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Post a good thing that happened in your life today

Betty LaRue

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57 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

A bit of lead on occasion. But we've only noticed one shot in 2 birds so far.

That reminds me of the first time my husband hunted dove with other guys. First off, I hate wild game. Period.

So Bob brings home dove breasts, and tells me how he was told to fix them. It’s been years ago, but I do remember soaking them in milk to get the wild taste out, and what else I don’t remember.

I bake them in foil seasoned with whatever the recipe called for.

We have 3 kiddos at the time who won’t touch anything “different”. I tell them they are chicken breasts but they are suspicious and watching our faces at the table. I take a bite of my breast, force it down past the lump in my throat. Next bite I cut off reveals a birdshot.

Calmly, I keep a poker face and announce I need to use the bathroom. I rise, walk out of the kitchen, then RUN to the bathroom and throw up.

You can’t help what you can’t help. Keep your pheasant, doves, wild turkeys, deer, etc. I ain’t gonna eat ‘em.

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9 minutes ago, Mr Standfast said:

Betty, where do you stand on Octopus?

Just askin.. 🙂

Hard to pin down and very slippery I hear. 

Oh please add vegetarian and heathen to the above stereotype. 

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2 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

I'm self educated. Unfortunately I had a bad teacher. 


I'm a self made man, thus relieving GOD of a massive responsibility.




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I have just heard from my next door neighbours who were self isolating. They had tests done a couple of days ago for covid19 and have been given a full bill of health.




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Some decidedly gloomy good stuff occurring in this thread of late.


So, we took a nice walk in the sunshine this morning, bright and cheery, but brass monkey temperature. 


Being renowned for my parsimony,  I had scheduled a grocery delivery for between 10 and 11 this evening, when it would be free. They phoned and asked if they could come earlier. It actually arrived before 7.   I call that a result,  but maybe I'm easy pleased.

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Today was warmish with a bright blue sky. I took a walk at a nearby wetlands park. Saw lots of water fowl and got a few usable photos of water, sky and colorful foliage. A huge otter, as large as a Retriever, scampered across the path behind me as I turned around. I got a few quick pics, though probably nothing sharp enough to upload here. Beautiful day though. 

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6 hours ago, Mr Standfast said:

Betty, where do you stand on Octopus?

Just askin.. 🙂

Nope. I’ll let’s raw oysters dipped in a spicy sauce slide down. No brains or kidneys, or mountain oysters. I guess it comes down to what one eats as a child. There was a time after my mom married my stepfather that we lived on a farm for awhile.

Times were hard. My stepfather and his brother hunted ducks, squirrels and rabbits. I did try them, but the wild, strong flavor put me off. We did raise chickens, some laid eggs, and once a pig was butchered. All of that was good, including the fresh milk from our cows. That is, when they didn’t eat some weed in the pasture that tainted the milk.  After that, I never drank milk again. Still don’t, but that’s because I’m lactose intolerant as much as anything.

I tried the lactose free milk, but it made my custard pie not as good as regular milk. 
Yes, I cook with milk and suffer the considerable consequences. I just don’t drink it. That’s pushing things too far.

Edited by Betty LaRue
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6 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

I'm self educated. Unfortunately I had a bad teacher. 

Me, too, Ed. Although I had a few college art classes long after I’d already been selling my self-taught watercolors. I just enjoyed being around other artists.

I’m a voracious reader, and seek knowledge about many things. I don’t feel uneducated.
My mother had to quit school after the 5th grade because she had to help her sick mother raise 5 children after her father died. She was so well read as an adult she could hold her own in conversation with anyone with degrees. Just not on college specialty subjects like engineering, etc. Her spoken English was great. If she saw an unfamiliar word in something she read, she stopped, looked up the meaning and how to pronounce it.  
She had a good teacher! 😉

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I am almost entirely self-taught, both my formal qualifications in science and the subjects where I have no qualifications (photography, videography, digital editing, computers). I hated school - it was like a prison, learning by rote, indoctrination, totally exam-focused) but I love learning.


I really enjoyed my university years and I worked incredibly hard for my qualifications. I quickly learned that to succeed in university one had to be completely self-motivated. There was no spoon-feeding. That is why I say self-taught. 


I do not come from a privileged background but I was fortunate as my parents were really supportive. My father’s father died when he was 12 and he had to leave school, run a farm and do hard labour to support his family so he knew the value of formal education. I really appreciate having had the opportunity to attend excellent universities and work with some amazing people ( thanks to the EU in no small part for that). 


Anything I have ever achieved is out of love for my subjects and hard work. It is so vitally important to love what you do. Otherwise it is not worth doing. I will continue to learn until I stop breathing. 

Edited by MDM
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33 minutes ago, MDM said:

I will continue to learn until I stop breathing. 


My grandfather always said a contented man is a dead man.




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22 minutes ago, Allan Bell said:


My grandfather always said a contented man is a dead man.





I am rarely contented so no worries there. And I never listened to anything either of my grandfathers said - they both died before I was born. 


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19 minutes ago, John Morrison said:


Did you inherit his sunny disposition, Allan? 😮


Sunny disposition. My explanation. I came into this world with NOTHING and still have most of it left.




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I've just read that the Oxford vaccine has been approved for use in the UK. It appears that the intention is to give as many people as possible a single dose, so providing some protection against the virus, with a delayed second dose 12weeks later. The UK government has ordered 100 million shots, so enabling 50 million people to be protected. I believe that this vaccine is also manufactured in the USA and elsewhere and that the company making it has agreed to sell it at cost during the pandemic. Hopefully the game changer we have been waiting for.

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7 hours ago, Bryan said:

I've just read that the Oxford vaccine has been approved for use in the UK. It appears that the intention is to give as many people as possible a single dose, so providing some protection against the virus, with a delayed second dose 12weeks later. The UK government has ordered 100 million shots, so enabling 50 million people to be protected. I believe that this vaccine is also manufactured in the USA and elsewhere and that the company making it has agreed to sell it at cost during the pandemic. Hopefully the game changer we have been waiting for.

I've heard that Nicaragua will start vaccinating in March, and given who the country's friends currently are, probably it will be one of the Russian vaccines or one from China.    The US embassy's latest email to citizens enrolled in the STEP program says:  "The United States Government does not plan to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to private U.S. citizens overseas.  Please follow host country developments and guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination."    Some of the expats will probably go to the US for the vaccines. 

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I met my Grandson today for the first time. He was born just before Xmas but my daughter had to self isolate as someone on her maternity ward had tested positive for Covid. Let’s hope they're ok and little Ewan and his mum are doing fine 🙂

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