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So how was your May, eh?

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May started off great with a "sale-a-day" for the first 12 days - then it all ground to a halt!


Suspicious amount of PU sales.


As an aside, my highest value sales in May came from distributors, which, even after a 70% cut, yielded a net greater than direct sales.


Those that opted out may be missing out!



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Been having a disappointing 2018 generally, but May has turned out to be the best month of the year for revenues and second best for number of sales. 


22 sales for $759 gross. 


Zooms and CTR still dismal though. 


Also 1 refund for $52 sale that I didn't count in above figures. 

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Thirteen for $470. With a few days to go, the month was looking pretty poor but the end of the month rush (which came on the 30th) saw the figures rally a little. Still below average though.

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