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Ed Rooney

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Relocated to the UK after 22 years away. Arrived and within days went down with Covid clearly from removing my mask to eat on a 12 hour flight. Horrible virus - take care


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33 minutes ago, ReeRay said:

Relocated to the UK after 22 years away. Arrived and within days went down with Covid clearly from removing my mask to eat on a 12 hour flight. Horrible virus - take care



Get well soon and good luck with your re-adaptation.

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57 minutes ago, ReeRay said:

Relocated to the UK after 22 years away. Arrived and within days went down with Covid clearly from removing my mask to eat on a 12 hour flight. Horrible virus - take care



Welcome home, ReeRay . . . but not welcome is that virus. Damn!

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1 hour ago, Bryan said:

It started a good thing, a bike ride along the Tyne valley in pleasant weather.


Then I dropped my Sony Rx100 V and it now fails to switch on. Taking it to the repair man today.


Still enjoyed the cycling mind, can't let these things get you down. 

I feel your pain. I dropped my RX100 mkVI a few weeks ago and that’s now at the repair shop. It landed on the pop up viewfinder. Initially it was ok but about a week later the EVF stopped working. Ive tried using it, without the viewfinder on a recent holiday, and struggled in the bright sunshine. I now have some nice shots of the Eiffel Tower with the top missing!

Annoyingly It had only just come back from the same repair shop after an old injury. I had a month wait on parts from Sony for that repair. I’d forgotten we had an insurance policy that covered accidental damage for phones, cameras etc. I was hoping to claim on that as the repair quote was over £300. Unfortunately the camera is not covered as I bought it second hand.

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Gen, I hope you are regaining your energy. I hear it takes awhile, much like having the flu.
I’ve also had the flu 3 times, but not for years. All horrible, ultimately causing chest complications, pneumonia twice. The last time, our neighborhood watch meeting was held in my house. The neighbor two houses down who had arranged a police officer to talk to us thought she was indispensable and still came to the meeting. She had the flu and exposed the whole neighborhood without telling us she had it. She pretty much guaranteed we’d get it by helping pass out refreshments while coughing and wiping her nose but mostly hiding it.

I found it difficult to be friendly with her after.

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2 hours ago, Betty LaRue said:

Gen, I hope you are regaining your energy. I hear it takes awhile, much like having the flu.
I’ve also had the flu 3 times, but not for years. All horrible, ultimately causing chest complications, pneumonia twice. The last time, our neighborhood watch meeting was held in my house. The neighbor two houses down who had arranged a police officer to talk to us thought she was indispensable and still came to the meeting. She had the flu and exposed the whole neighborhood without telling us she had it. She pretty much guaranteed we’d get it by helping pass out refreshments while coughing and wiping her nose but mostly hiding it.

I found it difficult to be friendly with her after.


Recovering my strength and making plans on where to roam this great land of Oz next. When I'm ready for a Happy Hour, I'll know I'm 100%. 

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The sweetcorn in the allotment has come to an end, so I dug it up, chopped up the stalks, and threw them onto the compost heap. 😒


However the cobs were possibly the best ever, sweet enough to eat without butter, indeed sweet and tender enough to eat raw. I grew 20 plants this year but am under pressure to grow more next year. I guess that we get maybe 1 large and 1 smaller but usable cob per plant, and that yield is divided between three families. 


Next in line will be the Uchiki Kuri squash plants grown over a vertical frame. They're ripening nicely, but not quite there yet.  Sometimes they rot before picking, I need to keep an eye on them.


Looking forwards, the brussels sprouts are doing well, I'm hopeful of sprouts for Xmas dinner.


Oh, and the autumn fruiting raspberries are starting to crop, had some with my muesli this morning.  

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I had vertigo in the middle of the night last night and this morning. I think it is related to arthritic changes in my neck and a bit on the fence about seeing my doctor about it. Mainly, I am realizing my cat sitting clients need to have a back-up in case I suddenly cannot take care of their cat. It is something I probably should have had all along but this incident has made it imperative. One client is leaving next week for London. When they are just upstate at a country home it isn't such an issue as they could always come back. So I shall contact my cat-sitter and see if she has time and wants to be my back-up. Getting old and not able to assume continual health and strength. Bummer.



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3 hours ago, NYCat said:

I had vertigo in the middle of the night last night and this morning. I think it is related to arthritic changes in my neck and a bit on the fence about seeing my doctor about it. Mainly, I am realizing my cat sitting clients need to have a back-up in case I suddenly cannot take care of their cat. It is something I probably should have had all along but this incident has made it imperative. One client is leaving next week for London. When they are just upstate at a country home it isn't such an issue as they could always come back. So I shall contact my cat-sitter and see if she has time and wants to be my back-up. Getting old and not able to assume continual health and strength. Bummer.



