinking it would be cheaper to just fix it out of pocket. Now that I've heard $3K in repairs, I'm not so sure. I may have changed my mind. ;)

That sounds an awful lot for a scrape unless it is a very special car or there is some serious damage. Sometimes these guys see you coming and when they see a woman their eyes light up even more. I’m not saying that is the case here but I have seen it with my wife a few years ago getting crazy quotes for a scratch repair and a new door handle on an old car. Might be a good idea to shop around. 

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Nothing particularly awful has happened to me today, although there is time yet.


Also sorry to hear of your Liverpudlian woes Edo, how about a move to the deep south, in leafy Birkenhead? There is a regular ferry, which has been running since 1150, according to Wikipedia, and a tunnel that doesn't go back quite as far, so you could still make regular visits to the city.

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7 hours ago, sb photos said:


A big worrying issue is that large numbers of the public here act as if the Pandemic is over, even though people are still dying from the Coronavirus. Here from the 24th masks should be worn in shops, yet shops and the police say they don't have the resources to enforce the law. Also some shop owners state they will still serve and not turn away people not wearing masks as they need the business, this doesn't help. I won't talk about how many here are critical of our governments approach. To me being cautious, the earlier days of lockdown felt safer.


Stores and banks in Nicaragua are requiring masks, and many require temps to be taken with IR hand held thermometers at the door.  The majority of people not wearing masks are young adult and late adolescent males, with some poor who don't care in the mix.  Nobody throws the sorts of fits we hear about happening in the US though some of the Anglo expats seem to believe that wearing masks is foolish (to which the Nicaraguans say to each other in Spanish that the gringos are foolish).


i had a bout of diarrhea yesterday which I suspect was from bad food handling where my helper goes to bring back breakfast.   I didn't order it today.  I may start cooking breakfast and buying more fruit from street vendors.  Limes are in season, as are pitayas/dragon fruit, which I love but can't eat because they cause bladder irritation. 


Tomorrow is Dia de la Revolucion, which normally features loading all government employees in trucks and buses and taking them to Managua for a giant rally, but this year, people won't be going to Managua from the outlying departments but will have the celebrations in the departments.  Hopefully masked.


I think China has announced it will be testing its vaccine on it military and residents of other selected countries.  We expats wonder who will get a vaccine that's safe out first. 

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1 hour ago, MDM said:

That sounds an awful lot for a scrape unless it is a very special car or there is some serious damage. Sometimes these guys see you coming and when they see a woman their eyes light up even more. I’m not saying that is the case here but I have seen it with my wife a few years ago getting crazy quotes for a scratch repair and a new door handle on an old car. Might be a good idea to shop around. 


It's more than a scrape. Four panels will have to be replaced. But you're probably right that getting multiple quotes couldn't hurt.

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19 hours ago, sb photos said:


Also some shop owners state they will still serve and not turn away people not wearing masks as they need the business



Hmm..., have they thought about the business they will lose from people like me who may well refuse to shop anywhere that allows people in without masks?



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On the front of Boris's lectern when he is giving the covid update are three statements.


STAY       \        CONTROL      \   SAVE

ALERT     /      THE VIRUS      /   LIVES


There is a subliminal warning in there.







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This was yesterday as I was busy in the Cotswolds later in the day.


Intended photographing the Thank You NHS spitfire as it flew over Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Was using my longest zoom, a Nikon 70-300 on a crop sensor body to get more reach. Even then the Spitfire was too small in the frame. For some time I had been thinking about buying a 150-600, but didn't as it would likely have had minimal use. 

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Yesterday I learned Sony came out with a firmware update last November for the RX10 IV, my go-to camera. I seem to be taking lots of animal pics during these pandemic days (birds, alligators, rabbits) and the update adds animal eye AF. However, my computer is too old, and my new iPad won’t work, so I seem to be unable to do a firmware update at this point. Now want the update even more. 😕

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59 minutes ago, sb photos said:

Intended photographing the Thank You NHS spitfire as it flew over Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Was using my longest zoom, a Nikon 70-300 on a crop sensor body to get more reach. Even then the Spitfire was too small in the frame. For some time I had been thinking about buying a 150-600, but didn't as it would likely have had minimal use. 

Yes, I caught it going over Basildon Hospital with the intention of getting the doctors and nurses watching it go over. You can see the doctors and nurses, but the Spitfire is just a dot!



I did then get a shot using a 150-600 but even then it was a 50% crop (on full frame).

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2 hours ago, Avpics said:

Yes, I caught it going over Basildon Hospital with the intention of getting the doctors and nurses watching it go over. You can see the doctors and nurses, but the Spitfire is just a dot!



I did then get a shot using a 150-600 but even then it was a 50% crop (on full frame).


Good shot. I could have borrowed a 150-600 but it was a Canon fit and I use Nikon.


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3 hours ago, sb photos said:

This was yesterday as I was busy in the Cotswolds later in the day.


Intended photographing the Thank You NHS spitfire as it flew over Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Was using my longest zoom, a Nikon 70-300 on a crop sensor body to get more reach. Even then the Spitfire was too small in the frame. For some time I had been thinking about buying a 150-600, but didn't as it would likely have had minimal use. 


I've had the same debate with myself but for birds. Currently using the APS-C cam with a 70-300 which even at the 300 end is quite restrictive, but also enough for most uses. I tell myself though that apart from the odd long distance photo it'd gather dust and that it's an outlay I can't afford until I sell more Alamy pics. Seems to be working so far...

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The inter-cooler of my motorhome has a leak. We're in accommodation for a few days. There's a TV set in here. We haven't seen one in over a year. Did we turn it on? Nope.

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