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Average-ish number of sales (lucky 7) ranging from silly ($5.19) to not bad at all ($180). Gross $410.


Fewer zooms than normal at the beginning of the month, but they've picked up nicely over the past two weeks. Numbers and revenue still down considerably from 2014. Thank heavens for those "oldies but goodies" repeat sellers...

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August was going to be my worst month in many many years but two sales dropped in today that saved the month. 10 sales for $556.  Still not great but I'll take it.  There were a few nice things that happened.  Had three sales from one shoot I did a couple of years ago (all low value though) and a sale from an image I just shot and uploaded a few weeks ago (not a news photo).  Two sales $175 or more, so that was nice.  So I guess all in all, I can't complain.  Zooms seem healthy too. 

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5 reported licences for $173 gross.  17 zooms - 1 already used but not yet reported - including 3 direct reference searches on previously zoomed images.  Having said that only 2 of the sales were previously zoomed, a pattern I keep seeing.  Looking promising for September.

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A new record (by one) for the number of sales in a month, though the previous record was when I had 1/3 of the images I now have online.

Not the best for income by some way, but a good month.

The last week also broke my record for sales in one week (excluding novel use days).


In the past I used to get the most income from old images and repeat sales of a few favourites, but I find these days the majority of sales are from pictures I've taken in the last year or two. Some people seem to stop contributing when they see sales drop - I think the opposite is needed.

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