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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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On 30/09/2020 at 00:54, Betty LaRue said:


Nice to have a start on my autumn work.
Later, I’ll have to hire someone for leaf raking. Most leaves that fall in my yard are from other people’s trees. 🙁


Fallen leaves make good compost. Gather them with a suction mower which will chop them nicely, and store in a chicken wire enclosure, turning occasionally. I have to collect  mine from around the neighbourhood. It's a gift from nature. I mix the leaf mould with some bought compost and sharp sand, great for tomatoes, hanging baskets etc.

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Had email from Alamy telling me my submissions had passed QC.  First one uploaded 20th Sept then two more followed on 22nd and 30th, so taking the first upload my subs passed in less than two weeks and still only one star gen.


That could mean that the load on QC is easing.




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This is a sort of good/bad thing. When I was visiting my wonderful travel companion last year she told me she had one credit card that she only uses online so when it had to be cancelled because of fraud it didn't cause a big problem. I took her advice and I have just found small amounts being charged to my online card... purportedly from Amazon. So I've had to spend some time with Amazon and with my credit card company but all is well and I will have a new card on Monday. None of my automatic payments will be affected since they are on another card.



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I've got work in a juried gallery exhibit opening tomorrow. I'm looking forward to showing my work again, it'll be socially distanced, in a big open loft area, with an outdoor reception with live music, fingers crossed all goes well. A tad nervous but overall a good thing. 

You can check it out here: https://tinyurl.com/y3w2mwve


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I have my annual free flu jab this morning. Good as it will cut down on the possibility of catching flu. As well as seriously effecting some people, Flu can give symptoms similar to Coronavirus causing unnecessary testing and self isolation. Also there is the additional load put on the NHS in these uncertain times from elderly people with bad Flu. Relating to the UK, even if you aren't entitled to a free flu jab, I would recommend having one at a supermarket pharmacy as I previously did simply for convenience. Last time I did that they only cost around £10/12 if not entitled to a free vaccination.

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1 hour ago, sb photos said:

I have my annual free flu jab this morning. Good as it will cut down on the possibility of catching flu. As well as seriously effecting some people, Flu can give symptoms similar to Coronavirus causing unnecessary testing and self isolation. Also there is the additional load put on the NHS in these uncertain times from elderly people with bad Flu. Relating to the UK, even if you aren't entitled to a free flu jab, I would recommend having one at a supermarket pharmacy as I previously did simply for convenience. Last time I did that they only cost around £10/12 if not entitled to a free vaccination.


Worth every penny. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, I have been eligible for the free jab for years.




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My doctors surgery flu jab procedure was very efficient. Socially distanced queue at the door, checking name, appointment time and 3 questions relating possibility of you having Covid-19 symptom before letting you in. Less than a minute distanced in waiting room before being ushered into a one way corridor and being asked to roll up sleeve ready for jab. Nurse in doorway with trolly full of small flu vaccine syringes. A quick jab and out through the back door.  Speaking to a woman on the way out to our cars we both wondered why previous flu jab days couldn't have been so efficiently run.

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1 hour ago, CAROL SAUNDERS said:

My flu jab is booked for next week.  Back in I think February I went to the Doctors for my jabs for a forthcoming trip which didn't take place.  However I was also offered a pneumonia jab whilst I was there so I had that also..




At a recent checkup I was offered my Pneumococcal vaccination. Normally it's a once in a lifetime jab, unless like me you've had your spleen removed, then every 5 years as the antibodies reduce.


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1 hour ago, sb photos said:


At a recent checkup I was offered my Pneumococcal vaccination. Normally it's a once in a lifetime jab, unless like me you've had your spleen removed, then every 5 years as the antibodies reduce.



 I was offered a vaccine against Shingles about 4 years ago by my then surgery. When I read the information on the jab it was mentioned that when you have the jab for shingles it was possible for it to cause the little b+&^$£%s to flair up and give you a dose of it.

Refused the Shingles jab and the nurse said "I don't blame you."




