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Post a bad thing that happened in your life today

Ed Rooney

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3 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:


Well mine required surgery, to put in plates and screws, and a cast from the elbow to the wrist.  I was in temporary cast for about a week and then a long-term cast for six weeks.  Once the cast was off, my arm was really tight with low mobility but that got better and better and now I am pretty much at 100%!


This link will take you to my x-ray on my Instagram, not sure you can see it if you don't have an Instagram account.  




If yours is a fracture, I think you just use a sling and minimize your arm movement for a while.  It may take 4-6 weeks for your bone to "repair" the crack.



Wow! I've never seen anything quite like that. It's amazing that they were able to put you back together.

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6 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

Edo, good that you good care and a prognosis. As someone who broke two arm bones a year and a half ago, it is no fun to say the least. Hopefully your next break will be a lucky one!

My husband was rollerblading, tried to jump an uneven crack and took a bad fall once. His break was in about the same place as yours, Michael, but it was a compound fracture where the bone stuck through the skin. He had a pin, it also stuck out of the skin for 6 weeks. He never got on those roller blades again. He was on trails at a city lake, and within a couple of minutes there was a nurse and an orthopedic doctor, who were exercising on the trails separately, giving first aid.  What was bad is two of our grandsons were with him, one on blades, the other on a bicycle, who witness their granddad’s fall. Scared them to death. 13 & 15 years old.

I broke my arm as a kid, healed fine. Not from climbing trees, skating, biking, scampering on the roof of a big barn. No, another kid pushed me down from behind while I was standing on the lawn. Figures.

I had shoulder surgery about 10 years ago, Ed. While it’s no fun to have an arm out of commission, you learn ways to make do.  Elastic-waisted trousers is the way to go.

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13 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:


I was 5 hours at Royal the Liverpool University Hospital today. X-rays show a break at the top of the humerus bone in my left arm. Most of the arm has turned purple, nicer than my pasty white.


They did a second set of x-rays because there was as disagreement as to if there was a separation of the humerus from the rotator cuff. The dude in charge decided there was not. I think there is, but I’m going with the decision made. So far.


I’m in a sling and the plan is to let the body heal itself. They gave me some pain pills. I’ll be phoned for another exam this week. (Is God angry with me?)


The NHS gets a 5-star rating from me. So far.



I'm late to the party as usual, sorry to hear about your accident Edo, but glad to know that you've managed to get treatment !


I suspect that, due to your age, the medics are a bit reluctant to intervene more than is absolutely necessary. An 80 plus fellow cyclist and gardener I know flew off his mountain bike doing rough stuff in the local woods. Among other things, he broke his collar bone. The decision was taken not to reset the fracture. That was some months ago. He's now back out on his bike doing crazy stunts again, while his garden is one of the best kept on our site.


It will take time, but you'll get there.

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5 hours ago, Bryan said:

The decision was taken not to reset the fracture.


yeah, yeah, yeah -- as some locals here used to say. it seems true that the medical people try to avoid all kinds of surgery for those over 80. 


the forum has been down all morning. I phone them to confirm it wasn't just me. 


I'm shocked and dismayed by the news that so many forum folks have had broken bones.

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May I join the Broken Bones club?  After years of climbing and trekking in Scotland, the Alps, Iceland, Norway, Svalbard, New Zealand... I tripped over my own walking pole on a horizontal path alongside Ullswater in the Lake District.  Unfortunately a rock broke my fall - and my upper arm.


As others have said, it took about 6 weeks to heal (just a sling, no cast).  As it improved I was sent for physio one day a week for about a month and was given exercises to do at home.  One was simply stretching the arms up against a door until it got painful then marking the height to watch progress.


A couple of people (with no medical expertise whatsoever) recommended to take calcium tablets to help heal the bone.  I decided it couldn't do any harm but whether it made a difference or not is anyone's guess.

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55 minutes ago, Ed Rooney said:


yeah, yeah, yeah -- as some locals here used to say. it seems true that the medical people try to avoid all kinds of surgery for those over 80. 


the forum has been down all morning. I phone them to confirm it wasn't just me. 


I'm shocked and dismayed by the news that so many forum folks have had broken bones.


