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How many did you upload?

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401 taking me over the 4000 mark.  Only two sales since the beginning of Dec and none this month so far. The drive to upload more this year is non-existent due to this and the new search changes which also seem to be doing me no favours. Zooms and CTR have crashed to all time lows. :( I can't see me uploading anywhere near the same amount this year.

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332 stock images for me. No other categories like news. No deletions.

In 2017 I will continue to upload useful images.
When the new manage Images becomes available to me I will take the opportunity to rethink the keywording of every image (13,067) in my collection. I will also cull the collection of dated or weak images. I have some film scans that are starting to show their age.
My philosophy is that getting my numbers up is not as important as collection management.
The trick is to be like Geoff or Doc (Kumar). High numbers and every image is unique and useful.
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I seem to have slowed down since retiring in 2012. 

For 2015: 771

2016: 716

Since my views have been cut in half since the new search engine came online, I'll have to add another 10,000 images this year to stay in the same place. <_<

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I uploaded about 700. My goal was to get my total image count up to 1000 by the end of the year. I didn't quite make it, but I'm happy with the progress I made towards that goal. Plus I had my first sale in August, and have been averaging a sale a month since then. Waiting for my first payment to hit my PayPal account now!  :)

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I've uploaded about 800 pictures, but 225 of them are waiting for keywords. I've also deleted about 200 pictures.


Many of these pictures have been taken over the course of a few years, so I don't think I will be uploading that many this year.

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Around 660 in 2016, which was my first year.  I'm aiming to upload 1,000 this year and at the moment I'm ahead of schedule, although I know it's early days. Living in the middle of nowhere makes it difficult to find subject matter, but I'm determined!

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235, all in May after a winter in Florida, except for one submission in July. Have been meaning to upload about 50 from Charlotte.


I'm a very part-time stock shooter, mostly a full-time grandfather.

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About 1000.


I wanted more, but I have a full-time job as an R&D engineer/manager, as well as a part-time/evening job as firefighter.


Limiting factor is neither shooting nor processing, but keywording.



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Approx 2000 between November and December 2016. Was transferring images from an agency that did nowt for me as well as some other stuff that needed to be sent off.


Just about did my head in trying to do that lot and dealing with the current Manage Images. Cannot wait for the new system!!!

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3,312. Phew!


Filling Australian gaps. And it's working! I would say roughly 90% of my 2016 sales are from those.



oh do tell - where are these gaps!!

Location gaps. I've done a Big Lap last year, so covered all states.

I just reviewed my Australian sales and the diversity is amazing: Outback, salt pans, scenic coastline, islands, small villages, wildlife. Even several spiders sold, one of them to National Geographic!

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