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I almost feel guilty saying this, but July turned out to be an exceptionally good month for me with 22 RM sales for $1560 gross. No distributor sales in the bunch either, which seems to be a trend. Also encouraging is the fact that my gross revenue for the first seven months of 2014 is roughly the same as that of all of 2013. Not sure why the gods are smiling on me (touch wood), but I ain't complaining.


Merci beaucoup, Alamy.

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It's been a cliff hanger of a month for me.  I ended last month with a balance of $75 in the account.  Alamy won't pay until your balance is OVER $75.  Early in the month, I received a cleared balance from a distributor which rounded out to an $80 balance so I was happy I would at least be getting a payout.  Didn't mark any images licensed until the 30th when I had one come in.  Then, on the 31st, I had three more images reported as being licensed....as well as a refund for the cleared balance from the distributor so I'm once again stuck with a $75 balance for the second month LOL....


So where that leaves me....I didn't get the payout I thought I was going to get in August.

Alamy managed to report 4 images licensed (one iQ sale and three textbook sales) for $367 gross


I'm pretty sure I know what happened via the distributor refund (in order to thwart any conspiracy theorists out there)....it was an image that was reported as licensed through a different agency for the same region.


Very happy with the month end results either way (thank you Alamy - it looks like sales are picking up).  Onward and upward (and praying for balance clearing next month LOL)

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Four sales: two via distributors, one not-for-profit - and one iQ today.  So-so as far as gross is concerned, but net's a bit of a let-down (my first distributor sales, so not used to the hefty commission).  Four sales to get the same return as my first two sales a year ago.


Zooms are picking up again though, after a few slow months - along with a couple of ref # zooms, so bouncing back, I feel.

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1 reported sale for $49 and one I have found but is not reported. Had a zoom to day of the Alamy ref number of one that was zoomed a week ago, so hopefully that will turn into an August sale.



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Lots of zooms, in fact my 'AverageCTR' for the month was over 4x Alamy's. One file searched by number three times.

But only two sales for $20.44 total net, so still no incentive to spend any time or money making images to upload.

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July wasn't a good month for me. Second worst month of the year (Jan was my worst) and about half my average. 8 sales for $713. About the only good news is that I haven't had a refund in a few months! Knock on wood.


Interesting. January and July were by far my best months this year. Funny how that works.

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Just about to say 4 sales for July, then I checked my account and I missed 1 that popped in at the last minute for $180 - despite me checking all day yesterday!!! So 5 sales for $415.


My income so far this year is better than last years total, I've sold 47 so far this year compared to 41 last year and that 47 is the most I've ever sold for a total year (45 was the record) so i'm happy so far! Zooms static, some images searched by number and views up. All in all, quite happy!



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