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40 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:


Everyone round to Marks.🥴




Ah but it's only a tasting box. Only five little jars, 150ml total, and one already gone, sorry🤩

They'll be lucky to last the evening. A birthday present from the children, they know me too well🍸

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2 hours ago, sb photos said:

My doctors surgery flu jab procedure was very efficient. Socially distanced queue at the door, checking name, appointment time and 3 questions relating possibility of you having Covid-19 symptom before letting you in. Less than a minute distanced in waiting room before being ushered into a one way corridor and being asked to roll up sleeve ready for jab. Nurse in doorway with trolly full of small flu vaccine syringes. A quick jab and out through the back door.  Speaking to a woman on the way out to our cars we both wondered why previous flu jab days couldn't have been so efficiently run.


I had a flu jab last year after being convinced to by a friend. All the supermarkets nearby were out of stock so I got one from a chemist. I'd phoned ahead but when I arrived they hadn't got the memo and tried to convince me to have it done another day. No can do as I've gone out of my way. The person who did it for me really seemed like they didn't even want to be there at all. The hilarity then ensued when I started to feel faint after having it done (this happens with me about 3/4 of the time I have an injection as I'm squeamish) so I then had to lie down on the floor for 10 minutes drifting in and out of consciousness while customers tried not to stand on me. About 2 weeks after I then came down with an awful "flu"/cold etc. I've had flu once before and this was probably as bad. Looking back a bunch of mates had something similar around this time and we all agree it could have been covid as there's loads of rumours and anecdotes to suggest it was circulating earlier than we thought. if it was just a reaction to the jab then sod having one again.


Would I have a flu jab again? Not sure. I'm not in an at risk group and I really really hate needles... and fainting.

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On 20/03/2020 at 18:14, Betty LaRue said:

Rather than talking about doom and gloom, post something good that happened in your day and days to come. Let’s spread joy.

Me? I was able to put in a pickup-grocery-order today. A couple of days ago there was no room at the inn. I can pick them up Monday. 🤗

And my Rose of Sharon bush has leaf buds. Spring is showing new life.



1. I'm 73 and I woke up this morning.

2. There are squash on the vines in our garden, I'll bake one tonight.

3. Before I went down this rabbit hole, called forums, I created a new Vector and uploaded it.

4. The lady on the corner is having her last garage sale for the season, and she makes pickles, dilly beans and jars of asparagus. At prices 1/3rd of stores.

5. I filled the bird feeders which are line of sight, just over the top of my monitor, while I'm editing.

6. The Green Bay Packers are 3-0


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18 minutes ago, Klinger said:


1. I'm 73 and I woke up this morning.

2. There are squash on the vines in our garden, I'll bake one tonight.

3. Before I went down this rabbit hole, called forums, I created a new Vector and uploaded it.

4. The lady on the corner is having her last garage sale for the season, and she makes pickles, dilly beans and jars of asparagus. At prices 1/3rd of stores.

5. I filled the bird feeders which are line of sight, just over the top of my monitor, while I'm editing.

6. The Green Bay Packers are 3-0


Oh, come on, "a good thing that happened in your life today"? That's six good things! Stop cheating🤩

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1 hour ago, spacecadet said:

Ah but it's only a tasting box. Only five little jars, 150ml total, and one already gone, sorry🤩

They'll be lucky to last the evening. A birthday present from the children, they know me too well🍸


Happy Birthday. And it sounds as if it will be.😵




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12 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

Oh, come on, "a good thing that happened in your life today"? That's six good things! Stop cheating🤩


OK I'll settle for #1, I'm always happy when I don't wake up and find myself dead? Not like I'm a creaking old piece of rubble, but my brain still thinks I can do things, that my body say "oh no you can't". 😉



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Just now, Klinger said:


OK I'll settle for #1, I'm always happy when I don't wake up and find myself dead? Not like I'm a creaking old piece of rubble, but my brain still thinks I can do things, that my body say "oh no you can't". 😉




I'm 75 and woke up this morning. got out of bed at my usual time 6.30am washed and dressed then a leisurely breakfast. Can't remember what I did then.

Hooray it is nearly bed time.




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7 hours ago, Cal said:

Would I have a flu jab again? Not sure. I'm not in an at risk group and I really really hate needles... and fainting.


Needles don't worry me, but I realise they do some people. I could happily inject my own vaccine, I'm used to using the short needle in an insulin pen twice a day.

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