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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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I've just listened to the latest edition of The Folk Show on BBC 2 sounds . A good variety of mainly acoustic music, but, to me, the outstanding performance was by  Karine Polwart & D. Milligan  The Parting Glass. Gentle and hauntingly beautiful. Pity it's an ephemeral thing, available for only 30 days. This track appears near to the end of the broadcast (41 mins).

Edited by Bryan
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6 hours ago, Bryan said:

I've just listened to the latest edition of The Folk Show on BBC 2 sounds . A good variety of mainly acoustic music, but, to me, the outstanding performance was by  Karine Polwart & D. Milligan  The Parting Glass. Gentle and hauntingly beautiful. Pity it's an ephemeral thing, available for only 30 days. This track appears near to the end of the broadcast (41 mins).

Great link! Thank you!




edit: this edition of the Folk Show is called The year turns round again and the first song is that from War Horse. But I cannot help thinking of this one when I hear that line. Showing my age - I know.

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The one thing that cheers me up is that the days are getting longer.

My son was here to stay 2 1/2 days at Christmas. So I did put up a tree, and had a few other decorations. I would do it if nobody else saw them just because the lights makes me happy. Then one day my daughter & son-in-law came over.

The past 3 days have been dark, cold and gloomy. A warm-up and sunshine is coming soon, though.

I'm still eating the last of the peanut butter fudge I made for the holidays. The chocolate fudge is long gone.

And no, I haven’t gained a pound.

Nice thing? I picked up a sonic cheeseburger and onion rings today for lunch. Mmmm.😋


Here, we are not in lockdown. Kids going back to school has been postponed for at least 10 days. A very few restaurants have indoor dining, with distant tables, but people are being good and ordering takeout instead. I can go see my sisters in Oklahoma if I want, and did the week before Christmas. They are like me, strictly staying in other than to pick up food. I hadn’t even done that since the 23rd of December until I ordered groceries yesterday and picked up the hamburger today. The virus variant has only showed its self a few times in this area, but it’ll probably get worse before it gets better. Nobody is being turned away at our hospitals. Yet. Test positivity in the public is slowly decreasing in my area.

I'm hoping for a better coming year.

We all want some semblance of our lives back.


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I spent some time with my daughter today.  Went shopping with her, she bought a nice chair for her home and we both got groceries. She has not been working with Covid patients directly lately and is due for her second dose of the Moderna vaccine this coming week, so that is good!  She said that last night, she had patient who was one of the rioters who stormed the Capitol building.  He had suffered a heart attack in the process.  Police have been keeping an eye on him while he is recovering. Her job is never boring, that’s for sure.

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Those normal events of just going shopping with an adult child can be so meaningful these days. I’m looking forward to the time when I can have more of them!

My daughter lived in Alexandria and worked in Foggy Bottom, but moved six years ago. I love the DC area and enjoyed visiting her. I’m also extremely glad she isn’t living there at the moment. 

Yesterday and today I was able to spend some time with my younger sister and brother in-law who I haven’t seen in almost a year. They are traveling from up north to Central Florida for the winter, and we met both days to have outdoor picnics. Even in North Florida there are often beautiful, mild days this time of year. Perfect weather. Days we’re reluctant to brag about to those friends and family living in other parts of the country. However, the sun was nowhere to be seen, the temperatures weren’t much above freezing, and the wind blew the cold right through us as we had our socially distanced picnics. Still, it was wonderful to see them.

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Cleaned the toilet, washed some socks, cleaned the utility sink (basin), put the dry towels in the airing cupboard, measured up for materials to make a new workbench with cupboards and drawers for the garage, had a frothy coffee and biscuits, loaded some images onto Photo4Me, made a statement on Facebook and awaiting backlash (Tee Hee).




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I’ve traveled over to a very rural part of my state for a brief stay on the coast. Middle of nowhere kind of place. Average household income here is very low, and most employed residents must drive long distances for work. On my way here I drove through mostly forest and timber land. Hardly any cars, few people. However, just about a mile past a lone crossroads, I encountered three county police, and a long, circular line of cars off to the side of the road outside an old building that has seen better days. A split second later I realized it was the county drive-through local Health Department’s mobile unit for administering vaccines to older residents who live independently, rather than in nursing homes/assisted living. I thought about stopping for a photo, but there was nowhere to do it safely, plus, considering the current climate in the US, I figured it wasn’t a great idea to hop out of my car with a large camera and start snapping away. A chat with the police first would have been a smarter thing to do. Still, the positive situation of people finally getting vaccinations put a big smile in my face. 

