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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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For some reason I can't edit my post above, could be emoji/alcohol related.


Reaching the end of our onion supply makes me think of the plight of the first European settlers in the USA. How difficult it must have been to get through that first winter. At this time of year we have some cabbages and kale remaining on the allotment, and we are still eating this year's crop of potatoes, and some late season apples, but there would have been  a bleak few months ahead for those who didn't have a supermarket nearby. You would find it especially difficult to survive as a vegetarian.

Edited by Bryan
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2 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


That's the main reason I don't give up eating meat entirely.



Edo, my heart sinks each time I see your name posting in the 'bad news' thread from the main menu. At least, it's only meat this time! 

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The NHS has been very supportive of my broken arm. Today I had my first problem with them. After fruitless, endless online research, I phoned to ask a simple, basic question: how do I make an appointment for a covid-19 jab?
After 45 mins of them waltzing me around, they finally admitted that they didn't know. What? This was on 111. 
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13 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:
The NHS has been very supportive of my broken arm. Today I had my first problem with them. After fruitless, endless online research, I phoned to ask a simple, basic question: how do I make an appointment for a covid-19 jab?
After 45 mins of them waltzing me around, they finally admitted that they didn't know. What? This was on 111. 


From what I have heard and understand about the situation the NHS will call you when they are ready. It seems to be a sit and wait game. I know you will be done before me though as I am a bit younger. Just a bit, enough to be in the next group. I do not expect to be called before Easter.




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28 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:
The NHS has been very supportive of my broken arm. Today I had my first problem with them. After fruitless, endless online research, I phoned to ask a simple, basic question: how do I make an appointment for a covid-19 jab?
After 45 mins of them waltzing me around, they finally admitted that they didn't know. What? This was on 111. 

Not such a big problem, Ed- the first doses only arrived on Monday, and only enough for 400,000 people. There's a lot of stuff to work out.

Just sit tight. If you're registered with a GP they'll find you. The NHS does that. I haven't been to the doctor's for 13 years, but I got the invite pretty promptly when I became a certain age for a certain screening programme, and that wasn't even urgent.

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Just now, Ed Rooney said:

All that makes sense, folks -- what makes no sense is that I can't get an answer from the NHS. 


I am sure that if it was possible to give an answer they would. But as Mark says there is a lot for them to arrange still and until they have a clearer idea they will sound a bit waffly.

It will all come together in the next few weeks.





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I understood that keyworkers/nhs workers would have the jab first followed by the elderly with underlying health conditions then the rest depending on age.  Also thought that we would be contacted and not for us to contact them.  However, for those who are concerned, a local GP may be able to give you more of an idea as to when you would be eligible.



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I doubt that a GP will be able to say any more than "well, what usually happens with a vaccine is............." yet. What I don't doubt is that calling a GP will just waste his time.

With the flu vaccine I understand that the priority groups are notified in order. No doubt the same will happen with these vaccines. Ed is fairly high up the list so when he can be offered a vaccine he will be.

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10 minutes ago, spacecadet said:

I doubt that a GP will be able to say any more than "well, what usually happens with a vaccine is............." yet. What I don't doubt is that calling a GP will just waste his time.

With the flu vaccine I understand that the priority groups are notified in order. No doubt the same will happen with these vaccines. Ed is fairly high up the list so when he can be offered a vaccine he will be.

Yes that's actually what I meant.  I personally wouldn't waste my surgery's time by phoning and would only be able to speak to reception anyway, if they haven't already got a recorded message about the vaccine - but phoning may put some folks minds at rest😉



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Edo,  I think Mark and Alan have called the situation as it is. The NHS is working out how the hell they jab all of us, twice. On a more practical note my Dr's surgery are very good at calling me in for my regular tests, reviews and check ups. I'm guesing they are relying on that existing practice for the "general procedure".


In other news, I think the hedgehogs have started hibernating this week. so no more complaints from them about the quality of the wifi at the bottom of the garden!

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7 hours ago, spacecadet said:

I doubt that a GP will be able to say any more than "well, what usually happens with a vaccine is............." yet. What I don't doubt is that calling a GP will just waste his time.

With the flu vaccine I understand that the priority groups are notified in order. No doubt the same will happen with these vaccines. Ed is fairly high up the list so when he can be offered a vaccine he will be.


I agree. I know I am in the clinically extremely vulnerable group as I have been notified so by the NHS via letter and email. Last time I checked that puts me in the 4th out of the 9 waves of proposed vaccinations. That will likely happen when when people in groups 1 - 3 have been vaccinated, and that timing depends upon vaccine availability, resources and the numbers involved. Currently the NHS has a mammoth task to perform, all we may determine is what group we are likely in, then follow announcements as vaccinations of the 9 groups begin.

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Our news said this evening there had been two cases of serious allergic reactions in the UK.  Not sure if both, but at least one of those persons carries an epi pen. It may be decided that anyone with serious allergic reactions to other things be recommended  to not have the shot. Early days and reports, though.

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9 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Our news said this evening there had been two cases of serious allergic reactions in the UK.  Not sure if both, but at least one of those persons carries an epi pen. It may be decided that anyone with serious allergic reactions to other things be recommended  to not have the shot. Early days and reports, though.

Apparently both normally carry epipens. I don't think we know what type of allergy they have, but at the moment at least, all people with a record of very severe allergic reactions have been advised not to have the Pfizer vaccine (at least in the UK)



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Set out for my morning constitutional. Got a few hundred yards when the heavens opened. Turned back but was a drowned rat when I got back home.




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Yes, Allan -- this winter's rain is the most I've ever seen. 


Doc, with your great, large collection, I'm betting you'll catch up by the end of the month.


I have what seems to be a dust-mite allergy, but I assume they are not focusing on that. I've never had a bad reaction to a jab. 


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4 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

I have what seems to be a dust-mite allergy,


Get the vacuum cleaner out and USE IT.😃


Just joking.




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