Did you get any photos while in the hospital?




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9 minutes ago, wiskerke said:


The X-rays?




I borrowed a couple of my dental x-rays from the dentist, and photographed them on a light box. Several zooms, but no sales so far, so I clearly don't have very interesting fillings.

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32 minutes ago, DJ Myford said:

I borrowed a couple of my dental x-rays from the dentist, and photographed them on a light box. Several zooms, but no sales so far, so I clearly don't have very interesting fillings.


Same here:

Dental xray x-ray film showing rows of traditional amalgam fillings and caps. - Stock Image

(not my teeth btw.)

However a nice set of x-rays of something that older people tend to get with the proper keywording...



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I've been lucky enough never to have broken any bones (touch wood), partly because I was too much of a wimp to play contact sports. Life's too short to get crushed. 🤕


Didn't Prince Phillip have a hip replacement at 96? He seems to be doing OK.

Edited by John Mitchell
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I have quite a lot of metal work holding my spine together as well as an implanted neuro-stimulator that has some interesting wiring leading from my waist up in to my spine between my shoulders. After my last set of x-rays I asked if I could take a picture of the results but the consultant declined my request due to it being a relatively new type of implant and the fact it was a competitive field of research :)

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1 hour ago, MizBrown said:

Hurricane Iota had made landfall in Nicaragua this morning.   Looks like it won't make the curve up into Honduras like Etta did.  I have to get to Managua sometime this month, but perhaps not this week.


Iota looks to be a very dangerous storm. I was in Nicaragua in 1999, a year after my namesake Hurricane Mitch struck, and people were still cleaning up. Stay safe.

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1 hour ago, Bionic said:

After my last set of x-rays I asked if I could take a picture of the results but the consultant declined my request due to it being a relatively new type of implant and the fact it was a competitive field of research :)


Six years ago when being signed off by my consultant after my left hip had been replaced I asked if I could have a copy of the hip x-rays I had just viewed emailed to me. He declined, but let me photograph the 27" iMac screen with my iPhone, good enough for a memento. 

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1 hour ago, John Mitchell said:


Iota looks to be a very dangerous storm. I was in Nicaragua in 1999, a year after my namesake Hurricane Mitch struck, and people were still cleaning up. Stay safe.


Mitch got stuck in the mountains in an area where there were recent volcanos whose slopes were unconsolidated ash.  And dumped feet of rain over several days.


Jinotega is about an hour up into the mountains from Sebaco.  It's on the edge of the hurricane's path, and we'll get something but what, I don't know. 



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1 hour ago, MizBrown said:


Mitch got stuck in the mountains in an area where there were recent volcanos whose slopes were unconsolidated ash.  And dumped feet of rain over several days.


Jinotega is about an hour up into the mountains from Sebaco.  It's on the edge of the hurricane's path, and we'll get something but what, I don't know. 




Yes, I remember. Mitch stalled for ages and caused massive damage. It then headed back over the isthmus, retracing its steps. Best of luck with Iota. Hopefully where you are will be spared the worst. 

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when will these things end?


Brits, there is something you can advise me on:


it's 3am and my building's fire alarm just rang for 10 mins -- the 9th false alarm this past week. WHO DO I COMPLAIN TO? THIS IS TERRIBLE EVEN WITHOUT A BROKEN ARM!



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2 hours ago, Ed Rooney said:

when will these things end?


Brits, there is something you can advise me on:


it's 3am and my building's fire alarm just rang for 10 mins -- the 9th flash alarm this past week. WHO DO I COMPLAIN TO? THIS IS TERRIBLE EVEN WITHOUT A BROKEN ARM!



 Environmental Health Department of Liverpool City Council. They will probably expect you to try to sort the issue with your landlord first though. Good luck. 

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At least you have the consolation that it works, even if it was for nothing which I agree is very irritating.


Reminds me I must check my smoke alarms.




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Foggy brain this morning. The October Challenge appeared near the top of the listing and I was reading and going back a bit I saw that it was the last day of the challenge. I kept looking up at Nov 17 at the top of the page and wondering how it could be the last day on the 17th. Very disorienting. So this is November Ha.!



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