Edited by Cecile Marion
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Had my second physical therapy treatment this morning, and I can already feel a benefit for my back. Before starting this round, it had been 11 months since finishing the first round. So I got by for a good while before needing it again.  
These treatments will probably be in my future forever, unless I elect to have surgery. I’m trying to avoid that, and I’m not even sure if the hospitals are doing electives right now. I don’t want to be in a hospital now, and the surgery I would have would keep me there for days.

No thanks.

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The trees around our allotment site have grown over the years and shade the gardens, while overhanging branches are a safety hazard. We rent the plot from the local authority, and have asked them over the years to manage the trees, without success. However a change of heart must have occured, as yesterday a contractor appeared on site and started to fell the trees nearest to the gardens. The change in light levels across the site was quite dramatic, one plot holder described it as a miracle at Xmas! 


Fear not, there is still an abundance of trees, they provide protection against gale force winds and a habitat for wildlife and we would not wish them all gone, but you can't grow food under heavy shade. A satisfactory compromise has been reached.

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Good news is that the 3 day lockdown has been lifted. So I rushed to a campsite by the beach for the week.

There I discovered that at low tide, there are zillions of blue soldier crabs migrating in the sand and puddles. They're very photogenic. Click click click. More click click click. I hear a small voice in my head, Edo 'I never imagined that what's taking so long would be to select the keepers'. Click click click. Now they're in the water. Oh an individual one. He's digging. Edo 'Gen, think of the work you'll have to select'. Shushhh Edo. Oh lovely pattern of water/sand with crabs in a zig-zag. Click click click. And I'm here for a week!! It will take a month to go through the lot. At least.

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Blue Crab 1: Crikey here comes another photographer!

Blue Crab 2: Hurry hide the Unicycles!

Blue Crab 3: Where?

Blue Crab 2: Behind the Zylophones like last time ! Hurry she's getting close!

Blue Crab 1: We've got no time!

Blue Crab 2: We'll need a diversion! You lot head for the water, you over there go off on your own and you chaps do that zig zig thing... We may just get away with it...


Ahhh Lockdown!



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Pretty for crabs they are. But not as attractive as those birds that lived in your garden on the Gold Coast.


Australia is the place for abundant and unique wildlife. Here in Liverpool, the best I can do is snap the take-away line at Greggs. 

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9 minutes ago, Mr Standfast said:

Blue Crab 1: Crikey here comes another photographer!

Blue Crab 2: Hurry hide the Unicycles!

Blue Crab 3: Where?

Blue Crab 2: Behind the Zylophones like last time ! Hurry she's getting close!

Blue Crab 1: We've got no time!

Blue Crab 2: We'll need a diversion! You lot head for the water, you over there go off on your own and you chaps do that zig zig thing... We may just get away with it...


Ahhh Lockdown!




Love it! 

Our 3 day lockdown has been lifted but we're still a hotspot, so can't leave the area without a 14 day quarantine. Never mind, I'll keep annoying those crabs.

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5 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:

Pretty for crabs they are. But not as attractive as those birds that lived in your garden on the Gold Coast.


Australia is the place for abundant and unique wildlife. Here in Liverpool, the best I can do is snap the take-away line at Greggs. 


My place was in Far North Queensland where there is a mammoth monsoon right now. Yes, wildlife in the garden was amazing. Right now near Brisbane, I can hear bats in the tree above us. Earlier the cacophony of corellas was unbelievable. 

I hope things improve for you soon Edo and everyone in the UK. How is your arm??

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I got a confirmation email for an appointment for the hoped-for vaccination on Feb 12. I also made an appointment for the second dose but they were not offering the date I really needed yet so the best I could do was for two weeks after the first. Too soon and I'll have to change it as soon as more dates open up. A cat-sitting client had called me last night to tell me the appointments were available. We were just opened up for 75 years and older. New York has not been doing a good job so far and fingers crossed that they don't run out of vaccine. So exciting to think there could be an end to all this. I hope you all can get your vaccinations soon.