Paulette, I’ve had vertigo that was caused by inner ear problems, so I can empathize. I was able to fix mine through a simple procedure taught to me by my primary care physician, but a good physical therapist can also be very helpful when trying to alleviate the problem. Good luck! Experiencing vertigo can be very disconcerting and sometimes feels quite debilitating.

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3 minutes ago, Cecile Marion said:

Paulette, I’ve had vertigo that was caused by inner ear problems, so I can empathize. I was able to fix mine through a simple procedure taught to me by my primary care physician, but a good physical therapist can also be very helpful when trying to alleviate the problem. Good luck! Experiencing vertigo can be very disconcerting and sometimes feels quite debilitating.

Nothing like sitting at the table to eat and feeling like you’re falling off the chair, or bouncing off each of the hallway walls. It is tough.

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1 hour ago, Betty LaRue said:

Nothing like sitting at the table to eat and feeling like you’re falling off the chair, or bouncing off each of the hallway walls. It is tough.


Had it and it is a terrible thing.




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5 hours ago, NYCat said:

I had vertigo in the middle of the night last night and this morning. I think it is related to arthritic changes in my neck and a bit on the fence about seeing my doctor about it. Mainly, I am realizing my cat sitting clients need to have a back-up in case I suddenly cannot take care of their cat. It is something I probably should have had all along but this incident has made it imperative. One client is leaving next week for London. When they are just upstate at a country home it isn't such an issue as they could always come back. So I shall contact my cat-sitter and see if she has time and wants to be my back-up. Getting old and not able to assume continual health and strength. Bummer.



Paulette, sometimes vertigo is transient for a few weeks/months and goes away.  Mine lasted about a year, but only happened for about 10 minutes or less in episodes. 3-5 a day, then later a couple of times a week. Then they went away. I did see a doctor, but with all the tests, he couldn’t tell if it was heart episodes (I didn’t think so) or from my inner ear.
Over time, the “rocking & rolling” became milder, then disappeared. I actually felt like someone had put me in a jar, then shook it up & down, side to side. Once I had just walked into a custom cabinet shop. It hit as I walked through the door, and I staggered, kind of had to run forward to keep from falling on my face, then ended up draped over cabinets. Another time, I was driving and just started turning a corner. How I made the turn without wrecking I have to attribute to my Guardian Angel looking out for me. It would be severe for about a minute, then taper off for another few, although I would continue to feel weird for an hour or so.

The other more regular kind I get only very occasionally, like falling off a chair, I kind of attribute those to allergies and fluid in my inner ears. They don’t happen often. They do make me feel sick to my stomach.

Good idea to get a cat-sitting backup, though. Hopefully yours will be transient.

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4 minutes ago, Betty LaRue said:

Paulette, sometimes vertigo is transient for a few weeks/months and goes away.  Mine lasted about a year, but only happened for about 10 minutes or less in episodes. 3-5 a day, then later a couple of times a week. Then they went away. I did see a doctor, but with all the tests, he couldn’t tell if it was heart episodes (I didn’t think so) or from my inner ear.
Over time, the “rocking & rolling” became milder, then disappeared. I actually felt like someone had put me in a jar, then shook it up & down, side to side. Once I had just walked into a custom cabinet shop. It hit as I walked through the door, and I staggered, kind of had to run forward to keep from falling on my face, then ended up draped over cabinets. Another time, I was driving and just started turning a corner. How I made the turn without wrecking I have to attribute to my Guardian Angel looking out for me. It would be severe for about a minute, then taper off for another few, although I would continue to feel weird for an hour or so.

The other more regular kind I get only very occasionally, like falling off a chair, I kind of attribute those to allergies and fluid in my inner ears. They don’t happen often. They do make me feel sick to my stomach.

Good idea to get a cat-sitting backup, though. Hopefully yours will be transient.


Mine was with me 24 hours a day for about 5 days. Went away then came back much later to let me know it was still there if I did not be careful.




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On 24/08/2022 at 16:54, gvallee said:


Recovering my strength and making plans on where to roam this great land of Oz next. When I'm ready for a Happy Hour, I'll know I'm 100%. 

I have a bit of wine left…I may have a pleased hour.

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12 hours ago, NYCat said:

I had vertigo in the middle of the night last night and this morning. I think it is related to arthritic changes in my neck and a bit on the fence about seeing my doctor about it. Mainly, I am realizing my cat sitting clients need to have a back-up in case I suddenly cannot take care of their cat. It is something I probably should have had all along but this incident has made it imperative. One client is leaving next week for London. When they are just upstate at a country home it isn't such an issue as they could always come back. So I shall contact my cat-sitter and see if she has time and wants to be my back-up. Getting old and not able to assume continual health and strength. Bummer.



Have you checked if you maybe have a fever?

