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December 2023 Challenge - Young


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I'd like to see images with the theme of Young. Of course, my examples will be young animals but I'm hoping for young humans too and maybe young plants, insects or whatever else you have. You can be imaginative in your choices. Let's celebrate new life for the end of the year. Here are three of mine...



Fledgling Northern Cardinal



Baby Gray Langur



Grizzly Bear Cub


Three images, please. They must be for sale on Alamy. Make your submissions before midnight (in NYC) on December 31.








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Like you Paulette, my young are all of the animal and bird persuasion.


Labrador puppies looking over a barrier.




Mother Red Breasted Woodpecker feeding her daughter.




Canada Geese goslings skimming algae from the Ausable River.



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A Dusky Moorhen feeding grass seeds to a chick. The sun was not in the ideal position here, but it did illuminate the feathery down on the chick's throat.




I was photographing this adult King Skink when a baby decided to pop out from under a log as well. They are quite familial. These ones are not from my garden, but I have families of them in my backyard who are quite entertaining to watch in the warmer months.




A young male Southern Elephant Seal who had recently moulted. Although already quite large, he does not have the fully developed elephant snout that the more mature males have. When elephant seals moult they don't just get new fur, they grow completely new skin as well.



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A juvenile Red-footed Booby (Sula sula rubripes), Christmas Island, Australia




Snowy egret (Egretta thula), Amazon, Brazil




Twins! Long-tailed Macaques (Macaca fascicularis), Borneo




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Congrats again Paulette! Great new challenge subject.


A young calf by its mom




A young mom and with her little boy




A young girl looking into Santa's eyes.  Oh to be young and innocent again!



Edited by Michael Ventura
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Three from me.


Early, mid and final instar nymphs of the UK squashbug Coreus marginatus, Dock bug.  No manipulation involved, that's how I found them.



Human, Homo sapiens, youngsters enjoying donkey rides while adults supervise on the beach at Cleethorpes, UK




And, for the arachnophobes:




Adult female nursery web spider, Pisaura mirabilis, sitting on the web used for protection of her tiny spiderlings

Edited by John Richmond
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No match for all those lovely chicks and cubs and puppies and babies. But here goes.



Children flying kites.



Young girl playing getting lost in a hedge maze.



Learning to skate on an Amsterdam canal.



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Two young girls examine the automated s'mores machine built by the Somerville HS robotics team 6201 for the 2022 What the Fluff Festival.

[Fluff is marshmallow confectionary spread invented in somerville, massachusetts in the early 20th century]



Kids leading the Climate Strike protest march in new york, 2019



Kids playing in a sudsy bubble challenge pit prior to the running of the 2019 Kensington Kinetic Sculpture Derby, philadelphia


Edited by sooth
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Can't compete with entries entered earlier.


Mother swan with cygnets  (Keep up number Six) 




Young girl throwing beanbag at tin cans in Tin Can Alley Lincoln 1940's weekend.




Two young children in asleep in twin pushchair.






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