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I was able to get an appointment for the first dose of the Moderna vaccine for tomorrow - Jan 13.  I heard they were opening up for age 75 and older yesterday afternoon, and went on line to check the schedule right after they announced it.  Definitely a lucky day!  

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5 hours ago, NYCat said:

I got a confirmation email for an appointment for the hoped-for vaccination on Feb 12. I also made an appointment for the second dose but they were not offering the date I really needed yet so the best I could do was for two weeks after the first. Too soon and I'll have to change it as soon as more dates open up. A cat-sitting client had called me last night to tell me the appointments were available. We were just opened up for 75 years and older. New York has not been doing a good job so far and fingers crossed that they don't run out of vaccine. So exciting to think there could be an end to all this. I hope you all can get your vaccinations soon.




Hi Paulette, I am 75 EEEeek! and have not heard a thing yet but in the uk I think 70 and over are in the fourth rank. Over 80's, NHS and other health workers, care home residents and a few others come before. Also the rollout is not happening as quickly as we were given to believe.


Don't get too excited about the end being in site. The covid virus is going to be with us well into the future in one form or another. I foresee annual vaccination programs for the bug in all or any of it's forms for many years to come if not forever. Just like the flu vaccine we already have.




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51 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:


Don't get too excited about the end being in site. The covid virus is going to be with us well into the future in one form or another. I foresee annual vaccination programs for the bug in all or any of it's forms for many years to come if not forever. Just like the flu vaccine we already have.





Oh yes, but businesses don't usually close because of seasonal flu. It is so sad in NYC these days. Some places are only closed temporarily but many, many are gone for good and I wonder about the owners and the people who worked there. 



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10 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


Here in Liverpool, the best I can do is snap the take-away line at Greggs. 


I'm missing worshipping at the shrine of Gregg during lockdown, they do lovely coffee. Passing time baking stotties to Greggs recipe, gradually homing in on the required procedure. They go well with the wife's home made soup. My mate has an electric fan assisted oven, and he makes rather special stotties that I can only dream of replicating with our gas age cooker.


How are you doing Edo, arm/vaccination, life ?

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I haven't been contacted about my jab yet, Bryan. My arm is better, but not normal. I think normal will be a while. Life is what it is. Since Gregg does only takeaway, they are open near me. And the supermarkets are open. My stock shooting? I'm done taking pictures of empty streets. 

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On 09/01/2021 at 21:07, Michael Ventura said:

I spent some time with my daughter today.  Went shopping with her, she bought a nice chair for her home and we both got groceries. She has not been working with Covid patients directly lately and is due for her second dose of the Moderna vaccine this coming week, so that is good!  She said that last night, she had patient who was one of the rioters who stormed the Capitol building.  He had suffered a heart attack in the process.  Police have been keeping an eye on him while he is recovering. Her job is never boring, that’s for sure.


At least two fifty something guys died from cardio-vascular events (stroke in one case) from the sheer overload on systems suffering from high blood pressure.   I know when I was out photographing in 2018 here, my heart was racing and my adrenaline was spiking. 


I've heard that Nicaragua will be getting the vaccine in March.   I've seen more people masking again than in the last couple weeks, so am waiting to see what the official health report from the government is and also what various friends have seen in their areas.

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1 hour ago, Ed Rooney said:

I haven't been contacted about my jab yet, Bryan. My arm is better, but not normal. I think normal will be a while. Life is what it is. Since Gregg does only takeaway, they are open near me. And the supermarkets are open. My stock shooting? I'm done taking pictures of empty streets. 


Edo, it was more than a year before I felt that my arm was pretty close to normal.  I don't think it will ever be 100% normal but it is close enough now.

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Yeah, Michael — but you had one hell of a break.


One person at the fracture unit told me what you just said; total recovery might take a year and it might not be really total. Like everyone now, I'm doing the best I can. I'm not depressed and I'm not feeling sorry for myself. But I am stressed. 

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