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How was your September?

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Best month to date in terms of No. sales (8) and zooms (33), but gross income at $610, though very encouraging and best for a long while, less than previous max.


Would be happy to have this result every month  :)

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12 - which is half normal average - including a number of these sales to 'groups' - i.e. use by all titles in group for the same price -


So, Daily gets it, Sunday can use it for nothing as can the associated mags and any provincial title in the same publishing group......and online and printed versions thrown in, for a payment to me of less than $10 - for a celebrity image which is fairly rare - not far to go for that penny a picture prediction is it ?


I do hope my "Ask James" question is selected because I'd love to get the background to that 'deal'..........

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Very poor, seven sales grossing only $295 and a period between sales reports on Sept 9th to the 27th with just a single sale on the 19th - I'm used to making a sale every couple of days so a two-week plus period with just one lonely sale seems to me as if someone has gone on holiday and the system isn't being updated. One of the 'group' sales and also one sale with very comprehensive rights and a seven-year licence worldwide, travel guides, including on-line e-book etc and unlimited run - though at $68 the highest figure. That was the lonely sale in the middle of the desert.

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A nice four figure sale at the start of the month was very encouraging but then it was all downhill after that.  Number of sales down by 1/3 to 1/2 giving 20 in total - worst month for at least 2 years with most being well below $100. Without that first sale it would have been very poor in all respects.  Like David K I thought the sales staff had all gone on their September hols.



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BAD, I have always known September for my best sales figures, not this one though! It must be the worse.  Income for September of just over $1700, less commission, on 44 images sold.


And, to make things even worse I see yesterday I only had one zoom !!!!  Another worse record !


I would like to add that I received the Alamy note informing me that I also was in the top 500.


Just look at my picture, I am starving.......have a nice day.


peter t

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Nothing exceptional, 10 sales (not in NU scheme). Doesn't include 6 Live news sales made in September.

Still waiting for a Guardian double page Live news usage from April to appear in Sales.




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2.5 months without A SALE! With a portfolio of over 2,700 and growing weekly.

In this period I had 20 or so zooms, tons of views..... Very frustrating, especially when I see the other contributors are having good sales....what am I doing wrong? I used to sell 2-3 a month with a much smaller port, put a lot of expectations in growing at Alamy....very, very depressing....

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Been dreading the return of this thread! :(:D;):(

Weeeell... BME for zooms, (18) but these are still stubbornly refusing to convert to sales and won't keep me in pies when I'm out & about in the winter weather.

In short, b***er all.

Going to use the autumn leaves, frosty mornings and blue skies (when they return!) to change tack for a while and do some calendar and POD sites.


EDIT: Hello! breaking news...a sale has just popped up for yesterday.  So that's ONE for ~50 gross.  Incentive to get on with keywording of outstanding images has just returned :) !

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