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On 14th, I was in despair, because sales were just not coming in and I expected a really really bad month.

Luckily, I was wrong. In the end, volume was slightly below average, revenue slightly above. 


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June was at the low valley of my performance for the last while.

10,510 views, 52 zooms, 9 sales, $484 gross.

However, if this years continues the trend in the second half, my yearly performance will be on the upswing.

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4 hours ago, ACC said:

This sale landed this morning. Licence is for a UK national newspaper print run up to 2 million copies. I don’t know which newspaper so if you spot it please let me know. It’s not appearing on Google search so I suspect its one of the paywall papers - Times, Telegraph?





They're "under 500000" these days, just, according to my recent licence details

Mail or Sun, I'm afraid.

And what exactly was wrong with my images of the Walton beach huts, I'd like to know??

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42 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

They're "under 500000" these days, just, according to my recent licence details

Mail or Sun, I'm afraid.

And what exactly was wrong with my images of the Walton beach huts, I'd like to know??


Thanks for the info. And to answer your question- no idea but I seem to have the market on Walton beach huts at the mo, this is the second sold from the same shoot both for decent fees. I guess I got lucky 😄.

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Despite a mid-month dry spell, I ended up with 12 sales (average for me) for $475 gross. Low prices were offset somewhat by a $175 book license that came late to the party. Zooms and CTR both holding steady. Bigger than usual payout this month.

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23 minutes ago, Craig Yates said:

21 for $359.

over 18 searches by Alamy reference number in June and zooms on the increase.




Interesting Craig - those Alamy searches by Image number - were they by image number ONLY or were there any other search parameters, and were they the only image searched for or was it one of those searches where there are several Alamy image ref. numbers put in?





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15 minutes ago, Doc said:

Interesting Craig - those Alamy searches by Image number - were they by image number ONLY or were there any other search parameters, and were they the only image searched for or was it one of those searches where there are several Alamy image ref. numbers put in?





2 were part of a group search the rest were individual searches by image number only



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4 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

June was a pretty average month for me.  16 sales (assuming nothing pops in today) for $1039.  The only thing odd was that 9 of the 16 sales were A series images!  I seem to be on track to match last year's number in both sales and revenue.  I keep uploaded but not getting much upward traction!


It was something of an oldie month for me too -- 2 A's, 8 B's, 1 C, and 1 J.

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1 hour ago, ACC said:


Thanks for the info. And to answer your question- no idea but I seem to have the market on Walton beach huts at the mo, this is the second sold from the same shoot both for decent fees. I guess I got lucky 😄.

Well if it's your stamping ground fair enough. I've sold one but I was on holiday. Probably in between pints.

Anyway, yours is slightly better.

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1 hour ago, spacecadet said:

Well if it's your stamping ground fair enough. I've sold one but I was on holiday. Probably in between pints.

Anyway, yours is slightly better.


Wow thats a tiny font but gee thanks 😉😎😊.

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Odd month.  1 sale only till 21st whan another couple dropped in.  At that point I was expecting a bad month - then the final week arrived with another 19, mostly on the final three working days.  So, not too bad for numbers (22), but could be better for revenue at $372 gross.  Zooms and CTR again very healthy but I won't know the final figures till Monday.

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Awful. Thirteen sales (make of that figure what you will) but for just pennies over $200. PUs and PODs aside, not a single image reached anywhere near its correct price. Either distro or 'bulk', or some other agreed value or suchlike.


I'm thinking I've got this slapped on my account:



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4531 views.   17 zooms.   Average CTR 0.38.   BHZ 77/3096.

6 sales for a total of $262.68

Highest $70.21   Lowest $25.68  Average $43.78.  Lowest average for some months. Lowest figures all round this year.

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June = zero downloads = £0 = zero motivation to upload here.


And why can’t I opt to stay signed into these forums instad of teadiously signing in with a captch every time ?



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