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Oh no! Not another silly thread about zooms!


Sorry, but I have to ask, is anyone else having a really bad month for zooms?


So far, May is perhaps my worst ever for zooms (number too low to share).


P.S. My Zooms have been falling since Feb. but now appear to be hitting rock bottom. Good news is that the only way is up at this point.

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Zooms in April began pretty poorly, but then picked up, so that CTR for Feb/Mar/Apr has been pretty good.  Projected CTR for May so far is nothing special, but (as last month) things can change.

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I was used to seeing a few zooms almost every day, but this pattern has changed during the past couple of months. Only a small handful of zooms (and sales) so far this month.


Ironically, despite zoom-drop, last month was my best one this year for number of sales (but not for revenue).  No rhyme or reason, as the old saying goes.

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I thought about posting something similar today but thought better of it. CTR has dropped alarmingly over the last few months. Zooms this month are at best sporadic. Sales are almost nil so far after last months BME. The highs and lows of stock photography eh? :(

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As my collection slowly grows, my sales and zooms seem to be growing with it. Today my CTR is 0.89. I seem to be getting a mix of good-money sales and low-money sales . . . better than all low. What else?


When I do a test search on a subject that I have, my placement, my rank, is good.


Is one sale per 1,000 images a month still considered the norm for expectations? I'm doing better than that.

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Is one sale per 1,000 images a month still considered the norm for expectations? I'm doing better than that.


I'm averaging 9 sales per month so far this year (May not included) despite dipping zooms, so I'm doing a bit better than as well.

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After a very poor few months earlier in the year zooms picked up during April and have held reasonably steady during May.


This month started quite well for sales with 5 newspaper leases in one day followed by a couple of better priced sales later, but then came a refund (fortunately a trivial amount) and then nothing. The refund is sitting there like an evil spirit, warding off further income. I'm doomed........


As the size of the Alamy collection grows to humongous proportions, our small individual ports become increasingly irrelevant in the scale of things and therefore our comments here  of limited statistical usefulness.

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Had my first last month and a few this month, not impressed, since I sometimes zoom on others' pics to see them better without any intention to buy.

When you zoom someone's image, or your own, it doesn't record as a zoom. The only ones that count are from registered buyers. If our zooms counted, it would be a cheating way to skew the numbers.

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Had my first last month and a few this month, not impressed, since I sometimes zoom on others' pics to see them better without any intention to buy.

When you zoom someone's image, or your own, it doesn't record as a zoom. The only ones that count are from registered buyers. If our zooms counted, it would be a cheating way to skew the numbers.


Isn't it only a proportion of buyers whose activities 'count' (the big buyers)? At least I've read that often here, though I accept that not everything said on the forum is accurate.

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Had my first last month and a few this month, not impressed, since I sometimes zoom on others' pics to see them better without any intention to buy.

When you zoom someone's image, or your own, it doesn't record as a zoom. The only ones that count are from registered buyers. If our zooms counted, it would be a cheating way to skew the numbers.




Thanks! I did not know that.

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