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Brilliant . . .


. . . off to a great start with last days of a New York holiday (how delightful is LIttle Italy, especially when you have a wonderful guide?), followed by a week in Hong Kong. Then: wettest May on record (and here, that is cause for much celebration), finally learned both "Wild Horses" and "Romeo and Juliet" in open G, acquired a new mandolin and new Bose headphones for my birthday, and my family and I are all healthy (working on the "wealthy", given up on the "wise") . . . kids continued doing well at school, and my chief bottle-washer still likes me . . .


. . . a great month.



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"How was your May" refers to stock work of course. Most of the answers so far seem a little negative. Dusty Dingo's reply was the most positive and I applaud the optimism and attitude. 


My May was equally positive. Great trip to Austria: Salzburg / Vienna, visiting some of the dealers that sell me work and collectors that buy it. (Not stock). Result: approx. €65,000 in print sales. Not a bad month and Mozart (and Sacha torte) thrown in! 

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1 sale, $17.95 net distributor sale.

My shiny new graphs make scary reading:


Errm... you cannot really worry about 2014 yet.. you are only at 5/12's .. wait till the end of the year and then post the graph... (we do not know what periods were strong in those earlier years)...
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A good deal better than April when I had 3 newspaper scheme sales only!


This month 4 for $242, with no newspaper scheme sales (a tad worrying, there should be a couple). Zooms about daily, also better than April.

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13 regular sales for 742

10 Novel Use sales for 55


a bit below average for this year.

quite a bit below last year's average.

and even more below running year's average



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Sales volume worst month since 2011 - sales value slightly below par - zooms well up. Maybe June will be better.


On the bright side had a great time in Amsterdam, caught the end of the tulip season and the Rijksmuseum is amazing since the refurb.



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Zip as far as Alamy is concerned but then, I haven't uploaded since January when I was punished in the sin bin.


Elsewhere was pretty reasonable and means the mortgage is paid for another month :)

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