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How was your August?

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"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...."


Only one sale, but it was for the highest amount this year ($128), but it was a distributor sale.


Record number of rolling monthly views (4702), but low zooms so CTR low.


I've reached the highest payout ever for September, but low sales mean that I probably won't get another payout this year.



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Fewer sales than last month, but better money. Last month my biggest earners turned out to be distributer sales, while the reverse has occurred this time! Good number of zooms, highest monthly total to date, so perhaps a more rosy future....


Just licensed another two photos from the US of A. Proportionally they do much, much better, both in terms of sales per shot and cash,  than those from anywhere else I've tried. Sadly not enough in it to justify another trip though  :unsure:

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Average for me - 39 licences for $2200 - average $56, some refunds and then sales of same image at a lower price at the beginning of the month which I think several people noticed



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August started off poorly for me with four refunds (discussed in "Loadsa Refunds" thread). However, things picked up nicely and I ended up with 13 new sales ranging from $21 to $225. Only one distributor sale in the batch. So all's well that ends well. Thanks, Alamy.

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Funny, but (despite Alamy's reassurance to the contrary) the re-rank (in which I slipped a BHZ page) seemed to directly affect my views.  Doubtless just coincidence and paranoia on my part!


Anyhow, no sales, zooms steady(ish), but a couple of zooms by image ref. code were +ive.  Hopefully I'll see some returns from them.

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Officially over six months since the last time I licensed an image at Alamy.  I have 75 more in the queue...time to keep getting on it I suppose.  Not very motivating.


Ed, do you think that removing some of the similars (e.g. the car shots and Lake Powell) might improve matters? Just a casual observation from someone who knows b-all about CTR. Cheers.

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Officially over six months since the last time I licensed an image at Alamy.  I have 75 more in the queue...time to keep getting on it I suppose.  Not very motivating.


Ed, do you think that removing some of the similars (e.g. the car shots and Lake Powell) might improve matters? Just a casual observation from someone who knows b-all about CTR. Cheers.


Both the car shots and the Lake Powell images are newly uploaded...so they should be mid-ranked for the next 6 months and should not be a factor in CTR yet.  My other observation (especially with the car shots) is that "similiars" are based on keywords....not on the appearance of images.  If one does a search on SCCA Car Race, then yes, I have multiple similars with 428 results out of a pool of 483 images.  If one does a search on "Yellow Honda S2000" then I have 1 image result from that search (Yellow Honda S2000 was actually a click CTR recording on a customer image search - of which there are only 11 in the entire Alamy library).

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