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sales communication

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Good afternoon everybody.:)
Flipping through the pages of this forum, (I'm following you even if I'm not very talkative) I noticed that some of you mentioned alamy sales mails.
I wanted to ask you if, when a photo is sold, alamy sends an email notification. I did not find any options on this.
Thanks in advance for your intervention


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6 minutes ago, lorenza said:

Good afternoon everybody.:)
Flipping through the pages of this forum, (I'm following you even if I'm not very talkative) I noticed that some of you mentioned alamy sales mails.
I wanted to ask you if, when a photo is sold, alamy sends an email notification. I did not find any options on this.
Thanks in advance for your intervention



Only special people get e-mails.  ;);)   Seriously, I've not had one. This seems to be a new development for larger sales. 

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1 hour ago, lorenza said:

Good afternoon everybody.:)
Flipping through the pages of this forum, (I'm following you even if I'm not very talkative) I noticed that some of you mentioned alamy sales mails.
I wanted to ask you if, when a photo is sold, alamy sends an email notification. I did not find any options on this.
Thanks in advance for your intervention


There is no usual e-mail from Alamy when a sale is made. just today they seem to have started sending out an e-mail regarding large sales - I got one today referring to a sale at the beginning of this month. This is new.


Kumar (the Doc one)

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1 hour ago, Sultanpepa said:


Only special people get e-mails.  ;);)   Seriously, I've not had one. This seems to be a new development for larger sales. 


1 hour ago, John Richmond said:

They send out an email for your first sale and I recently had one congratulating me on reaching the milestone of earning over $5,000 (nett) on Alamy but that's been my only experience.  


41 minutes ago, Michael Ventura said:

I seem to only get emails about the deletion of of images of places that don't want photos of their property on Alamy :o


16 minutes ago, Avpics said:

I reckon they've seen the 'slow month' thread and decided the contributors need a 'lift', focus group, blue sky positive thinking.....


7 minutes ago, Doc said:

There is no usual e-mail from Alamy when a sale is made. just today they seem to have started sending out an e-mail regarding large sales - I got one today referring to a sale at the beginning of this month. This is new.


Kumar (the Doc one)

Thanks guys, now everything is clearer ... (then when I see an email of alamy will mean that I made a great sale (I quit my job ...):D:D

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36 minutes ago, Avpics said:

I reckon they've seen the 'slow month' thread and decided the contributors need a 'lift', focus group, blue sky positive thinking.....


Where did the 'Slow month' thread go? Has it been deleted?



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15 minutes ago, andremichel said:


Where did the 'Slow month' thread go? Has it been deleted?



Yep. Nothing on search. Mods must have got fed up trying to decide who to tick off, so they just canned the lot. Probably for the best. Parts of it were a bit of a running sore to be honest.

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1 hour ago, Gina Kelly said:

I've only received one, and that was today. In it they congratulated me on a large sale and I got pretty excited until I realized they were referring to a sale from last month, ha! 


After getting quite excited this morning I've only just found my larger sale from last month too, mentioned in the congrats email you mention.


That said, I'm delighted to say it's been a record month - I think in terms of both actual sales as well as revenue.





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2 minutes ago, Sultanpepa said:

Awww, I liked my "Slow month 2018" thread. :angry: Delete the cat fight and leave the rest. Meeeaww :P We have a positive thread, we need a moan thread too. ;)

Great idea! +1

Maybe the first that feels the need to moan can open an  "April 2018 Moaning" thread ?!

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2 hours ago, andremichel said:

In a few days we can have "April slow month" thread 😀

I am getting ready for it now! Start the countdown.


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45 minutes ago, Rico said:

I am getting ready for it now! Start the countdown.


okay, I have been peeking...love the Stampede stuff...mine are much wider and won't be up for another 2 years at this rate.

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2 hours ago, MandyD said:

okay, I have been peeking...love the Stampede stuff...mine are much wider and won't be up for another 2 years at this rate.

Thanks for the compliment! 

Yeah, I like to shoot tight. edit(I didn't mean drunk:lol:) My western themed photos seem to sell the best (for me anyways)


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Got the congrats mail, but, disappointingly, it referred to a $800 sale last month.


In the past I have received an email following a live news sale, maybe my first, I can't recall.

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9 hours ago, Shergar said:

Expecting a email to arrive expressing their commiserations anytime now!


Cheers and gone.









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