Weird spatial feelings with my eyes closed are an indication I have a fever. Combined with a headache during the day may also just mean there's something wrong with my glasses though.



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8 minutes ago, wiskerke said:

Have you checked if you maybe have a fever?

Weird spatial feelings with my eyes closed are an indication I have a fever. Combined with a headache during the day may also just mean there's something wrong with my glasses though.




Thank you (and to everyone) for your input. I'm pretty convinced that the osteoarthritis in my neck is the problem. After talking to a friend about her experiences I think my issue was pretty mild. So I have researched exercises that should help me. I am reaching out to my cat-sitter to see if she can be a backup for a booking I have next week. I'm not anywhere near as busy as I used to be with my cat-sitting but working while experiencing vertigo would be impossible. A couple of the backup people I used to have are no longer here.



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While the number of people requiring hospital treatment due to Covid is down, I've recently encountered three cases where friends have been hit hard by the disease. Two of the instances occured because someone had attended a social gathering despite feeling ill, and had passed on the lurgy to most of those present. Our friends were quite ill and  lost time from work having to take to their beds. The third case involved a neighbour who picked it up flying home from a holiday abroad, and he was twice admitted to hospital, with suspected pneumonia. On the second occasion they kept him in for a week. 


To date we've been lucky and not tested positive but I wonder how long our luck will last.

Edited by Bryan
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A friend of mine recently got it. She got it because someone came to work despite feeling ill. Had 4 days of feeling like the flu and 2 days of feeling like a cold. She was unvaccinated and taking Ivermectin as a preventative. Bring on the red arrows. I think a lot depends on how healthy you are. She is 68 and fairly active.



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10 minutes ago, NYCat said:

a lot depends on how healthy you are

Well, maybe. But an awful lot more depends on being vaccinated. And not taking an unapproved drug.


Talk about dodging a bullet!


10 minutes ago, NYCat said:

She is

So nearly "was". Wonder if she'll see the light, haha. I'm sure you've done your best.

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7 hours ago, NYCat said:

A friend of mine recently got it. She got it because someone came to work despite feeling ill. Had 4 days of feeling like the flu and 2 days of feeling like a cold. She was unvaccinated and taking Ivermectin as a preventative. Bring on the red arrows. I think a lot depends on how healthy you are. She is 68 and fairly active.



My unvaccinated son had it 18 months ago, the strain that was worse than what’s going around now. He was exposed at work. He took Ivermectin and chloroquine and came through with flying colors, only two days with fever, the second day barely there. I know of others who took those meds and did very well when they got the worst strain. Other than getting tested to confirm they had it, none had to see a doctor for worsening symptoms. They weren’t young, either, a few in their 70s/80s.
People who expose others when they are aware of their symptoms, be it flu or Covid, need their heads examined.

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Had a magazine portrait shoot this evening and made a big mistake that could have gone a lot worse.  I forgot my XQD card wallet, the cards I use with my Nikon D850.  I began to sweat bigtime as these doctors were standing by and ready to be photographed and go home.  I put my camera bag in my lap and went through every zippered compartment and finally found some SD cards that I had stashed, just in case I made such a rookie mistake.  Sure the SD can work but the camera writes the files to the card much more slowly and even has to stop shooting, after every 10 or so photos, to empty the buffer.  Really hated that and hopefully it taught me the lesson to triple check my bag to make sure I got everything packed!!!

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4 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

Had a magazine portrait shoot this evening and made a big mistake that could have gone a lot worse.  I forgot my XQD card wallet, the cards I use with my Nikon D850.  I began to sweat bigtime as these doctors were standing by and ready to be photographed and go home.  I put my camera bag in my lap and went through every zippered compartment and finally found some SD cards that I had stashed, just in case I made such a rookie mistake.  Sure the SD can work but the camera writes the files to the card much more slowly and even has to stop shooting, after every 10 or so photos, to empty the buffer.  Really hated that and hopefully it taught me the lesson to triple check my bag to make sure I got everything packed!!!


I usually check my bag the day beforehand and the morning of the day I'll be using it. Some time back I remember checking the laptop I often carry, an 11" MacBook Air, was charged before packing it. That Air doesn't have an SD card slot, so I normally carry a USB adapter. Before leaving home I had checked all was as expected in the bags internal pocket. I thought I saw the SD card USB adapter, but it was a similar looking USB memory stick. I only found out later when I was sitting in a cafe with a coffee ready to edit and upload. Had to quickly visit Park Cameras off Oxford street and buy another more expensive device to save the day. After that I bought additional SD card USB adapters to keep permanently in each bag I regularly used and at home. Checking extra charged camera batteries is also a must. Once lent a spare battery to another photographer I knew that also used similar Nikon's after he replaced a battery that turned out to be a flat one. There can never be too many 'final checks'.

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