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Images sold in November 2020

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18 hours ago, Chuck Nacke said:

Nice image and story Terry.  Good work, is that Dick Cavett on the right?



Thank you, Chuck. I don't know if that was Dick Cavett. I knew a good number of men there but not everyone. 

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5 hours ago, Sally R said:


Bella, sorry to hear of the loss of your dear Mum. It's lovely that she enjoyed knowing her image was being seen and bought by people. My Mum died suddenly and unexpectedly two and a half weeks ago, so I am going through a mixture of shock and grief. I have been reflecting on how my Mum helped show me the beautiful things of the world - wildflowers, birds, trees, music, art, kindness, generosity... and that helping me to see these things is part of the reason I love photography. My Dad, who was a keen photographer, showed me these things too. Maybe through our own creativity, whether photography or otherwise, it is our way of passing on what they have shared and helped us see, for the benefit of others. I love the image of your Mum. It is about caring and kindness.


Sally, I am sorry for your loss. You Mum's kindness has been passed onto your shiny personality.

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On 26/11/2020 at 19:32, Bella said:

My dear mum got a kick out of knowing people were buying photos of her. We took this earlier this year just after Covid struck. She passed away in September at 92 still living in her own home.


A vertical pic was zoomed and this one sold.

One use in a single editorial or advertorial article used within print and /or web versions, with re-use of the article in other titles or web versions within the same newspaper group. Digital use includes archive rights for the lifetime of the article. Any placement in paper and online.

Low $$


Sorry for your loss Bella. It's nice that your Mum lived healthy and happy to a ripe old age in her own home. Lovely photo to remember her.

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6 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

Sold for a U.K. editorial web use for mid $




That place has been trending lately. Your picture gives a good sense of scale. It's actually smaller than you might think, especially when you consider all that goes on in there.

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29 minutes ago, John Mitchell said:


That place has been trending lately. Your picture gives a good sense of scale. It's actually smaller than you might think, especially when you consider all that goes on in there.

True, it isn’t all that big but what you don’t see are the East Wing and West Wing. And I believe there are two sub floors and a floor above the floor with the windows, that top floor has more living space for the family, not bedrooms, but more like casual areas like dens and play areas for kids.

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A quick shot through the car window while in downtown Vancouver. Mid $.


Country: United Kingdom
Usage: Editorial
Media: Newspaper - national
Print run: up to 2 million
Placement: Inside and online
Image Size: 1/4 page
Start: 13 October 2020
End: 14 October 2020
Any placement in paper and online. One use in a single editorial article used within the print and digital versions of a single publication. Digital usage includes archive rights for the lifetime of the article.



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12 hours ago, Sally R said:


Bella, sorry to hear of the loss of your dear Mum. It's lovely that she enjoyed knowing her image was being seen and bought by people. My Mum died suddenly and unexpectedly two and a half weeks ago, so I am going through a mixture of shock and grief. I have been reflecting on how my Mum helped show me the beautiful things of the world - wildflowers, birds, trees, music, art, kindness, generosity... and that helping me to see these things is part of the reason I love photography. My Dad, who was a keen photographer, showed me these things too. Maybe through our own creativity, whether photography or otherwise, it is our way of passing on what they have shared and helped us see, for the benefit of others. I love the image of your Mum. It is about caring and kindness.

My condolences to you too Sally, my mum's passing was also unexpected. We think they will be here forever until suddenly they aren't. It's just horrible. So lovely that you remember all the wonderful things she taught you, it's exactly the same with my mum. Thank you.


11 hours ago, Marianne said:


Sorry for your loss Bella. Nice to have made your mom so happy and proud. Glad she was able to be in her own home. 

Thanks so much Marianne, we were so happy to be able to help her stay in her own home.


7 hours ago, gvallee said:

Sorry for your loss Bella. It's nice that your Mum lived healthy and happy to a ripe old age in her own home. Lovely photo to remember her.

Thank you Gen. It really is wonderful to have the luxury of staying in your own home. I hope I get to do it too.

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5 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

True, it isn’t all that big but what you don’t see are the East Wing and West Wing. And I believe there are two sub floors and a floor above the floor with the windows, that top floor has more living space for the family, not bedrooms, but more like casual areas like dens and play areas for kids.


No one has hung a "For Rent" sign on it yet, which is a positive thing I guess. I've only been to DC once, briefly in the 70's and unfortunately I didn't see much of anything.


Nice to see so many green trees in your image.

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Small sale for this image showed up Friday.  $   Making a couple bucks from my gardening.


Country: Worldwide
Usage: Editorial
Media: Editorial website
Industry sector: Media, design & publishing
Image Size: Any size
Start: 16 October 2020
End: 16 October 2025
One use in a single editorial article used within the digital versions of a single publication. Digital usage includes archive rights for the lifetime of the article



Edited by MariaJ
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One of two, both for a measly $5 to the Sun.

Country: Worldwide
Usage: Editorial
Media: Editorial website
Industry sector: Media, design & publishing
Image Size: Any size
Start: 30 October 2020
End: 30 October 2025
One use in a single editorial article used within the digital versions of a single publication. Digital usage includes archive rights for the lifetime of the article.


Limassol beach, Cyprus.


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I don't know what's happened this month but my sales have increased massively. Sales for November have passed my 2nd best previous year total. Maybe it's the numbers game as I have increased my number of images a lot in the last couple of years.


So out of this month's 11 sales, most interesting were a simple shot I made during lockdown of a pack of pills that will be used on German TV and best of all a couple of sales on the same day for a music CD cover (2 related images). Not a huge print run but still a welcome figure, the biggest I've had for a while and I would imagine the possibility of repeat sales. They were bought as a personal sale a couple of days before, presumably to check their suitability, before the larger purchases were made. I know its difficult to trace sales (I've only ever seen one of mine in a book because it was credited and showed up on Google), but is there any way to find music artwork? Google image search might be worth a shot but likely to fail as text would be added. Early days I know but I'd be thrilled to track it down once it's published. I could send the band a signed copy 🤣



One of the images to be used on a CD - a prison cell Kilmainham jail, Dublin.


Edited by Flash68
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