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June Challenge - Perspective


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Hi everyone,


Wow! Thank you very much for all the votes for my 'Please Keep Off the Grass' photo - what an unexpected surprise, especially considering how few images I have in my portfolio!

Well done to everyone who took part, it was really interesting seeing how diversely you'd all interpreted it. There was some pretty stiff competition, I wasn't expecting to win at all!


The theme for this month's challenge is 'Perspective'. I'm sure you'll all have some creative photos up your sleeves, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Same rules as usual, no more than three photos per person please, and entries close at 12 midnight on 30th June.


Thanks again!



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My three




Wide angle shot of the Brandenburg Gate in my all-time fave city, fab Berlin.








Myself and  the the Leader of the Opposition had taken a short easy climb out of the Albert Premier hut near Chamonix for acclimatisation. The view onto the Aiguille de Chardonnet was excellent and I said to her "What I need now is a party to follow us to give a bit of perspective". And sure enough, five minutes later a party of three appeared to give the tiny but vital touch of human size to a huge landscape. 





Self and the Leader of the Opposition playing with the clarity of the air in Bolivia. 





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Tom - many congratulations on your win, loved the image!


Here's my first:




Pigeons and the cable car, The Boardwalk, Santa Cruz beach, California



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Some tough competition so far, but I'm trying to keep things in perspective. Here are my offerings.


Underside of the Granville Bridge, Vancouver, Canada





Pyramid Climbers, Teotihuacan, Mexico





Small man under a tall arch



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To be honest with you, I was going to skip this month's contest. When I first saw Lynne from Scotland's tunnel I thought 'she nailed it'. But then along came Kumar's trained pigeons and OMG! And now I see Lynn from Florida's Metro station and I don't have any that can compete with that. But I suppose as Michael Ventura's entry pointed out, perspective can mean other concepts. Like from my perspective this photo I took last Saturday should have scored a perfect 4 on Stockimo because I finally created a 'mood', but alas it only scored a 3. 



Natural Bridges State Park, Santa Cruz, California (STOCKIMO - iPhone5S)



From my perspective this photo should have scored a perfect 4, but it only got a 2.3. I guess it's not very creative or original hence a 2.3. 


View of Half Dome in Yosemite, California. (STOCKIMO-iPhone3G)



And for my third entry, 'from my perspective' this photo of Oprah should have sold, but it didn't.




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