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Marc, great presentation! How did you go about it?




Hi Wim,


I downloaded the data from Alamy using the "Build a downloadable sales report" facility on the contributor page. For those who have never used this or are new, this facility is also useful for compiling your DACS claim and for getting the quickest notification about sales. Sales show up almost immediately in this download, long before they appear in the "Recent Sales" section on the contributor page. You don't have to download all the fields, you can select the fields you are interested in. In any event, it only takes seconds to download.


Once the data is downloaded as a .csv file and imported in Excel (or any other spreadsheet software), I created five different "Sheets" in Excel, one for each year. I then sorted each sheet by gross sale value (highlight all columns, then select data, sort by column). If you then highlight the cells that fall within the price band you are interested in, and look bottom right in the Excel information bar, you will see how many cells you have selected (plus other information). This tells you how many sales you had within the price band. Enter this in an empty cell somewhere. Then do the same for the other price bands. From this information you can then make a bar or pie chart. If you highlight all the gross sale value cells for the whole year, the information bar at the bottom will tell you the average. You can then do the same for the net values and make a chart.


I was just trying to do it quickly. Of course, there are better ways using formulas and macros, and perhaps I'll put one of those together for everyone to use if I can find time .... you can then have an input screen at the front to select what you want analysed.


If I can be of further help, let me know.





Thank you!

I will try to follow that steps to get to those charts.


Because sales still come trickle in (a whopping 4.20 today) I'm still holding out until the first day of 2017.



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It's been a year of peaks and troughs with 18 sales in June and only 2 so far this month. On the whole prices have reflected the general downward trend experienced by mostly everyone else and with the larger sales becoming less frequent it doesn't bode well for the future. I'm not in the distributor scheme because I just can't abide the thought of sharing the fruits of my labour with two others. Give me my 50% and share what's left however many ways you wish, that's how I see it.

I'm looking forward to seeing the new tools and getting on with re-keywording which I think will need to be done to get the best from the new algorithms. My views have certainly taken a hit in the last month and the new year will give me a feel for how zooms are shaping up as December is not the best time to judge. 


2016- 107 sales (double of 2015)- revenue showing downward returns but still a good improvement on last years total. 

Here's hoping you all have a happy and prosperous new year.



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number crunching......compared to 2015


volume    -   up 14%

sales       -   down 10%

revenue  -   down 37%


12% of sales I had to report myself

3 sales over $150


Despite remaining high in the rankings, overall not so good !


I'm glad other options are available !

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86% increase in sales numbers (97 against 52 last year), 52% increase in gross earnings but low average gross of $25.47, down on the $31.23 for last year.  Too many low return distributor and newspaper sales.  I'm only in my third year with Alamy so still in the early stages of what I recognise as a long term commitment.

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Managed to continue both increase in image sales and increase in income year on year.


Image sales 2016 - 868

(Image sales 2015 - 656

Increase in image sales : 212, or 32%


Gross Income 2016 - $28,000

(Gross Income 2015 - $26,560)

Increase in Gross income - $1440, or 5%


Images added during the year - 1,400 (7.5% increase)


Image numbers now on sale 19,980



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Year ended well with a bumper crop in December, pushing my gross revenue over last year's figure.


Over the year volume up by 41% :) , gross income up by 6.3% :mellow: , average fee per image leased down by 30%  :( .

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Number of Alamy sales (includes Stockimo)

2012 = 1
2013 = 16
2014 = 57
2015 = 76
2016 = 84
Number of Stock photos for sale
2015  = 1,688
2016  = 1,940
Number of Stockimo iPhone photos for sale
2015  = 615
2016  = 669
Highest 2016 Alamy Stock sale = $180
Highest 2016 Stockimo iPhone sale = $150
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Well, as this is my first year, and not a full one at that, I'm still happy to have opened my Alamy account with 3 sales in the past 4 weeks, worth just over $65. These are all from images uploaded in April. A coincidence I'm sure?!


I spent the best part of the year with around 200 images in my portfolio but have got that up to over 600 in the past month with another 150 gone through QC and waiting to be keyworded etc.


Here's looking forward to a productive 2017.


Happy new year to you all



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351 for 16800 (gross)

amount up from 2015: 60%

$$ up from 2015: 30%



100 and higher: 39

80-100:   8
60-80 :  25
40-60:   66
20-40:   83
0-20:   131

highest: 650 -and I still think it was The Donald.




(no graphs: this box doesn't like google or dropbox pix)

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Until 2016, 2012 was my best year.


In 2012 I had 8 three figure sales among others that were just below 3 figures on about 2000 images. One of them for $700.


2015 I had 7 three figure sales although I had added 1000 or so images.


2016 I've had 5 three figure sales with a port double the 2012 port. Although contrary to some here, three of those have been in July and later.


My sales volume for 2016 is up about average to the increase in my port. But income down.

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